"We are back" « oc.at

Ultrono Arena

TOM 28.09.2005 - 14:45 2166 17


Oldschool OC.at'ler
Registered: Nov 2000
Location: Vienna
Posts: 7434
Zitat von Brain_Death
:eek: quake 3 is dagen ja UR langsam :p - ownt, ich mags wenns so schnell geht.

nur netzcode is sehr unsauber (unfertig?) hab grad auf paar servern gezockt und KEINS war lagfrei :( liegt vielleicht daran, das die server selber user waren :p - bei so einem minimal game sollte aba selbst das kein prob sein. naja, mal@school testen wies ankommt :D

noch schneller gehts mit anderen einstellungen... mach mal server auf und probier folgende settings

rc g_gravity 4000
rc g_airaccel 5000
rc g_jumpspeed 1300

find ich imho besser, schneller, mehr air control und du hast weniger air hang time (also fades warten bis du endlich wieder boden unter den füssen hast) aber du kannst immer noch den gegner schön in die höhe bouncen und ihn air rockets fressen lassen :D

czm hat gesagt er schaut sich die settings mal an... vielleicht wirds ja (ähnlich) als standard übernommen :]

er codet ausserdem täglich noch herum und es soll bald neue version mit vielen bugfixes geben (unter anderem auch, wenn ein 4/5ter am server connected, dass die pings nicht eingehen)... sonst sind auch noch andere kleinere features in arbeit... work in progress :]


is following the reaper
Registered: May 2003
Location: hopefully soon i..
Posts: 637
ich saugs gerade :D
bin scho gespannt *heheee*

ja 5 mb mit ISDN zaht sich schon *gehn*
*des nächste bier holen*



Oldschool OC.at'ler
Registered: Nov 2000
Location: Vienna
Posts: 7434
Neue Version draussen...

- started writing a changelog again
- fixed bot's ping
- can now see which players are ready (use lp, look for 'R')
- now drops clients with msg "server full" instead of "error"
when server is full
- added server side parameter sv_maxclients (hardcoded upper limit
is 6, hardcoded lower limit is 1)
- server side 'readyall' command does what's expected, so now an
admin can type 'rc readyall' to forcefully start a match
- added cg_forcecolors and cg_enemycolors (color format is body eye,
r g b, [0,1], e.g. 1 0.5 0 0 0 1 is orange ball with blue eye).
you can still see their color in their death animation which is nice.
-btw, as i'm testing this out, i'm finding that crosshair_style 5
and crosshair_color 3 is awesome, so that's the new default.
- speconly (typing spec while already a spec) fixed
- <forceuv></forceuv> tag added to map format to support future maya
- added ui_noprint client flag, ui_noprint 1 disable console display
- net_master is now externally settable by servers (can be set on
startup via cmdline)
- fixed server list ping sorting
- fixed autoexec entry for cg_oldscoreboard (the real variable is called
ui_oldscoreboard, oops)
- sens_accel now immitates q3 style mouse accel (up to some scale factor)
- server now breaks larger packets up into smaller ones (duh), fixes
problem where 5th or 6th player can't join (!)
- to ease the transition into this new version:
old clients can obviously play on old servers
new clients can play on old and new servers equally
old clients can play on new servers only if they're one of the
first four players to join, and even then their game is not
guaranteed to function properly if too many additional players
- all settings in autoexec are now automatically set on startup,
so that we only have to patch the exe file from now on.
- added "sv_password" server variable and "password" client variable,
they do what you'd expect. since I anticipate it'll cause confusion,
to unset the password via rc the command is "rc new sv_password",
same goes for any variable to set it to "" when you have to do so
inside quotes (or you can do rc cat sv_password, etc).
- added "ui_autocfg" client variable, defaults to 1. when set,
automatically execs uaconfig.cfg on startup and writes to uaconfig.cfg
on shutdown.
- important messages (match starting, etc.) now shown big, see
ui_bigmsgtime and hud_bigmsg (in autoexec.cfg) to customize
- new server variable "sv_forceversion", set to true if you want
to force clients to use the latest version, else it allows them to
connect provided they're one of the first three clients.
- there's a bug having to do with connection states that seems to creep
in every now and then, where you can't join even if there aren't 6
players on the server due to some unknown error. the bug was that
sometimes a player's connection lingered on the server after he was
dropped if his connection lagged enough. it's now been fixed.
- by request, new crosshair_style 7 (like 2, but with a dot)
- fixed the behavior of the 'cat' commands to be consistent with their
in-game documentation.
- chat color is now bright green. also, all console etc colors can be
customized via vid_Xcolor where X \in \{text, chat, input, prompt\}.
- chat beeps (on by default, change with s_chatbeeps). also, note that
you can use custom sounds for anything by placing them in your sounds
folder and modifying sounds.ini.
- halved the default s_rollofffactor (makes sounds more audible across
the map).
- some very basic flood protection for voting / chat (250 ms per action)
- sending server queries flooded the client when a lot of servers were
running, so now they're queued up and only a certain number are sent
every frame as controlled by "net_queryrate", which defaults to 1.
- vid_strongexplosioncolors and vid_weakexplosioncolors fixed.
- ping skyrocketing when player input never reaches server now fixed.
- fixed a few of the tutorial demo references
- fixed demo playback (!), meaning that it works fast on all files now
- fixed some netcode timing bugs which eliminate the weird
"get jerked out of map for a split second" effect and replace it with
a more pleasing "freeze in place and jitter for a split second"
effect, only happens if the server is really bad
- if you connect to the server as "Player" you're randomly assigned
an incredibly goofy name until you change it
- added "ui_f1console", defaults to 0, makes F1 act as an extra console
key, useful for keyboards with different "~" mappings. this, like
all new settings, can be set in the menu (in this case, under "ui
- one known issue in this next version is that demos don't support
colored chat messages or chatbeeps or big messages, I consider this
a minor issue that I'll get around to fixing eventually.

coming soon:
linux version
some demos that I've recorded
enabling the ingame editor (currently it only edits geometry,
you have to use notepad to do items and stuff)
rocket humming sound
damage stats
a couple new game types
overtime in 1v1 mode

Funktionierende Konsole für non US-Tastatur, Chatbeep und kommende damage stats sind auf meinem haufen gewachsen :D
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