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World Events & Politics

Moderated by: WONDERMIKE, böhmi, hynk
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Uber stellt Dienst in Wien vorübergehend ein
Smut 22 4693 Thread rating 27.04.2018 13:00
by Smut Go to last post
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Die Mindestsicherung kommt ab 1.9.2010
flying_teapot 16 4698 Thread rating 06.02.2011 13:25
by GammA Go to last post
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Poll: Volksbegehren „Atomfreies Europa"
Garret 92 4710 Thread rating 24.06.2003 10:16
by semteX Go to last post
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Wien hat gewählt!
iCA- 84 4710 Thread rating 24.10.2005 23:36
by Darkgoat Go to last post
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Die Steirer zahlen ab heute die Rettung selbst
flying_teapot 58 4722 Thread rating 03.07.2013 13:26
by EvilGohan Go to last post
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Tritt Spindelegger ab?
Hansmaulwurf 49 4723 Thread rating 27.08.2014 00:07
by smashIt Go to last post
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Explosion in Budapest
Hornet331 28 4735 Thread rating 27.09.2016 00:21
by Creeps Go to last post
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Der Pontifex ist tot !
Dreamforcer 70 4738 Thread rating 08.04.2005 11:38
by cfx.garfield Go to last post
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Staatenbund Österreich
WONDERMIKE 17 4755 Thread rating 04.12.2019 11:04
by wergor Go to last post
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Donaubrücke Mauthausen
Jedimaster 13 4761 Thread rating 23.09.2024 15:31
by Jedimaster Go to last post
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Notwasserung in New York
Cobase 48 4762 Thread rating 06.02.2009 16:54
by Crash Override Go to last post
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Poll: Flugreisen, bezahlt ihr die Co2 Kompensation ?
Dreamforcer 21 4776 Thread rating 09.07.2019 16:38
by Jansi91 Go to last post
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Royals und Politik
sk/\r 20 4786 Thread rating 10.09.2022 23:23
by WONDERMIKE Go to last post
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wahl 04 - erste hochrechnungen ~17.00 Uhr ORF2
SockE 122 4793 Thread rating 04.05.2004 19:25
by Viper780 Go to last post
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Josef Broukal :bash:
CROWLER 107 4801 Thread rating 05.07.2004 00:56
by t3mp Go to last post
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Siemens präsentiert: Ich weiß was du in deinem Leben gemacht hast
AoD 67 4804 Thread rating 07.04.2008 20:06
by HaBa Go to last post
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WONDERMIKE 23 4806 Thread rating 20.03.2022 20:40
by siT Go to last post
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Martin Graf Abstimmung
Hansmaulwurf 96 4818 Thread rating 29.10.2008 13:00
by HaBa Go to last post
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Islamisten drohen Deutschland und Österreich
dolby 92 4842 Thread rating 19.09.2007 12:57
by GrandAdmiralThrawn Go to last post
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Poll: Obama-Manie: Wen wollts ihr? [Poll]
kNbbL 69 4852 Thread rating 04.08.2011 11:53
by Nico Go to last post
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Bahnbrechender Durchbruch des E-Votings in Österreich
alex5612 69 4858 Thread rating 28.11.2009 13:28
by d3cod3 Go to last post
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RIP: HR Giger
Spikx 21 4858 Thread rating 24.03.2015 11:06
by Franky Creeps Go to last post
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Haben Polizisten ihre Dienstwaffen etwa nicht unter Kontrolle?
aLiEn 78 4862 Thread rating 20.07.2008 01:24
by Hornet331 Go to last post
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Schei.ss Neger
Ece 128 4865 Thread rating 12.08.2003 09:23
by Dimitri Go to last post
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Bomben Explosion in Manchester
Hornet331 22 4892 Thread rating 25.05.2017 21:22
by wergor Go to last post
Showing threads 1376 to 1400 of 1987, sorted by in order, from
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