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The Adventures of Bryan Scott

oxid1zer 05.04.2023 - 09:08 748 1


Komischer Kauz
Registered: Mar 2012
Location: Jig-Jig Street
Posts: 7354

Bryan Scott, son of the well-known late archaeologist John W. Scott, receives a small package from the Near East, in which he finds a diary of the missing treasure hunter Kate Williams.

Within its pages, he discovers that she has been looking for the legendary treasure of the Queen of Sheba, which is mentioned in the second Book of Kings from the Bible. Bryan’s father had searched for this same treasure for many years, but without success. Not entirely voluntarily, Bryan travels to the city of Aksum shortly afterwards in order to follow Kate's trail and find her.

Shortly after his arrival in the Ethiopian desert, his path leads him to the secret society "The Black Fist," which is also looking for the legendary treasure of the Queen of Sheba. A dangerous and exciting adventure begins!

Sieht und wirkt echt nice und orientiert sich an Baphomets Fluch, unter anderem. Soll ein Old-School Point'n'Click Adventure werden. Bin schon sehr gespannt drauf!



Komischer Kauz
Registered: Mar 2012
Location: Jig-Jig Street
Posts: 7354
We did it! Thanks to you and 1,064 other backers, this project reached its funding goal.

Game is funded! Yay. :)
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