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SW - Battlefront

K4m4Hl 25.09.2004 - 23:51 31752 300


"old" oc.at Member
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Zitat von Vinci
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Oida Schwed...

Sieht bei mir mit Reshade/Sweetfx ähnlich aus ohne FPS Verluste. ;)
Schalte ich Ingame Sweetfx ab, dann siehts aus wie auf einer Konsole.


"old" oc.at Member
Registered: Nov 2000
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Posts: 7401
So sieht das Game bei mir mit Sweetfx aus:

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

FX Freak

Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Pöchlarn
Posts: 12362
und spielt es noch jemand oder hat schon jeder das interesse verloren?


Here to stay
Registered: Oct 2004
Location: Speckgürtel
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Ich Spiel noch - mit dl44 und entsprechenden perks machst alles nieder :D


knows about the birb
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: Virgo Superclust..
Posts: 12672
ich spiele es auch noch, aber seit ich 50 bin und so ziemlich alles freigespielt hab seltener.


Registered: May 2004
Location: Wels Land
Posts: 4664
Ich suche aktuell einen nett aussehenden FPS, den man zwischendurch (1-2x die Woche) mal für 1-3h spielen kann.

In wie weit ist da SW: Battlefront geeignet mit dem Level-System?

FX Freak

Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Pöchlarn
Posts: 12362

mal abwarten was das für "gratis inhalte" sind.


knows about the birb
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: Virgo Superclust..
Posts: 12672
update ist draussen:
[quote]Below are the patch notes specific to PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One for the January update.

Additional Content/Functionality:

•Multiplayer modes added to the Tatooine Survival map. (Blast, Droid Run, Hero Hunt, Heroes vs Villains, Drop Zone)
•Hoth Luke Skywalker skin added
•Hoth Han Solo skin added
•Private match functionality added
•Daily challenges added
•Setting for actively choosing server site added

Weapon and Star Card changes:
•EE-3 Explosive shot damage decreased from 10 to 4 per shot
•SE-14C Explosive shot damage decreased from 10 to 5 per shot
•Homing Shot lock on time increased from 0.4 to 1.5
•Homing Shot lock on distance decreased by 10 meters
•Homing Shot projectile speed decreased slightly (30 -> 23)
•RTC-97 overheat value is increased by 8%
•Bowcaster replenish time tweaked (Normal 18 -> 25 and Upgrade 15 -> 20)
•Flash Grenade replenish time tweaked (Normal 16 -> 20 and Upgrade 12 -> 15)
•ION Torpedo replenish time tweaked (Normal 15 -> 25 and Upgrade 12 -> 20)
•Thermal Detonator replenish time tweaked (Normal 15 -> 20 and Upgrade 10 -> 15)
•Impact Grenade replenish time tweaked (Normal 16 -> 25 and Upgrade 12 -> 20)
•Explosive Shot active time tweaked (Normal 7 -> 5 and Upgrade 10 -> 7)
•Scan Ping recharge time tweaked (Normal 8 -> 10 and Upgrade 5 -> 8)
•Cycler Rifle bullet dropoff reduced
•Cycler Rifle damage increased from 90 to 100 at close range (10 meters)
•DL-44 overheat tweaked and fire rate changed from 250 to 180.
•Bounty Hunter trait card Level 2 reward percentage lowered from 100% to 85%
•Fully charged (5 shots) Bowcaster explosion damage lowered from 50 to 15 per shot, otherwise (1 or 3 shot) bowcaster damage per projectile decreased from 50 to 10
•ION Torpedo lock on range decreased from 600 to 500 meters
•Smart Rocket lock on range changed from 1000 to 500 meters
•RTC-97 spread is increased when firing for a longer period
•Scan Ping tweaked to have 50% shorter spotting time
•Barrage recharge times increased, Normal from 18 to 40 and Upgrade from 15 to 35

Vehicle Changes:

•Starfighters pickups have a 20 second respawn delay
•T-47 Airspeeder pickups have a 10 second respawn delay
•Millennium Falcon and Slave I health decreased by 30%

Game Mode Changes:

