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...loves the ride
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Salzburg Posts: 2340 |
naja, in red faction konnte man per rocket launcher sogar regelrechte tunnels graben, falls mal eine abkürzung gebraucht wurde - glaub kaum, dass das in stalker möglich sein wird. ich hoffe dass die dx9-effekte die graphik noch rausreißen können, weil bis jetzt bin ich noch nicht sonderlich beeindruckt. |
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: pole position Posts: 917 |
Ja klar aber Red Faction ist halt ein altes "Ballerspiel" aus dem Jahr 2001. Realistisch ist das ja nicht gewesen und Stalker orientiert sich nun mal an der Realität und da ist das so nun mal nicht möglich. Cleveres Vorgehen bringt einen da weiter als stupides ballern und macht auch ehrlich gesagt mehr Spaß. Unter "vollkommen zerstörbar" verstehe ich physikalisch korrekt zerstörbar z.B. Holz verwandelt sich beim Verbrennen in Kohlenstoff, Wasser verdunstet usw. und das konnte Red Faction bestenfalls vom Ansatz her, wenn man das überhaupt so sehen will. |
16 bit herz
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: dahoam Posts: 10609 |
für mich wirkt stalker einfach zu steril...
aja, zum thema "vollkommen zerstörbare welt ist noch nicht möglich": kennt wer mercenaries ![]() |
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: pole position Posts: 917 |
Wir wissen jetzt, daß Stalker auf dich steril wirkt, was immer auch du darunter verstehst. Bei der hohen Strahlendosis auch kein Wunder ![]() Jedem seine Meinung, beurteilen kann man Stalker sowieso erst nach dem release und jedem wird es auch nicht gefallen müssen, nur bitte keine Doppelposts wenns dir eh schon nicht gefällt. Ein weiteres preview: |
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: pole position Posts: 917 |
Es gibt die Videos über die Stalker Kampf K.I. von der E3 jetzt zum download sowie 13 ausgesprochen schöne Panoramabilder für alle Stalker Fans und die, die's werden wollen ![]() |
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: pole position Posts: 917 |
STALKER goes beta!
Damit befindet es sich auf der Zielgeraden zum release und noch eine gute Nachricht: Anton Bolshakov von GSC bstätigt den release Termin Herbst 2004. Davor ist noch ein großer beta Test geplant, danach darf Gold erwartet werden. Weitere Infos und links in folgenden threads: |
hatin' on summer
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: Wien Posts: 5842 |
Besser wär die News "Stalker goes open Scoure"
![]() Na, Scherz beseite... gut, endlich Beta, i freu mi scho wie a kleines Kind auf des Spü =) großer Beta Test hmm ? Open oder Closed ? |
Schweine an die Macht
Registered: Dec 2001
Location: Deutschland Posts: 2849 |
wahrscheinlich closed.
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: pole position Posts: 917 |
Hab ich mir auch im ersten Moment gedacht ![]() ![]() Zum beta Test: Bisher weiß man nur das er 50000 Teilnehmer haben wird. Vom publisher THQ gibts aber noch keine weiteren Daten, ich halte euch natürlich auf dem Laufenden. |
Schweine an die Macht
Registered: Dec 2001
Location: Deutschland Posts: 2849 |
50 tausend oder 5 tausend ?
![]() 50k kommt mir arg viel vor. |
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: pole position Posts: 917 |
So ist die aktuelle Aussage. |
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: VIENNE Posts: 3335 |
Es gibt neue umfangreiche Ingame Videos,
"Behind the Game" movie collection 240x180 --> 37.2 MB 480x360 --> 151 MB download text von gamestar |
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: pole position Posts: 917 |
Bearbeitet von Wozuwakü am 07.07.2004, 14:27
Passend zu den ingame videos gibt es jetzt die Entwicklertagebücher. Ein weiteres Thx an Xhi von Planet Stalker, der sich die Mühe gemacht hat alle 4 bisher bekannten Entwicklertagebücher ins Deutsche zu übersetzen. Es gibt eine Menge interessanter Details und das "feeling" in der Todeszone wird natürlich bestens vermittelt. Vorsichtshalber sag ich mal Spoilergefahr ![]() Hier gehts zum thread: |
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: pole position Posts: 917 |
Für alle Freunde der totalen Zerstörung:
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: pole position Posts: 917 |
Der Veranstalter dieses Events war, wo S.T.A.L.K.E.R. PR Manager Alexey Savchenko, von 20-22 Uhr Moskauer Zeit, den überaus zahlreichen Fragen der Fans Rede und Antwort stand.
