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OS X - Safari - AppleSafari puts the emphasis on browsing not the browser. Innovative features make your experience on the web better than it ever was. Link: The best browser for your Mac is the one that comes with your Mac. Safari is faster and more energy efficient than other browsers, so sites are more responsive and your notebook battery lasts longer between charges. Built-in privacy features help keep your browsing your business. Handy tools help you save, find, and share your favorites. And Safari works with iCloud to let you browse seamlessly across all your devices. Safari (web browser) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaLink: Der Thread für alle Safari-Issues  aktuell vom iPhone Thread: Safari verweigert aktuell den Dienst auf Mac und iPhone: Die Probleme, die Lösung! [Eilmeldung]Apples Browser Safari bereitet in diesen Minuten den Anwendern Probleme. Suchanfragen über die Adresszeile und die automatische Vervollständigung.. Link: