Windows Server 2003 ... --> NFR oder nicht ?
Whistler 12.09.2005 - 00:00 596 2
Alias Revo./Tscheckoff
Hi @ all. Ich hab ein kleines Problem mit der identifizierung von ein paar Windows Retail-Paketen: Also es sind 2 Stk. Darauf steht folgendes: ![click to enlarge](/attachment.php?attachmentid=84919&thumb=150) Also heißt das "NA NFR" nun "Not A Not For Resale" - Version ? Oder ists nun doch ne NFR Version ? mfg
Bearbeitet von Whistler am 12.09.2005, 01:14
OC Addicted
laut google: ... > This is a 25 client kit. I can't see MS making educational/restricted > version with a 25 seat license. If they wanted to hobble it they just > make it a a 5 client kit. > > Here's the identifying info: > > The sticker says "WIN SRV ENT 2003 ENG NA NFR CD 25 C" > > NFR is obviously Not For Resale. > > I'd like to know what NA means > North America (English Language) > There is a sticker on the box that says "Promotional Sample Not For > Resale" > Ok - so it is a perfectly normal 25 CAL copy of Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition on CD that may not be resold as it is for giving away as a promotional item and hence is it clearly marked NRF - Not For Resale. aja link:
Alias Revo./Tscheckoff
Oh. Ok. Thx für die Info ![;)](/images/smilies/wink.gif) mfg