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vorarlberger! ich rufe euch!

dagwood 09.12.2003 - 04:54 449 2 Thread rating


Little Overclocker
Registered: Sep 2000
Location: Bludenz, Vorarlb..
Posts: 104
schaut mal was ich bei gamespy gefunden hab:

Syberia II will be the second and final installment of Kate Walker's joint adventures with Hans Voralberg. After leaving behind all her worldly possessions with the sole purpose in joining the heir of the Voralberg family on his journey, Kate's role will undergo a remarkable change. From being the pursuant, she becomes Hans' main acolyte, his support to attain the elapsed terra firma of the mammoths. A few improvements will be noticeable to Syberia II's structure thus increasing the game immersion and to deepen the game experience. Some technical advancement to the graphic engine and added in-game animation will bring more life to each scene, as the game should boast a more dynamic global environment.

das spiel


Little Overclockerin
Registered: Dec 2001
Location: Wien
Posts: 427
wow...waaaaaaahnsinn! :rolleyes:


Registered: Sep 2002
Location: PCI port
Posts: 1645
Bist du schon draufgekommen, dass

Vorarlberg != Voralberg

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