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shortcut für fenster minimieren..

thachriz 09.04.2004 - 10:19 686 10


in between
Registered: Apr 2001
Location: stammersdorf cit..
Posts: 1851
bräuchte den shortcut im win fürs fenster minimieren, also welche tastenkombi das ist. danke! ich find nix in der hilfe...


leider kein name
Registered: Feb 2004
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Posts: 15864
"windowstaste + D" wie desktop


in between
Registered: Apr 2001
Location: stammersdorf cit..
Posts: 1851
ja ich bräucht aber nur das aktive fenster minimiert...nicht gleich alles. gibts da nicht irgendsowas wie alt+...??


Registered: Nov 2002
Location: 4C4
Posts: 19788
[Win] + [M] funzt auch, unterschied seh ich keinen, bei beiden minimieren sich alle fenster


Here to stay
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 5611
hm, würds super finden wenns überhaupt an thread gibt wo alle win shortcuts drinnen stehen :)

die was ich kenn
"windows + e" - explorer
"windows +r" - ausführen
"windows +f" suchen
"windows +l" computer speeren

wer weiß mehr? :)


Dr. Funkenstein
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: St. Speidl / Gle..
Posts: 19769
windows + pause Gerätemanager

@topic: normal stehts ja schön dabei => in diesem Fall leider nicht :(


leider kein name
Registered: Feb 2004
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Posts: 15864
strg, shift + esc = task manager
alt + tab = weiß hoffentlich jeder
shift + tab = genau umgekehrt
strg + tab = z.b. zwischen karteikarten wechseln
strg, shift + tab = genau umgekehrt

mehr fallen mir im moment auch nicht ein


in between
Registered: Apr 2001
Location: stammersdorf cit..
Posts: 1851
aba das hilft mir ja alles nix :( gibts da überhaupt nen shortcut??


Dr. Funkenstein
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: St. Speidl / Gle..
Posts: 19769
Hmm, ein kleiner Umweg, aber ALT-SPACEBAR und dann den unterstrichenen Buchstaben (bei deutschem Win "n")


in between
Registered: Apr 2001
Location: stammersdorf cit..
Posts: 1851
damit is mir schon sehr geholfn ;)


leider kein name
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: -
Posts: 15864
ich wusste schon immer das es google draufhaut
2. suchergebnis:

mit windows taste:

M - Minimizes all windows

SHIFT - M - Undo minimize all windows

E - Opens Windows Explorer

D - Switches between minimizing all open programs and showing them all.

F - Opens the Find Window

R - Opens the Run Window

BREAK / PAUSE- Opens System Properties

TAB - Cycles through items on the task bar

Or just press the Windows key to open the Start menu.

General Shortcuts

ALT- F4 - Quit a program / Shut down

ALT-TAB - Hold down the ALT key and hit tab to cycle through open windows.

CTL-ESCAPE - Display the Start menu

SHIFT - TAB - tab backwards through a form

CTRL - X - Cut

CTRL - C - Copy

CTRL - V - Paste

F1 - Help menu

CTRL - Z - Undo

SHIFT & Restart - To restart just windows and not your whole computer, hold down the shift key when you click the OK button on the shutdown screen. Saves lots of time.

CRTL-TAB - Navigate tabs on a tabbed screen

File & Desktop Shortcuts

Hold SHIFT while inserting a CD - Prevents the CD from "autorunning"

If an item is selected:

CTRL while dragging a file - Copies the file

CTRL - SHIFT while dragging a file - Creates a shortcut to the file

SHIFT - DELETE - Deletes an item without sending it to the recycle bin.

ALT-ENTER - Display a file's properties.

F2 - To rename the file

In Windows Explorer:

LEFT ARROW - Collapse the current selection if it is expanded

NUM LOCK-MINUS SIGN (-) - Collapse the selected folder

RIGHT ARROW - Expand the current selection if it is collapsed -Or- Select the first subfolder

NUM LOCK- * Expand all folders below the current selection

NUM LOCK- PLUS SIGN (+) - Expand the selected folder

F6 - Switch between left and right panes

In My Computer:

BACKSPACE - View the folder one level up

ALT- RIGHT ARROW - Move forward to a previous view

ALT- LEFT ARROW -Move backward to a previous view
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