Vielen Dank Don Reba für die Übersetzung ins Englische! original at Hello everyone, I'm here just for a couple of minutes. =) That very person who will answer questions is me. =) Since it seems that there will be a plenty of questions, I ask to formulate them most precisely, and not load them with small details, since then there will not be enough time to clear up more global things. If anyone is interested, I will also tell about the company's future palns, about how we work, live, and all that. =) So, until eight in the evening. Then we will begin. Q: Personally, I am currently most interested in whether there will be some kind of demo version, or when there will be the release, after all. A: Unfortunately, there will be no demo. We simply have no time to make it right now. We are working on the game. About the deadline, we have not made any changes - autumn 2004. It is possible that testing will take up some more time, but everything is complicated here. The game uses almost no scripts, and it not at all simple to scour all 30 kilometers of the Zone for checking stability. The goal is one, to release the game in time, and make it quality - this is what we are working on. =) Q: Will the DirectX 9 version be completed? A: Definite "Yes". Q: How much does the game "weight"? Which carriers will it be on? A: It is difficult to answer this question. Everything will be optimized, compressed, etc. Q: How interactive will the world be in comparison with Far Cry? A: The world will be most interactive. Events happen independently of the player, the world lives its own live. It is possible to do everything, ignore all the goals the game puts forth, and simply live in the Zone, collecting objects, become a lone wolf. It is possible to try to uncover the secret of the Zone... Q: If possible, I would like to know yours (team STALKER's) opinion of the technologies used in Far Cry. How will STALKER be different? A: It is very high. Crytek is a professional team that has shown very high quality. It is nice to know that a whole bunch of our compatriots works there. =) Q: Our favourite and beloved PR manager... A: Usually we are not liked =))))) Q: Will there be a Ukrainian version of STALKER??? A: There will be phrases in both Russian and Ukrainian. Q: How exactly are the ballistics implemented? A: Acceleration is close to realisic, the whole physics set is there, bullets recochet, pierce walls. Physics in the game are very serious. Q: Do bullets have weight? (are they affected by Earth's gravitation?) A: Yes, they are. Q: Do bullets slow down in flight? A: Yes, they do. Q: Will anomalies affect bullets? grenades? grenade launcher shots? A: Quite possibly, yes. Q: Will there be co-op? A: No, there will be no cooperative play. Q: Will NPCs and/or monsters be visible across level(location) boundary? A: Not, they will not be visible. Disappearing from a level, monsters and NPCs go to another one. Q: What will the system requirements be? A: I won't name the requirements yet. They will be high, yes. Pentium 4 is preferrable, full gForce 4 - minimum. Also minimum - 256-512 MB RAM. Again, they might be lower, but really, it would be better if they were higher. =) A: The game is approximately 86.456 percent ready. Q: There is only general information about weapons on the site. Can we find out a bit more about the quantity of weapons, and their modifications? A: There are very many weapons, over thirty kinds. There are both realistic and, hm... there will be pleasant surprises, suffices to say. =) There will be detailed weapon descriptions in the game. Q: There will be other stalkers, army, and special forces among enemies. Will there be a Russian side involved? A: Not only Russian. There will be various international organizations. Q: How detailed will survival be? In other words, won't everything come to simply hiding from monsters and the military? Will there be such effects as bleeding, irradiation, hunger, etc? A: All of the above will be there. Survival will be in the game, and it will be that classic scary one, although now in first person view. It will be necessary to survive in the Zone. A: Oh yes, the editor is yet undecided on. Q: What machines is the game being teted on? A: The game is being tested on fairly powerful machines, with diffent configurations. Q: Will there be several places for purchasing and selling of ammunition? If there will be just one traider for the whole Zone, will it not be always necessary to risk by transporting artifacts from one end of the Zone to another? A: There will be more than one trader. But the exact number and placing is a secret. To make it more fun to play. Q: How will the Zone look at nighttime, will the lighting be natural, or will the Zone be lit by projectors and lamps? If there will be artificial lighting, then