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PC3200 CL2 schon in Sichtweite?

JoePesci 29.07.2002 - 20:20 402 8


Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Germany
Posts: 359
Vielleicht weiss ja einer mehr, gibts die schon irgendwo von irgendeinem Hersteller?

Wären nämlich für den SiS648 interessant... aber ich schätze wenn Corsair noch nix hat, dann hat eh keiner was.


Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Germany
Posts: 359
Uhh... gibts doch, auf der Corsair Homepage:

Part Number: CMX512-3200C2
Speed: 400 MHz
Size: 512 MB
CAS-Latency: 2-3-3-6-T1


So say we all
Registered: Jul 2000
Location: Wien
Posts: 7676
2-3-3 is aber eher lame..


Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Germany
Posts: 359

Der hochgelobte alles vernichtende XMS3000 hat GENAU die gleiche CAS-Latency... alle CL2 von Corsair sind so. Punkt!


So say we all
Registered: Jul 2000
Location: Wien
Posts: 7676
Zitat von JoePesci

Der hochgelobte alles vernichtende XMS3000 hat GENAU die gleiche CAS-Latency... alle CL2 von Corsair sind so. Punkt!

hochgelobte und alles vernichtende mhm

wenn man bedenkt das in 99% der fälle von san samsung riegel geowned wird, der benahe die hälfte kostet... naja jedem des seine.. sorry ;)


Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Germany
Posts: 359
Corsair verwendet Samsung Chips, nur kann man sich bei Corsair sicher sein dass man einen guten Samsungchip erwischt, und nicht irgendeinen aus einer schlechteren Serie wie das bei Samsung der Fall sein kann.

99% der Fälle? Halte ich für ein Gerücht, kann schon gar nicht sein weil Corsair wie gesagt auch Samsung Chips drauf hat.


So say we all
Registered: Jul 2000
Location: Wien
Posts: 7676
naja was ma bei diversen ram 'tests' liest.

vielleicht bini auch a bisal zu negativ corsair gegen übereingestellt.. nachdem ich bis jez nur an xms2400 cl2 ghabt hab.. und der riegel ned über 158 stabil wollt egal wieviel vmem und welche timings :mad:


Registered: Jun 2002
Location: Germany
Posts: 359
Naja... iss ja immerhin ein xms2570 *gg*


Registered: Dec 2001
Location: Wien/Bgld.
Posts: 1709
Zitat von Xan
2-3-3 is aber eher lame..

...das heisst aber noch lange nicht, dass Sie trotzdem gut gehen - auch mit 2-2-2! Die wollen sich halt nur auf der sicheren Seite bewegen! Meine Corsair XMS2400 waren/sind sehr gut: die versprochenen Werte gingen auch mit CL2 - obwohl CL2,5 versprochen war!

Apropo Corsair (und das wo ich heute meinen 3000C2 bekam ;) :rolleyes: ):

Fremont, CA, July 31, 2002: Corsair Memory, Inc., an industry leader in ultra-performance DDR DRAM modules for gaming and overclocking applications, has announced that it is now offering two new eXtreme Memory Speed ("XMS") modules tailored specifically for ultra-performance computing enthusiasts. The first part, Corsair part number CMX512-3200C2, is a 512 MByte module guaranteed to operate at 400 MHz with a Column Access Strobe ("CAS") latency of just two cycles. The second part, part number CMX256A-3200C2, is a 256 MByte DDR DIMM with the same performance specifications.

"Our users constantly tell us that CAS latency is extremely important to overall system performance," stated John Beekley, Corsair's Vice President of Marketing and Applications. "We have confirmed in our lab that aggressive CAS latency and command rate settings provide a greater performance boost with greater performance stability than the same system configured with higher memory bus speed and more relaxed latency settings."

Each XMS3200 module is tested in a test fixture based on a currently popular motherboard based on a performance chip set such as Via's KT333 Athlon, Intel's i845E, or SiS' 645 Pentium IV platform. The testing rig is set to exhaustively exercise the memory at the following settings:

Memory bus speed: 2x200 MHz
CAS latency: 2.0 clock cycles
RAS precharge: 3 cycles
RAS-to-CAS delay: 3 cycles
RAS active to precharge: 6 cycles
Command rate: 1T (1 cycle)
Population: 1 module/system

The CMX256A-3200C2 is built using the same 32Mx8 DDR SDRAM components as the CMX512-3200C2. The RAMs have been carefully screened to meet these demanding performance requirements. The modules have been extensively qualified in motherboards based on chip sets from Via Technologies, Intel Corporation, and Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS) that are capable of supporting the required high-speed memory bus. The modules are shipped with a pre-installed aluminum heat spreader. Details on Corsair's XMS qualification and testing can be found on Corsair's web site, at http://www.corsairmemory.com/main/ttrg-xms.html.

Both modules are available immediately.

Further information and specifications on this product and other XMS products can be found at Corsair's web site (http://www.corsairmemory.com/xms/). These modules can be purchased through Corsair's authorized sales channels listed at http://www.corsairmemory.com/main/howtobuy.htm

About Corsair Memory
Corsair Memory, a member of JEDEC, has been a leader in the design and manufacture of high speed modules since 1994. We have earned our reputation as being the first to market with leading-edge products supporting new computing platforms and technologies. Corsair supplies memory for applications ranging from mission-critical servers to ultra-high performance gaming systems. The performance and reliability of Corsair memory products makes them ideal for the high bandwidth internet infrastructure.

More information on Corsair is available at http://www.corsairmemory.com.
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