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Seagate Barracuda 750GB Review

TOM 27.11.2006 - 16:11 1035 3


Oldschool OC.at'ler
Registered: Nov 2000
Location: Vienna
Posts: 7434
"...The Seagate Barracuda ES 750GB hard dive is a sure winner. Back in May, we took a look at the standard version of this same hard drive and the end results left us very satisfied. The drive had more than enough storage for most anybody outside of the server arena and for a drive of that size, the price was right. The ES flavor of that same hard drive offers the same performance but comes with the state of mind that the drive isn’t going to up a fail on you. No product is perfect but as fickle and needy as the IT world is, nothing can be left to chance and it appears that Seagate recognizes this and the ES line of hard drives is the proof. With a 1 million hours of MTBF (mean time between failure) and a industry leading 5 year warranty, an ES hard drive will not let you down.

All of this added life does come at a cost though, a regular Barracuda 750GB hard drive can be found online for approximately $380 (US) and an ES drive premium tacks on another 70 dollars at $450 (US). For users like you an I, I would recommend the standard drive but for those of you who cannot continue on without the added security that a ES drive offers, the ES Barracuda is for you. Personally having a background in IT, I can appreciate the numbers that the ES put up and with a drive life like it has, all that precious data isn’t going to be going anywhere..."
Bearbeitet von TOM am 27.11.2006, 21:45


OC Addicted
Registered: Sep 2003
Location: Near Graz
Posts: 846
ES ... Enhanced Security?

Wäre genau das, was ich suche ...

cApn krunsH

Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Austria, Vienna
Posts: 615
wow, 750 gb is ja riesig.

was bringt "ES"?


The Wizard of Owls
Registered: Jul 2000
Location: GR.ch|TI.ch
Posts: 11412
Ist ähnlich den Raid Edition Modellen von WD.
Weiteres Review gibts hier: http://www.techreport.com/reviews/2...es/index.x?pg=1
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