how will the programmers explain the appearence of an electric grid, when the territory of the Zone has no electricity? A: There will be artificial lighting in places of gathering, such as outposts or dealers' hideouts. As for the lack of power on territory of the Zone, life at military bases is supported by the government. After all, and no one cancelled generators. Q: Will first person view change if a stalker puts on a gas mask, and if not, how do the programmers explain the fact that in life a gas mask severely limits the view? A: The first person view will not change. We are sacrificing realism in favour of gameplay here. Q: It is very interesing, what is understood by the word "artifact"? I understand that such information is labeled secred, but still, give a couple of examples to clear things up. A: Examples of some artefacts can be found on the official site. The rest of the information is secret, as you said yourself. Q: Will it be possible to play the multiplayer mode with only bots, without participation of real players, as it is in Counter Strike? A: Most likely. Q: Will it be possible to kill and rob a person and not have reputation affected if there are no witnesses? A: Well, to make sure there are no witnesses you have to literally crawl around every crevice in the vicinity. But still, such a situation is possible. Q: I am very much interested in what actions must be performed by the player to get an invitation in the clan Sin. What do those "sinners" do that is so unworthy? They sin. =) Q: Will it be possible to steal a quest away from a computer player. For example, a character controlled by the computer is returning from a quest with some artifact to a certain place to get a reward for it, but I stalk him, and take away the artefact by force. Is this possible? A: It is possible. Q: As I understand, there will be various international organizations in the game. Will the player be free to choose his companions? In other words, will there be a classic setup where, say, here are evil Russians and kind Americans? =) A: Everything is in the player's power. To be honest, the plot is a closed topic until the release. Q: How many endings will there be? A: There will be several endings. The plot is nonlinear. And there will definetely be an effect on the global outcome. Q: Will it be possible to wonder around in the game already after the end of the plot? In other words, will it be possible to simply live in this radioactive environment without any time limitations? A: Hm. It is possible to simply not finish the game. But after the end, it ends. Q: Will it be possible to get inside the nuclear power station in the game? A: Yes, it will be possible to enter the building of the NPS. A: About co-op, the thing is that we do not have that much time, people. There is a lot of testing. It is possible that there will be an add-on. A: About multiplayer, there will be three modes - Artifact Hunt, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch. There will be much interesting - the maps are made by professional cyberplayers. A: Everything is going according to plan. About Doom 3 and HL. Well, Stalker is really Full Life in a Doomed Zone. =))). But seriously, we do think of them as competition. They are strong, yes. There is a stimulus for battle, and for development of a quality game. =) Q: There is a lot of swearing in the E3 trailer. ![]() A: We'll see. Q: There was a lot of shooting in the latest trailers, action was presented. Will more attention be devoted to exploration of the Zone in the final game, or will it be just slaughter of a crowd of monsters? Generally, to which side does the ballance lean, to monsters and shooting, or to the unknown, anomalies, emptiness...? A: Yes, it was just a demonstration of that segment. Yes, it is a question of ballance, and we are working on it very seriously. This is atmosphere, after all. Q: Approximately how many quests are planned to be in the game? A: Plenty =) Q: Will there be shaders 3.0? A: Possibly, yes. Q: Are you planning to show the main hero of all Stalker humour and jokes - the Controller? =) Will his "mental attack" be accompanied by some visual effect? A: We will think about it. Yes, there is visualization of the attack. Q: Will it be possible to paralize a creature, and capture it for the eggheads? A: No, only kill. Q: What is the maximum artifact size? Can it be that a stalker can not move an artifact on his own? Can it be that an abandoned onbject such as a a weapon or a vehicle becomes an artifact? (Niva begins to glow in the dark after a blowout, or something of the sort =\) A: The maximum size fits inside the bag, so one stalker will do. You have a rich phantasy, but no. Q: A question about AI. Say I am a very bad guy, killing everyone on my way. While stolling across