"We are back" « oc.at


reynaldo.Ilagan 22.09.2000 - 09:16 970 2


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Sep 2000
Location: austria
Posts: 1
what is the difference between drivers and programs.


Here to stay
Registered: May 2000
Location: /home/noe/
Posts: 3518
Drivers are used to tell the operating system how to interact with a new component eg soundcard
Programms mostly interact with drivers because they can't work together with the components directly (there would be to much possibilities for different components, soth at every comnponent comes with it's own drivers).
Where do you come from?

mfg JB http://smilecwm.tripod.com/net4/0000007.gif


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Sep 2000
Posts: 1
Bitte auf Deutsch!!!!!!!!!
Ich bin nähmlich so ein Bimbo das ich nicht Englisch kann, darum bin ich auch hocken geblieben!!!
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