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Nu Tech DDW-081

JC 23.10.2003 - 11:03 690 1


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Review @ AnandTech
Our main concerns stem from the lack of 8X DVD+R media. While our current champion, the Plextor 708A, had no problems burning several brands of 4X media at 8X, the DDW-081 will only burn 8X certified media at 8X. The lack of bitsetting capabilities for the drive seemed disappointing also. Granted, our Plextor 708A does not support bitsetting either, but it does support DVD-R burn capabilities.

However, considering the extremely low cost of the unit, around $140, we have to give Nu Tech a lot of credit. If burning DVD-R's is not a problem, you save $100 over the Plextor 708A. Let us not forget also that Sony recently announced that their newest drive will not be supporting 8X DVD-R writes, and will debut at $270 (although the Pioneer 107 should support Z-CLV 8X). Could it be that DVD+R is pulling ahead in the “format wars”? Although it lacks the performance of the Plextor 708A, Nu Tech clearly wins the price grab.


OC Addicted
Registered: Aug 2001
Location: Bgld.
Posts: 685
sehr interessant!
8x brenner um den preis, da können die anderen wirklich momentan net mithalten.
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