the Zone i encounter a fight between two hostile groups. Can I be so bad that they will all ally and start to fight me together? Or, if instead of me, the groups see a bunch of Bloodsuckers. Anyway, you have often mentioned the system of situation analysis. Can hostile stalkers or stalkers that do not know each other unite against a common foe? A: I will answer the last question. Hostile not, but stalkers that do not know each other can. Q: Will any actions (door opening and ladder climbing in perticular) have special animations? In the last trailer stalker climbs into a Niva, and the door opens by itself when he approaches. Will this remain, or will we see "extending arms" when opening a door, or pick up a weapon from the ground? A: Animation is being planned. "Extending arms" - probably not. Q: Is armour bought for the whole body or for specific parts? Does a worn backpack add protection? Armour is for the whole body. Backpack does not function as armour. Q: Will weather affect the player in ways other than limiting his distance of view. In other words, a normal person will not go under rain not because he will not see a tree in front of him, but because it WET (unpleasant). Will weapons and equipment become damaged under rain? A: Yes, the player will grow tired faster. Weapons and equipment will not get damaged. Q: We can not fly a helicopter, but can we at least sit in one, hiding from monsters and God know what else? A: It is possible to climb into a helicopther, but not to fly it. Q: Is it possible to sleep without waking up? For example, if you are sure that monsters can't get you, or if you are well covered by your friends, and do not want to be disturbed by each passing boar. A: The player chooses the number of hours himself, almost like in Fallout. Q: What stats will the player have, and how will they displayed? There are four: health, fatique, irradiation, hunger. Q: Will it be possible to "mark" a a monster (leave a scar on it, rip off a limb, cover with paint) and then meet Him in the Zone? A: =))) This is too much, no, there will be no such thing. A: About professional players. The thing is that who but they would know where to put objects for normal play? Q: Will Displacement Mapping be used to raise the level of detail? Or will normal mapping be used instead? Or bump mapping? (The question is probably more to the coders...) A: All of the above will be in DirectX 9. Q: Was Niva changed? I'll explain. Real Niva does not have a front axle (there is an independent suspension in front), but the game model has an AXLE there, like some URAL. ![]() A: I have not seen it, so don't know. Q: What has been decided about interactive water? Are we going to swim? "Manually" and/or on motor botes? A: How can you swim in radioactive water with forty kilograms of equipment? ![]() Q: In his interview Anton Bolshakov talked about beta-testing multiplayer, in which over a thousand people will particiapate. When are you planning to begin? A: As soon as we begin, information will appear on the official site. Watch for updates. Q: In recent times you have changed much of what you were not going to change, such as aiming, proning, and now even dismemberment (I am shocked ![]() A: We are only changing things for the better. Of course, there will yet be surprises. Q: I have read somewhere that only the main characters and events will be dubbed, and all the other dialogues will be in text. Will this remain? A: All characters will be dubbed. Text dialogues will not be, most likely. Q: Can the hero die from starvation/lack of sleep? A: It is possible to die from hunger and from exhastion, so it will be necessary to eat and sleep. Q: Can there be a situation such that the player finds a stash of weapons/armour/artefacts in the beginning of the game, and become the most powerful one. A: No Q: Maybe it is too soon, but do tell, will there be a sequel to STALKER, or will this project (as a masterpiece should, in my view) be the one and only? A: Time will tell. A: Everything is very much similar. The centre of Pripiat' is shocking. It is almost a copy of the game. Q: To whom is given development of the cooperative mode, if this part of the game is not cancelled, of course, but given off to other people? A: If cooperative mode is to be, it will only be added later. Q: Is there a way of contacting the publishers, since there are some questions about, for example, open beta testing, contents of the game case, release date, and all the other things that are not decided by GSC? A: We will make an announcement on the official site as soon as it starts. =) Q: > How can you swim in radioactive water with forty kilograms of equipment? *On a boat, maybe?