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going...going...all gone

tnv 05.09.2005 - 23:00 4231 19


Big d00d
Registered: Apr 2004
Location: AUT/VIE
Posts: 251
Beauty LIES in the eye of the beholder... thx!
Bearbeitet von raptor-vie am 21.09.2005, 17:21


 Guru
Registered: Dec 2001
Location: Vienna
Posts: 2068
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder

It looks good. The first thing that jumped at me, looking at your case, was the fact that it's so neat. Damn but I never had the patiance for that. How long did it take to sort all the cables?

btw as Kibo asked where are you from?


Banned by Moderators
Registered: May 2005
Location: Ried
Posts: 28
yeah baby
it's rocking


My Fast thinks ...
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: AUT, Wiener Neud..
Posts: 1909
I like the "empty-style" very much!
But how do you got rid of all those cables?
Maybe with a flick of your Wand?:D
I´d like to do this mod in my Case, but i think i´ve havent got enough room in there...:(


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Registered: Jul 2001
Location: near Quasi
Posts: 2479
Zitat von Darius
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder

It looks good. The first thing that jumped at me, looking at your case, was the fact that it's so neat. Damn but I never had the patiance for that. How long did it take to sort all the cables?

btw as Kibo asked where are you from?

refer to his profile - across the big pond - but im also curious where exactly - america is big

I also like your case, but i'd like you to make some close up shots of the wiring, because its the main thing of your post isn't it and i can't see how you wired the wiring ;)
I have the same problem in my case and have no idea how to solve it, i could need some inspiration man!
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