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UT2007 erscheint nächstes Jahr

JC 10.05.2005 - 11:20 4068 57 Thread rating


Registered: Oct 2002
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Zitat von Mr.Tom
noch ein Link zum Video

Wer hat 2007 so nen PC, ders auf der Qualität zum flüssig laufen bringt?
Wird da ein Feuerlöscher zum Game mitgeliefert, falls nach den 1. 10 minuten der PC abfackelt? ^^

:D :D Am besten gleich einen Minifeuerwehrwagen. Das Video macht jedenfalls Lust auf mehr. Leider hört sich 2007 noch so weit weg an.


Registered: Jul 2002
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ultra-high-res-bilder unreal tournament 2007



Registered: Feb 2001
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GS: That was a great demo you had at the Sony press conference. Can you tell us what it's like developing on the PlayStation 3?

MR: It's a very normal development platform, something we can get our hands around. We already know Open GL; we've been doing Open GL since Unreal 1. We already know Nvidia graphics. PowerPC? Well, we've won Macintosh game of the year going back I don't know how many years.

We had the dev kit for probably just under two months, and look what we were able to produce. We were able to get Unreal Engine 3 up and running very quickly on it, and we were able to get a great demo going. Part of the reason why we were able to get the demo running isn't just our familiarity with the PlayStation 3 development environment, but also the fact that all of the content in Unreal Engine 3 is 100 percent compatible between the PC and the PlayStation 3. When we run an Nvidia-based Open GL shader on PC, and we go to run the same thing on PlayStation 3, we know it's going to be exactly the same, look exactly the same. There's no surprises, and that's great. It's a fantastic environment for people using our technology.

GS: How has it been programming for the Cell processor? Have you tapped into the extra processing cores yet?

MR: We haven't really delved into the Cell all that deeply yet. All we've done is mostly take advantage of just the normal PowerPC core and the RSX graphics, so we really look forward to getting home and tackling all kinds of cool stuff on the Cell. Ultimately, Cell is like a super-MMX processor, and as you know, Unreal was Intel's poster child for MMX many years ago. We're going to be able to do a lot of cool stuff on it. Especially great physics--the NovodeX guys are going to get their API put on it.
Epic Games' Mark Rein talks next-gen @ GameSpot


out of my way
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Ein 15 minütiges Video zur Unreal Engine 3 von der E3, in dem eindrucksvoll das Physiksystem gezeigt wird:



Bloody Newbie
Registered: Dec 2004
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Zitat von Mr. Zet
hmm... angesichts dieser screens stellt sich mir eine frage:
WILL ich überhaupt einen shooter spielen, bei dem alles schon so "echt" aussieht, dass mir dann vermutlich schlecht wird, wenn ich einen gegner treffe?
gute frage, schließlich soll das spiel ja in erster line spaß machen und, nicht ... wobei ich sagen muss, ut2004 is ohne blut nur halb so schön.:D


the wall
Registered: Dec 2005
Location: Mödling
Posts: 3780
und weiter geht das Verschiebespielchen :bash:

Right now, UT 2007 (PC) is slated to hit in the first half of 2007," the spokesperson told GameSpot. When it was announced in May 2005, the game had a broad "2006" release date. Since then, it has moved to a broader "winter" release window, which traditionally extends into the first few months of the following year. The new release window means the game could conceivably not ship until June 2007.



like totally ambivalent
Registered: Apr 2003
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jetz is wenigstens offiziell.
davon gehört hat man ja schon seit langem


suche 8800 Ulta !
Registered: Apr 2004
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Zitat von kiu
und weiter geht das Verschiebespielchen :bash:


Stört mich nicht, ich kann warten ;)

Bin schon auf die neue Unreal Engine gespannt, was die alles können wird :)

UT 2004 war schon cool, vielleicht liegt es auch am BF2142 Release ? :confused:

Abwarten Männer ! ;)


like totally ambivalent
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Linz
Posts: 11083
was hat UT mit BD zu tun :confused:

bf -> EA, Dice
UT -> Midway. Epic


Deleted User
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Besser später und endlich mal wieder ein gutes Unreal Tournament als wieder so ein Schrott wie 2003 und 2004 waren.

Allerdings scheint es leider in Mode zu sein Schrott herauszubringen egal wie schlecht er ist.


Here to stay
Registered: Dec 2002
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@icy: Nachdem es genug Idioten gibt die "Schrott" auch kaufen weil er gut aussieht und sonst nix zu bieten hat ist das nicht weiter verwunderlich oder ? :D


the wall
Registered: Dec 2005
Location: Mödling
Posts: 3780
jo mir solls auch recht sein, dann hab ich mehr zeit die richtige hardware dafür zu besitzen bzw. zu besorgen :D


Registered: Feb 2001
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Interview with Mark Rein @ ComputerAndVideoGames.com
One of the most exciting additions we've seen so far are the hover boards. How did you guys come up with those?

Mark Rein:
Well one of the problems we found with UT2004 is if you died and accidentally spawned in a location where everybody had taken all the vehicles you ended up being stuck running as fast as you could on a fairly-long distance - you're out of the game for a long period of time and it's very hard to catch-up if somebody took-off in a vehicle, and we thought It'd be really nice if we could give people the ability to traverse areas of the map two-to-three times faster than they can now. It's not as fast as the Scorpion but it's a lot faster than running on foot.

So that's really how it was born; you have this kind of portable hover board and you can get around the map a lot quicker. You're at a disadvantage when you're on it because you can't use your weapons, but one of the things you can do - which we used to call when I was a kid up in Canada; 'bumper hitch'. You have a tether which you can tether on to other vehicles and get a ride. So the cool thing is somebody can come by in a Mantas or Scorpion and give you a lift, so that's kind of nice. So I just think it's a really smart way to make sure you're always in the action or always about to be in the action - that's the whole point of UT.

You talked a bit about physics there - obviously '2003 was one of the first games to incorporate rag doll physics, how are physics affecting gameplay in 2007?

Mark Rein:
Nicely, nicely. We've started to use physics for a lot more of the effects than we have in the past, like if you noticed in Onslaught the power core has pieces falling off it. It just makes in more immersive and more believable that these pieces are flying properly and colliding with each other, things like that. We have some physics-based particle effects, the Dark Walker uses physics to navigate, the vehicles now have lots of articulations and suspension. The characters if you look really carefully - we don't just do rag doll anymore, we actually mix; we blend animation, rag doll and physics together to produce some really, really cool animation effects.
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