* ![]() A: And what if you fall? =) Seriously speaking, there is not that much water. Q: How about a sence of humour? Do you allow yourself to joke, or will everything be serious and pressing? Fallout is the ideal, of course. It all came together there.. ![]() A: We joke, naturally. =) Where it is appropriate. Q: The site is practically silent. The fans are not happy ![]() A: Will look into it. =) Q: Where will the game begin, and will you give any background information about the hero? Will he have a name (own name not set by the player)? How will he be directed to the dealer the first time? A: Everything will be clear in the game. =) Q: Will it be possible to play for the military, border patrol, or some official security force? A: No. Q: The player is a superman with 100% life, big gun, and he goes and shoots anything that moves, or will there be a realistic damage model, a la Flashpoint? A: The hero may very well die. A human, like any other. Q: How will the effect of being taken by a controller look? Instant death - GAME OVER, or will it be possible to get rid of that plague? A: There will be several degrees of mental control, after which comes the end. Q: Are you going to sell teh X-ray engine? Or will you continue to improve it and make new games with it? A: I will not speak on this subject right now. =) Q: Why did you refuse from the co-op mode!? You would have gained even more income!!! Internet communities could have formed! (like Ultima Online) It would be even more fun to pass the game with real players! Are you planning to implement this mode in future versions? A: We refused from it because of some technical difficulties. We are thinking about it. I ask to consider the topic of co-op closed. Q: How many kinds of weapons and addons will there be?! A: I have already replied to this question previously. As for addons, there will be grenade launcher, optics, suppressor. Q: In multiplayer, how big will locations be!? and will it be possible to ride vehicles!? (In multiplayer!) A: There will be no vehicles in multiplayer. Map sizes will be most optimised. Professionals are working on this. Q: What kinds of damage will vehicles have? Can the frame be deformed? How many addons will it be possible to mount on a vehicle, and will it be possible to fix vehicles in the Zone without outside help, will wheels get punctured? A: It is not possible to fix vehicles on your own. Damaged vehicles will stop, be difficult to start up, and explode. Also, glass windows break. It is not possible to shoot through a wheel, but if you shoot at it, the car might drift off course. Q: How interactive will the world be? Will it be possible to enter any house, go to any floor, enter any room!? (at least a % of buildings in which one can enter) Will it be possible to go onto roofs of high-rise buildings!? A: The player is given complete freedom of movement. The only limitation is caused, as a rule, by heavy contamination of areas, into which one can not enter without special equipment. Q: How realistic will interaction with human opponents be during a fire fight? You wrote that it will be possible to agree in the middle of a fight about ceasing fire, trade, and even leave together! How is this implemented at the moment? A: It will be possible to agree before the fight, or after, but already with a corpse. In the middle of a duel you just have to shoot well. Q: Are you going to make additions after the release that do not deal with bugs, but radically change game modes, or the game itself. A: Possibly. Q: Why were open areas in DX9 not shown at E3, are they not ready? A: Yes, they are quite ready. There were other motives. =) Q: Will dynamic sky remain the same as at Igrograd (slow blending) or will it be realistic, and clouds will move across the sky? A: Most likely, it will remain as it is, but we'll see. Q: I agree with cpcat, in two years of waiting I have not seen such emptiness at kamrad. Ixbt is understandable, but can someone come in from time to time? A: Will be fixed. Q: If a Bloodsucker disappears, will it be invisible to all Stalkers or only to the one attacked? A: An invisible Bloodsucker will be seen by no stalkers. Q: Say, when will there be preorder for STALKER, and will it be available over internet (I really don't want to get sold a low quality pirate version)? A: Yes, there will be preorder. Q: I understand that it is difficult, but can you make such thing as breaking of weapons? A: Weapons will break. Wear out, for example. =) Q: In one of the last trailers was shown some kind of a raid, or a marathon of Fleshs. What was that anyway, and will it be possible to see something like this in the game? Or even participate by driving this horde by waving a rocket launcher? =) A: That was panic of animals before a blowout. Scary thing, and gloomy. =)) It is best to not stand in the way of panicking Fleshs. =) Q: Is it possible to meet an anarmed stalker in the