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Notebook Festplatten-Roundup

TOM 29.11.2005 - 23:15 1175 1


Oldschool OC.at'ler
Registered: Nov 2000
Location: Vienna
Posts: 7429
Auf Storagereview wurden 7 aktuelle Notebook-Festplatten verglichen:
  • 60-100 GB
  • 5400-7200 RPM
  • 10-12.5 ms Zugriffszeit
  • 101-294 $
"Those in the market for an upgraded notebook hard drive seek more capacity and/or speed. At a rather steep price ($230 at the time of this writing), Hitachi's Travelstar 7K100 offers gobs of both.

Of course, some notable omissions permeate this review. The largest remains an entry from market-giant Toshiba. Further, some of the firms featured in this roundup have begun shipment of 120 GB products that offer more space and (probably) more speed. Finally, like the desktop world, the notebook sector is transitioning from the older PATA to newer SATA interface. In the coming months, we'll bring readers the latest on all three fronts!"
Bearbeitet von TOM am 29.11.2005, 23:21


banned by FireGuy
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 16480
thx for link.

also doch ein bisschen ein eindeutigerer sieg für die 7k100, vor allem beim preis!
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