OCZ Flex XLC Water-Cooled CAS-3 DDR2-800
JC 08.03.2007 - 11:04 2258 6
Review @ Hot Hardware With one final push, we cranked the voltage level up to 2.3V and got even further. At this level, we were able to clock our modules up to DDR2-1155 speeds at CAS 5-5-5-15 latencies. Perhaps even more impressive is that we were able to run these modules also at DDR2-1066 speeds at CAS 4-4-4-12 latencies when at this voltage level. Our screenshot shows 4-4-4-15, but we were able to push this further down to -12 in our next set of benchmarks.
While water cooling did improve our module temperatures by quite a lot, it did not help the overclockability much. We were not able to achieve higher overclocks or lower latencies with water cooling over traditional air cooling. However, when running at these ultra high levels, we would feel much comfortable for long term operation with a water cooling system opposed to air due to the much lower temperatures all around.
[..]While our initial reaction was to question the concept of water cooled memory modules, the final shipping product is actually quite impressive. We're quite impressed in the way that the modules don't HAVE to be water-cooled in order to get great overclocks - the air cooling system is highly effective in its own right. However, if you add water cooling to the mix, you'll drastically lower your module temperatures and simply have a safer and potentially more stable computing environment when overclocked.
We also like that OCZ is offering these modules both at high-end clock speeds and for those who appreciate low latencies without overclocking. However, even these lower-clocked 800MHz modules were able to heavily overclock, as shown by our tests, far further than we were expecting them to. These modules give you a lot of flexibility in if you want to run at ultra low latencies or ultra high clock speeds.
Nette Sache, nur was werden die wohl kosten?
244€ in Deutschland was ich gar nicht mal so teuer finde.
Do you Voodoo
Schaun nice aus! Wers braucht ist damit sicher gut beraten!
wer brauchts??? gibts schon 1111 mhz RAM usw.. die brauchen auch keine wakü.. hab damals Corsair übertaktet (800mhz auf 900mhz) und muss sagen die waren grad mal handwarm .. imho find ich das ganze unnötig aber wer geld hat... wieso nicht
1k senseless posts
höher gehen die RAMs auch mit WAK nicht, steht eh im review. Dann isses wohl eher sinnlos
Also ich hab die Flex 9200, mal sehen, was für Tests rauskommen. Dauert noch eine Weile  MFG