Zone? How will he behave if he is a friend, or foe? A: Stalker in the Zone, and anarmed, is not a stalker, but some idiot. =))))))))))))))))) Q: If a monster sees that his weapons are no good against you (monster's teeth too blunt, or your armour too good) - will it run away, or continue to bite you like an idiot until you give him a Hara-kiri? A: run away A: About AI, there will be no manual ajustment. A: Vodka, cigarettes, beer is in. =) Q: Do you have a build of STALKER in DX9 + Shaders 3.0? Are you going to show some screens? (DX8 + S 3.0) A: Of course we will. DX9 is already on GameSpot. Q: Is water done? Are you using shaders 2.0? Is it better than in Far Cry? ![]() A: It's good. =)) It is not up to us to compare. =) Q: How about animation, some monsters slide over ground. Is this fixed? A: Yes, already fixed that. Q: I guess before the release of Stalker (everyone will be in stores at the day of the release) fans will go through the streets yelling and drinking... and GSC team, how are they going to celebrate the release? (after all, this is SUCH a project).. any plans? A: Those who drink - will get drunk, those who don't... maybe also will get drunk, on such an occasion. =) Will sing songs, party, celebrate, and rest after all. =) Q: How happy are the developers about the game? A: Why, we like it. =)))))))) It's coming along pretty nicely..... Q: What could you not implement that you wanted to? A: ... Well, there is always something to strive for. There are things that we will improve and incorporate further. =) Q: Will the player see dreams? If so, how will this look? A: no comments Q: Will there be women in the game? A: No. =( Q: Will there be shadows from clouds? A: Not likely. Q: If it is not a secret, who is in this photo? (centre ;-) A: Oles - main programmer of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Q: Will player's actions affect the ending during the whole game, or will the player determine the ending right at the end of the game, like in Deus Ex?? A: Yes, they will. I will not tell how yet. =) Q: "The hero may very well die. A human, like any other." In life most people die from 2-3 hits. Will it be the same in the game, or will there be simplifications? Will there be different difficulty levels, and if so, how will they be different from each other. Also, will there be a Quick Save? A: Naturally, there will be some compromises, but to die in the game - is easy. There will be different difficulty levels. Fast save will most likely be tied to difficulty level. Q: "Those who drink - will get drunk, those who don't... maybe also will get drunk, on such an occasion. =) Will sing songs, party, celebrate, and rest after all." Something tells me that you will immediately get to writing patches. ![]() A: More optimism! =) Q: How is character dubbing going in STALKER? Lately we are treated to nothing but shrill squealing, one can't find even in a dream. A: Well, those are WIP, really. Final sounds will be created at the final stage. Q: Can you name at least an approximate amount of text dialogues in the game? A: I can not name a final number. But not too few. Q: Do not hesistate to get all you can from the age rating to which the game is tailored. Do not remove swearing and especially expressive idioms, do not reduce blood left on characters and the surroundings. A: We will try to stay within boundaries. Q: I know that this question has already annoyed some, but maybe you will still change the bolts to our loved and dear nuts with rugs? ;-) Just give us a choice, maybe? It is not very hard, such trifle... A: We will not change them. We like them. =) Q: Anton said that you collected a disk with various materials about the game, to give it to Boris Natanovich Strugatski. Has anything come out of this? A: We are in contact with Boris Natanovich. Q: Is it possible to download music from STALKER trailers anywhere? A: I will try to get it put onto the site. Q: Will there be some literature in the Zone (books, magazines, diaries)? A: Yes, naturally. Q: Have you estimated whether the game will cover the expenses of its creation? A: No comments. Q: Approximately how much time will be needed to play the game until the plot final? A: Minimum - 30-40 hours. For explorers - 100+. =) Q: Will it be possible to shoot through a steel sheet or a piece of wood, and see through the hole, or will it be a mere texture? A: There will be marks, but not see-through holes. Q: My fried wanted to know, did you use C++ and 3dMAX for creating the game? C++, 3dMAX, Maya, Lighwave. Q: Will the game be sold in CIS at the same time as in Baltic states? Is it possible to preorder the game already? A: We are planning a simultaneous release in all countries. This is more of a question for the publisher. Q: FAQ says: "Practically everything in the Zone can