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Dual Channel Memory Roundup - Part 2

JC 10.10.2003 - 10:17 753 0


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Review @ TweakTown
We had a chance to test a lot of memory over the past month and did we not only find some of the fastest memory on the market but some of the best value memory on the market. It was also interesting to see how the jump from 400 to 433, 433 to 466, and 466 and beyond works. While the Corsair seemed to take the lead at DDR500 speeds as soon as we started overclocking the OCZ memory, it really pulled away and for good reason it received our newest award, the TweakTown Performance Award.

433 and 466 didn’t seem to have a huge affect on performance but as soon as we started hitting DDR500 speeds the performance jump was quite noticeable. Some people are going to be able to justify the cost of DDR500 (PC4000) while others will simply find it a rip off and unnecessary.

The decision on buying memory hasn’t become any easier but we personally feel if you’re in the Intel arena you should narrow the choices down a bit. If you’re going to overclock go all out and look at buying PC3700 or PC4000. PC3500 doesn’t seem to bring a significant jump for it to be considered warranted and if you’re lucky you will find yourself reaching DDR500 speeds with some good quality PC3700 modules, such as the Corsair modules we tested here.
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