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What must I do to get a running configure for MinGW too ?

itags.org 26.07.2009 - 15:13 778 1


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Jul 2009
Location: peking
Posts: 1
this group is about unix, I know, but I want ask regarding a problem I have under MinGW with a M4 macro.
The macro uses AC_CHECK_LIB to test the availability of a library. All works fine. Now I test it under MinGW and it did not work, because e.g. libraries have the extension "lib" (and not .a). So the linker does not recognize the library. When I rename the library from libcool.lib to libcool.a all is fine again.
What must I do to get a running configure for MinGW too ?


Registered: Nov 2000
Location: Off the grid.
Posts: 6845
The easiest way to get a working MinGW is installing QTCreator from Trolltech/Nokia, there should be a LGPL license version available
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