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Crucial to End Ballistix RAM Production and Sales

creative2k 17.02.2022 - 11:57 2521 1


eigentlich mag ich nimmer
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: Vienna
Posts: 8491
Out of nowhere, Micron has announced that it will end production of its Ballistix RAM products that are the high-performance and gamer focused RAM products from its Crucial brand. The details available so far doesn't state a reason for the discontinuation of these products. That said, Crucial has launched a wide range of DDR5 products, but so far none under the Ballistix brand and that is obviously a permanent move now. The company said it would focus on "the development of Micron's DDR5 client and server product roadmap, along with the expansion of the Crucial memory and storage product portfolio."


Schade, gerade die Ballistix waren immer interessante und P/L technisch gute Produkte.


Er ist tot, Jim!
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Wien
Posts: 50425
Find ich auch schade - hab einige DDR3 und DDR4 Ballistix und war immer super zufrieden mit dem P/L

Hoffentlich is nur eine Marketing Änderung und sie bleiben der Linie treu
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