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Win2000 icons in taskbar farbe komisch

MrBug 09.11.2004 - 12:19 459 6


kleiner Krabbler
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Ar*** der Welt
Posts: 831
Die aktiven Symbole in der taskbar rechts unten sind von der farbe her komisch. Schaut ungefähr so aus, wie wenn ich am desktop die höchste farbanzahl für die desktop icons ausschalte.

Wie kann ich dass ändern?


kleiner Krabbler
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Ar*** der Welt
Posts: 831
weis keiner rat?


My Little Pwny
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Scotland
Posts: 13504
I glaub die sind unter Win2k generell auf 16 bit beschränkt?


Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Graz
Posts: 709
könntest einen screenshot machen?
Greetz Grisu


kleiner Krabbler
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Ar*** der Welt
Posts: 831
hmm,kann man da vielleicht in der reg ein wenig herumpfuschen. werd nen screeny machen wenn ich zu hause bin.


kleiner Krabbler
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Ar*** der Welt
Posts: 831
hmm hab was gefunden, dürfte sich aber nur um den desktop handeln. Werds mal bei mir probieren:
There's a simple Registry tweak to do set the icon BPP (Bits per pixel) to 16 (if you ain't got 98/2k or the plus package), 24 or 32. Set to 24 immediately with this registry file, if you please.
First, check what you graphics card & monitor are capable off by rightclicking on the desktop, choosing 'properties', settings-tab and check under colors what's the highest depth of colors, that's 16-, 24- or 32-bit colors.
Then open (x:\windows\) regedit.exe, or (x:\winnt\) regedit.exe.
Find the key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics".
Select it, on the right there must be a string value called "Shell Icon BPP".
If it's not there, create it.
Rightclick on it, choose modify.
Enter your color depth, i.e. 16, 24 or 32.
Note #1: later on, beware, 'cause this option is available in more apps all the time, before you push 'apply' in any icon utility. You might set it back to 16; people tend to check this option in their application by default... (please, I can do the thinking myself...).

Note #2: 32-bit icons are a XP-only feature in Windows... so 24 will do, mostly.

Note #3: while the value is there in XP, it doesn't do anything - icons are displayed 32-bits whatever it's set to.


kleiner Krabbler
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: Ar*** der Welt
Posts: 831
Ok, es schaut doch komplizierter aus, siehe hier: http://www.dr-hoiby.com/TrayIconIn256Color/index.php
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