Benutzerrechte unter XP
mexicanline 04.11.2003 - 22:25 383 1
Bloody Newbie
Jaja ich geb zu ich hab des auf meinem rechner laufen. Weiß irgendwer wie man unter XP benutzerrechte vergeben kann? also nicht gast und admin sondern, dass ein nicht adminkonto auch programme und der gleichen installieren kann, ohne das das gast konto zu einem adminkonto umgewandelt werden kann. i hab a was im support gfunden aber download war keiner dabei User Accounts and Security Groups Creating and deleting user accounts and defining and using security groups are important security tasks. Defining the security restrictions or permissions that might apply to different groups of users and resources in your network will help to simplify the implementation and management of the permissions and restrictions in your organization. For example, you can create a Printer Operators group and give it precisely delineated administrative control over a finite group of printers.
In order for you to effectively manage security groups in your organization, you need to be familiar with the relationship between accounts, security groups, and built-in security principals. It is also important for you to become familiar with the techniques and tools available for managing group membership.
formerly known as der~erl
administrative tools/local security policy verwaltung/lokale sicherheitseinstellungen sollt das sein was du suchst... zu finden in systemverwaltung glaub ich halt