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WinXP Prof. DSP/OEM/SB - ???/Original Equipment Manufacturer/SelbstBedienung?

cduke 10.11.2003 - 11:33 427 6


Big d00d
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: 1230 Wien
Posts: 253

ich will mir WinXP Professional zulegen und finde im Geizhals: Microsoft: Windows XP Professional Edition DSP/OEM/SB. Was ist bitte DSP und SB?


greetz cduke


Dr. Doom
Registered: Oct 2002
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sb = systembuilder imho das selbe wie oem.


Big d00d
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: 1230 Wien
Posts: 253
ah... Schade - SelbstBedienung fand ich auch irgendwie gut...




Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Planet Earth
Posts: 915
steht eh auch für selbstbedienung... ;)

wennst mal support brauchst....
darfst dich selbst bedienen...
auf oem-ware gibts seitens MS keinen support


Big d00d
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: 1230 Wien
Posts: 253
Na bitte - hatte ich doch irgendwie recht... :)

Was DSP heißt, weiß keiner?


Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Planet Earth
Posts: 915
DSP means “Delivery Service Partner”. OEM means “Original Equipment Manufacturer” and normally would have the hardware manufacturer’s name stamped on it. DSP software is similar to OEM software however there is NO manufacturer’s name stamped on the manual or printed on the license. DSP software is more generic and OEM software is sold directly to the computer manufacturer. Thus the distribution channel is different for DSP. DSP software is distributed for smaller system integrators and system builder hobbyists for “clone” or no-name computers. Like OEM versions, DSP versions often come with only an electronic help manual, which is built-in to the software or a small getting-started manual. The software itself contains the same programs as the Retail Box version, except the Retail Box version normally comes with a small printed manual. Both OEM and DSP Microsoft software include a COA, which is a Certificate Of Authenticity label or sticker from the manufacturer.


Big d00d
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: 1230 Wien
Posts: 253
Danke Painter - hatte schon eine Weile gesucht, und war mir nicht sicher, ob WinXP Professional DSP wirklich alle Teile der Retail Version enthält. Hätt ja auch "Die Spiel-Version" heißen können... ;)


big thx cduke
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