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Corsair VX550W vs. Corsair HX520W

JC 05.12.2007 3486 2
Review @ [H]ard|OCP | Geizhals
In choosing between either the Corsair VX550W or the Corsair HX520W a user will not go wrong no matter which unit they settle on as the overall performance of both units is excellent. For users looking for the absolute best performance the choice is clear, the VX550W. At $99.99 the VX550W features the better voltage regulation, higher peak efficiency, excellent DC output quality, and is the better value. For users looking for the most premium experience the choice is clear, the HX520W. At $124.99 the HX520W features the quieter sound profile, modular cables, excellent DC output quality, and is priced in line with its premium feature set. At the end of the day raw performance is the first and most important feature of any power supply so the less expensive VX550W with its better voltage regulation asserts itself as the better performing unit but only by a hair and does not the full feature list of the HX520W.
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