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Antec stellt neue Gehäusereihe vor : Dark Fleet

Nico 28.06.2010 - 17:45 4844 21


former person of interest
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The Dark Fleet series is available in four models: one full-tower chassis, the DF-85, and three mid-tower enclosures, the DF-35, DF-30 and DF-10, and all are designed to support the most current high-end graphics cards, extensive drive arrays and multi-CPU motherboards. The Dark Fleet series also introduces two new Antec-exclusive innovations giving convenient access to high-speed data interchange: Fleet Release™ and Fleet-Swap™. Antec's Fleet-Release™ provides a front drive bay door system with variable-speed LED fans, fan controls and tool-free fan filters in a single modular package that "clicks" into place. This gives users rapid access to hard drives, easy maintenance and cleaning of washable fan filters, and improved maintenance and upgradeability to install additional fans or drives. The Antec Fleet-Swap™ SATA drive bay system is a set of hot-swappable SATA drive bays that can be relocated within the drive cage, providing users with high flexibility to customize HDD configurations as desired as well as smoothly integrated hot-swap access through Fleet-Release doors™. All Dark Fleet models feature advanced cooling systems that include top and rear 140 mm TwoCool™ fans and individual Fleet-Release™ 120 mm access doors for convenient access to drive bays, washable fan filters for quick and easy cleaning, a bottom-mounted power supply to isolate noise and front paneled USB 2.0 and AC'97/HDA compatible audio in/out. The DF-85 and DF-35 models each sport a top-mounted hot-swappable 2.5" SATA (SSD-compatible) drive bay, as well as four (DF-85) and two (DF-35) 3.5" Fleet-Swap™ SATA drive bays. The DF-85 also features lockable drive bay doors for security and is compatible with Antec-exclusive CP Series CPX form factor power supply for superior thermal performance and noise signature.
DF30 Flyer (pdf)
DF35 Flyer (pdf)
DF85 Flyer (pdf)

die Preise liegen momentan zwischen 100 und 165 Euro @ geizhals.at


Registered: Aug 2004
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Posts: 3195
[x] do not want


hatin' on summer
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 5826
na wäh... bevor i ma so a kastl ins zimmer stell pick i mein brettl mim uhupick an die wand


Gaming Addicted
Registered: Dec 2004
Location: Wien
Posts: 10650
OMG wie schirch sind denn die? Niemals kommt mir das untern Schreibtisch.


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Austria,Stmk.
Posts: 23260
die front ist wirklich mal hässlich. :D

master blue

Mr. Anderson
Registered: Oct 2000
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von den funktionen her garnicht dumm, aber das aussehen...


My Little Pwny
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Scotland
Posts: 13504
Bah, und wieder ein hässliches Gehäuse mehr am Markt.


Hoffnungsloser Optimist
Registered: Mar 2000
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OMG, sind die hässlich. :(


Registered: Sep 2002
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fugly :mad:


The Wizard of Owls
Registered: Jul 2000
Location: GR.ch|TI.ch
Posts: 11368
die gehäuse sind so richtig schirch, urgs.

der df35 flyer ist auch ein highlight und gutes bsp. wie produktfotos nicht sein sollten.
da glaubt man der war schon 1 jahr im einsatz und ist voll lurch und staub. :p


Registered: Sep 2009
Location: AT
Posts: 2945
Kann mich da nur anschließen... die Front ist extremst hässlich - kein Vergleich zum bspw. P182, welches einfach schlicht und trotzdem "edel" aussieht, imo.


knows about the birb
Registered: Jul 2005
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....und der preis für die hässlichste gehäusefront geht an.......


Registered: Apr 2001
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sieht aus als ob die designer vergessen hätten die front zu machen :D


OC Addicted
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Kapfenberg
Posts: 1353
Einfach nur schiach.... warum gibts kaum noch schöne Gehäuse? :(


OC Addicted
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: AT
Posts: 7813
Hm, mir gefällts! Keine Ahnung wieso, aber das Teil hat was! :D
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