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Corsair Dominator DDR2-1111

JC 02.01.2007 - 08:36 2114 1


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Review @ AnandTech
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As was mentioned in the recent review of OCZ Flex XLC, the best DDR2 memory in the market is able to run at DDR2-800 3-3-3 timings and DDR2-1066 at 4-4-3. Those performance levels still have not changed. However Corsair Dominator PC2-8888 has added a new benchmark for enthusiast memory of DDR2-1233 at 4-4-4-12 timings. It was exciting to be running DDR2-1067 at 4-4-3 timings and reaching DDR2-1100 at 4-4-4 was something once thought impossible for DDR2. Now with Dominator running DDR2-1233 at 4-4-4 timings memory performance has pushed the envelope even further.

[...]The question that remains is whether the speed gains also yield the performance increase that make the product worth what it costs. The unfortunate reality with Core 2 Duo and AMD is that neither platform is particularly bandwidth starved or bandwidth sensitive. This means the sometimes massive DDR2 speed increase we are seeing in innovative new designs like the Corsair Dominator often make only a small difference in bottom-line performance. Performance is better with the higher speeds as clearly demonstrated in out test results, but the real increases are very small.


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Registered: Jul 2001
Location: near Quasi
Posts: 2479
nett ..
.. wobei ich nach wie vorr die vielen werte bei den cl's ned check .. ich dachte immer rams haben entweder ne cl2 oder cl3 oder cl4, was heisst dann 3-3-3 oder 4-4-4-12 ?
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