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Logisys CS888UV

JC 05.11.2004 - 09:39 1242 0


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Review @ AnandTech
The CS888UV has some nice features such as the room for expansion. With eight 3-1/2" drive bays, it has the potential to be a mod-happy enthusiast's choice for a small file server. The blue glow may turn some enthusiasts off, but that is more of an issue of personal taste.

Our benchmark results showed that the CS888UV is a worthy opponent when it comes to cooling. With the four 80mm fans, it does a great job of circulating air in and out to help cool each component as well as keep the general ambient air temperature at a cool and stable operational level of 26.4 degrees. The temperatures of all the other components were also comparable to those results that we attained in metal cases; for example, after 30 minutes of use, the CPU temperature was 46.2 degrees.

The CS888UV really took a hit in terms of sound production. Though cooling was efficient in this chassis, the sound that these fans produced lowered the overall attractiveness. At a 66dBA level, this case produced more sound than even the loudest metal case that we reviewed, Aspire's X-Navigator at 62dBA.
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