•Removed a turbolaser on Sullust which could be used for spawn killing
•Turbolaser respawn time has been increased with 15 seconds
•New friend zones and additional spawn points for Supremacy maps
•New friend zones and additional spawn points for Walker Assault maps
•New friend zones and additional spawn points for Turning Point on Jakku
•Bugfix for crashing instantly when spawning in a vehicle on Jakku
•Fighter Squadron hero vehicle pickups have more randomized timing
•Fixed a Heroes vs Villains bug where players could use their cards in pre-round that got corrected by server
•Reduced the match bonus for Blast from 2000 to 1000
•Reduced the Win bonus for Blast from 750 to 500
•Increased the Match bonus for Hero Hunt from 1000 to 1750
•Reduced the Win bonus for Hero Hunt from 500 to 250
•Reduced score for dealing damage to AI X-Wings and AI TIE Figthers from 20 to 10
•Updated spawn management between big and small game modes

New game mode minimum player count thresholds:
- Walker Assault 20
- Supremacy 20
- Dropzone 4
- Blast 4
- Cargo 4
- Fighter Squadron 4
- Hero Hunt 4
- Droid Run 4
- Heroes Vs Villains 4
- Turning Point 20

Hero Changes:

•Han Solo weapon damage over distance is lowered. Damage goes from 70 (was 75) to 30 (was 35) between 10 (was 20) and 25 (was 40) meters
•Boba Fett weapon damage over distance is lowered. Damage goes from 30 to 20 (was 25) between 30 and 60 (was 80) meters
•Boba Fett wristlauncher explosion radius decreased from 4 to 2.5, maxiumum damage increased from 1 to 1.2 meters
•Boba Fett missile doesn't lock on anymore

Bug Fixes:

•Stun inducing attacks now properly trigger stun animation loop
•Fixing an issue where melee'ing at nothing completly stopped your movement
•After the transition from the AT-AT the user screen could remain black, this is now fixed
•Several instances of rocks that players could get stuck on have been fixed
•Speederbike - Inconsistence between the range when you see the prompt button and when you could actually use the vehicle
•Jakku - Invisible collision located on the landed rebel transport ship
•Users with the most kills will now not be prevented from get the Trophy / Achievement ”Playing the objective” in Blast[/quote]

am meisten freuts mich, dass der bug bzgl der blast trophy behoben wurde :)

sonst haben sie echt viel generft!
Bearbeitet von rad1oactive am 27.01.2016, 09:54


knows about the birb
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: Virgo Superclust..
Posts: 12672
und der nächste patch:
Additional Content/Functionality
•General: Jakku DLC Content is being patched into the game, downloading it separately via platform storefronts is no longer required and can be deleted from your hard drives
•New Map: Twilight on Hoth added to Walker Assault, Supremacy, Turning Point, Blast, Fighter Squadron, Drop Zone, and Heroes vs. Villains
•New Mission: Survival in the Ice Caves added to Survival Missions
•Turning Point: Jundland Wastes, Forest of Endor, Outpost Beta, and SoroSuub Centroplex maps added to the playlist
•Attract Mode: GNK Droid added - GONK!
•Settings: Turning off music in the Sound menu now turns off music everywhere in the game
•Settings: Added a Film Grain setting slider in the Video menu
•Credits: Updated Game Credits list

Weapon and Star Card Changes
•Primary Weapons: Damage against air vehicles increased by 10%
•Bowcaster: Explosion damage increased from 10 to 15 per projectile and explosion radius decreased from 3 to 2.5m
•Bowcaster: Full charge direct hit from 20 to 40 per projectile and a normal direct hit increased from 20 to 30 per projectile
•Barrage: Damage increased from 50 to 55
•Barrage: Cooldown reduced from 40 to 35s (normal) and from 35 to 30s (upgraded)
•Barrage: First volley of grenades no longer disappear if the user uses the Refresh Power-up and then fires a second volley
•Homing Shot: Lock time decreased from 1.5 to 1.2s
•Homing Shot: Players in the AT-GAR turret now receive on-screen notification when locked on
•ION Torpedo: Speed increased from 350 to 380m/s and turning angle increased from 120 to 125 in order to more easily hit air vehicles
•Pulse Rifle: Movement speed while aiming decreased by 30%
•Tusken Cycler Rifle: Movement speed while aiming increased by 40%
•Tusken Cycler Rifle: Bullet speed increased from 300 to 450m/s
•Orbital Strike: Fixed bug where it sometimes would not trigger on button press

Vehicle changes
•A-Wing: Increased hit box size
•A-Wing: Now properly takes damage when colliding with an AT-ST while having the Shield active
•Slave I: Players can now see the Shield icon on Rebel vehicles when a Shield is active
•AT-ST: T-47 Airspeeder kills with a missle while firing the primary cannons at the same time now properly awards a kill (previously registered as a suicide)
•AT-AT: Fixed bug where the Orbital Strike ability would sometimes not have the aiming reticle move
•T-47 Airspeeder: Players will no longer receive an out of bounds message on Graveyard of Giants during Turning Point when a control point is captured