be bought or sold..." Besides artifacts, what can be bought and sold, exactly? And how are economics implemented in the game? A: Weapons, equipment, ammunition, food, health kits, detectors, protective suits, and all. Trading is implemented with a trading menu. All friendly characters can trade with you. =) Q: Why not release a multiplayer demo with one or two maps without single player mode? A: Well, this is what we will do for the beta testers. =) Q: In one of the trailers (the one showing day-night cycle) one can hear slogans: "Ability to work, to learn, to rest..." "Soviet power..." What is this propaganda? ![]() Will it remain in the release? I like it very much - Atmospheric!!! ![]() A: Thanks, we try. =)))) This will be in the release too, of course. =) Q: I have the following question. Is there a point in the game in hiding behind walls, or do bots see even through walls!? and will lamps and other objects break? A: Yes, objects and lamps break. About bots, who said that bots will see through walls? Q: Yo, bro! You are the most generous PR guy! ;-)))) A: Thanks =) Q: Will vehicles have some sort of a damage system? Or will there be a simple scale, like in Farcry? A: Is planned. A: Really, will all locations in STALKER load one by one or all together? Q: No. Q: Ideally, how much RAM is required? Is 512 enough? A: The more - the better. Q: How real will destruction of the surroundings be? Will it be possible to, like in Soldner: Sceret Wars, destroy a building to, as they say, the zero level? A: Surroundings will be interractive. Destroy a buildings to the base, with what? Kalashnikov? =) Q: Will game settings be flexible, as for example in Farcry? A: Settings will be flexible enough. Q: And another thing, will there be no scripts in the game at all? A: There will be scripts relating to the plot. Q: How many difficulty levels will there be in STALKER? As many as in Farcry, or is it going to be some kind of surprise? A: Secret Q: Will there be built-in support for mods, again, like in Farcry? A: We are thinking about it. Q: How many different monsters will there be in the game? A: I won't tell =) Q: Will the winner of the Monster Ball monster Luller be in? A: Maybe yes, but it did not win, it was marked. Q: Will there be anomalies like Leg-breaker, etc (which were in the stories, of course)? A: There will be similar ones. Q: Will special forces or the military fly helicopters into some spots in which there is a lot of monsters to clean the places from them? A: No. The army is holding off attacks of the Zone on the border. Q: Will it be possible to create good relations with all the NPCs, to be a kind of superhero, like Ulukai in Outcast, who is happily greeted by everyone, and everyone wants to help. ;-) A: No. Some NPCs are annoyed by good guys. Q: Is the game engine build on multithreading model? Or does everything work as one process? It is Pentium 4 + Hyper-Threading I am thinking of. A: Sorry, company secret. Q: Will we hear Soviet songs, rural transmissions? ![]() A: The times are different. Q: Will there be shadows from trees and shrubs? A: There are. =) Q: Is it true that bodies will decompose???!!! A: Simply speaking, yes - they rot. Q: What kinds of quests will dominate (puzzle or commando)? A: There are many quests, and they are all different. Q: Will it be possible to get a pet :-) or something like that, such as a tamed beast? A: No, but a monster can get a player as a pet. Q: Which vehicles are there except for the Niva? A: See official site. Q: Is it possible to cook food? For example, to not eat canned food, but mix it with something and have a good meal. A: No. You have to eat crows raw, its healthy. =) Q: I read somewhere that it is possible to throw something down on a foe from some contraption. What will happen to the foe if I jump on him? What will become to me, I would also like to know? A: If you jump down on an enemy, the enemy will recieve damage. The player as well. Q: Will Dwarves (and any creature posessing telekinesis) be able to lift up live creatures (and you, also)? A: Dead - yes, live - we will see. Q: How will dialogue with NPCs be organized? Will it be something like Morrowind? A: More like Fallout. Q: Will diary in the game be a "smart" one (in other words, it will write notes into itself) or will the player be given the ability to keep the journal himself? Is it possible to find an NPC's diary (or something like that)? A: The journal will be kept automatically. It is possible to read an NPC's journal. Q: Will characters have developed facial expressions expressions? Will they reflect personality and mood? A: Yes, they will. Q: Will the hero grow old? It would be cool to have an anomaly that ages a character. Yes. It is an interesting idea. But there is no time to implement it. =) Have a good day. |