Multiplayer Game Mode Changes
•General: Pre-Round timer lowered from 30s to 20s
•Walker Assault: Fixed Power-up spawns on SoroSuub Centroplex
•Walker Assault: AT-AT health increased by 18% on Outpost Beta, 8% on Jundland Wastes, 20% on Forest of Endor, 4% on SoroSuub Centroplex, and 5% on Graveyard of Giants
•Walker Assault: Spawning as an Imperial Hero after the AT-ATs just pass the second set of uplinks no longer despawns one of the AT-ATs
•Walker Assault: The second AT-AT no longer bumps into the wreckage of the other on SoroSuub Centroplex when the first AT-AT is destroyed during the first Uplink
•Droid Run: Correct Objective Notification is now displayed to all players if someone is killed while trying to claim the Droid
•Droid Run: Improved spawn zones on Dune Sea Exchange
•Supremacy: Fixed Power-up spawns on Jundland Wastes, Forest of Endor, and SoroSuub Centroplex
•Supremacy: Improved spawn zones on Jundland Wastes, Outpost Beta, and Forest of Endor
•Heroes vs. Villains: Planted turrets on Dune Sea Exchange will now disappear in-between rounds
•Hero Hunt: Improved spawn zones on Ice Caves
•Fighter Squadron: Players are now protected while spawning on Graveyard of Giants

Mission Changes
•General: Both players will now properly see Charge Card pick-ups if Player One is using a 3rd Star Card Hand without a Charge Card
•General: Player 2's changes to control settings no longer update Player 1's controls when playing Split-Screen
•Battle: Fixed AI Spawn issues on Tatooine
•Survival: Wave 10 on Sullust will now always spawn if the player / co-op team dies and restarts the round or if a player picks up a Collectible during the Wave 9 transition
•Survival: Partner spawns on Sullust will no longer fail if the currently alive player is in a confined area
•Survival: Co-Op players can now unlock the "Complete on Hard Difficulty without spending a life" if one player dies and then waits until the other player completes the wave so they get a free respawn

Hero changes
•General: Heroes no longer get stuck in a stunned animation state
•Princess Leia: Endor outfit updated - Congrats on completing the Lead the Rebellion challenge!
•Princess Leia: Trooper Bane now only knocks back primary target, not nearby enemies
•Luke Skywalker: Increased Saber Rush's damage against other Heroes from 2% to 6-8%
•Luke Skywalker: Lightsaber swing hit radius is reduced from 0.3 to 0.25m
•Han Solo: Zooming in no longer sometimes displays a gun scope
•Emperor Palpatine's Shocktroopers: Modified primary weapon damage to match Leia's Honor Guards' primary weapon damage over time

Misc. Bug fixes
•General: Lighting, textures, audio, user interface, text, and collision fixes
•Controls: Legacy control schemes have had their layouts more clearly defined
•Colorblind: Enemy players highlighted with Scan Pulse now have the correct Deuteranopia or Protanopia settings on Graveyard of Giants and Goazan Badlands
•PC only: Fixed a bug where a player would lose functionality with an Xbox 360 controller after inviting a player to a Private Match and then starting the game
•PC only: Air vehicle sensitivity lowered from 0.9 to 0.45 for easier mouse control
•Achievements / Trophies: Updated text on "Impressive. Most Impressive." and "Survivor" to clarify the requirements
•Achievements / Trophies: "Playing the Objective" now properly awarded

Bearbeitet von rad1oactive am 24.02.2016, 16:13

FX Freak

Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Pöchlarn
Posts: 12362
outer rim dlc veröffentlicht und einen 8gb patch auch noch dazu.

FX Freak

Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Pöchlarn
Posts: 12362
hat sich hier jemand der outer rim dlc geholt?
lohnt sich der dlc?

FX Freak

Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Pöchlarn
Posts: 12362
teil 2 kommt 2017.


knows about the birb
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: Virgo Superclust..
Posts: 12672


Here to stay
Registered: Dec 2002
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Posts: 9104
Hm also zur nächsten Episode wieder ein Spiel. Also auch wieder keine Kampagne weils ja wieder zum Film fertig werden muss?! :D

FX Freak

Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Pöchlarn
Posts: 12362
Bespin DLC erscheint am 21. Juni.

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