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Silmaril 21.10.2002 - 20:51 353817 4764 Thread rating


Ich schau nur
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: 4202
Posts: 3100
Ich hab irgendwie eine Abneigung gegen HomerJ ... nach spätestens 15min. muss ich da den Stream muten und Musik hören. Genauso wie der Hampelmann-Filly bei den ESL Casts.


Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 1784
bist du deppad das MM micro von kas grad gegen mana, bist du behindert das war krank :D


Rush B
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Vienna
Posts: 1440
Jo das game is :eek: zu viel dodging fläche auf shakiras :D

Leider verpasst homerj auch viele drops von kas die man auf der minimap erkennen kann

edit: http://www.teamliquid.net/video/streams/reQ englischer cast

quali um einiges schlechter dafür cast besser :D ;) da muss man prioritäten setzen mhm
Bearbeitet von He.MaN am 22.12.2010, 22:48


Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 1784
Hmm irgendwie ziemlich enttäuschende Vorstellung von Mana, mal schaun wie Whitera auf die pfeifn geben wird :D

Interview von OGSMC von http://www.teamliquid.net

Congratulations on winning the GSL3! How did you feel after Rain GG'd in Game 5?

Feels very nice, but Rain is cheese man. I wanted a macro game. The finals games were very easy, and only second game is good game. The others are not worthy of final match games.

At this point Ret interrupts to talk about Huk wanting to play frisbee every day, and Min Chul kindly reminds him that an interview is going on. "Hey Jos. Shut up. You good manner."

What did you and your teammates do to celebrate? What are you going to do with the prize money?

We went out for drinks and Korean BBQ with the team. After the PlayXP tournament is over, I am going to celebrate more, but there are lots of tournaments so I will have to spend most of my time practicing.

For the prize money, I will give some to my mother, spend some to the team, and the rest will be "invested" in myself

Were you worried at all during the match with TSL_Rain?

I was extremely nervous during the first game. But after I won that game, I knew for sure that Rain was not a Terran on a level that could beat me. This calmed my nerves down and everything came easily after that.

You are the first Protoss player to win GSL. Many Protoss players on our forums are inspired by your victory. Do you have anything to say to foreign Protoss players?

I believe in my skill above anyone, be it Protoss, Terran, or Zerg, and I proved it with these results. I hope Protoss players can be inspired by my play and play well themselves.

Our forum really likes your English quotes, like "Marauder die die." Do you have some words for your "foreigner" fans?

In a Korean interview earlier today I thanked my "another Korean fans" (non-Korean fans) for their cheers. As for English quotes, I think next season I will have something prepared each game.

This was your team's first GSL win. Is the team happy? As the team is more successful you will have to play each other more in tournaments, like when you played against Jinro in the semifinals.

At the house it's a general celebratory mood, a little more happy than usual. Team kills are things you can't avoid, so the winning player just has to make sure to keep giving good performances.

You are friendly with many of the Liquid` players. How do you feel about them in the house? Are the oGs guys used to them by now? Tell us some stories about living with them.

We don't mind them at all, and because they all have unique personalities, it's great to joke around and have fun in general.

Tell us their secrets.

Hayder can't eat meat and he has a girly voice. Huk is a psycho. Jonathan is a normal nice guy who works hard. Jos loves the women and is good at lying.

That is interesting. Are Jos and the other Liquid` guys successful with Korean girls?

I haven't met any girls with Haypro or Huk, but when I've been with Jonathan and Jos, it looks like girls are interested but most of them quit because they can't speak English well enough, so I have to take the role of interpreter.

Are you going to create an account on TeamLiquid to speak to your international fans?

My English isn't that great so it's tough right now. I plan to improve my English so I can post next year.

What is your prediction for Code S and Code A groups, especially for your teammates?

Everyone on the team is a good player, and if they have a little luck they'll make it to the Round of 8.

Any last words of thanks for your practice partners or fans?

TheStc and Hyperdub helped me a lot, especially want to give a big thanks to TheStc. I'd like to thank the foreign fans for their incredible attention, and it would be awesome if a lot of pretty female fans came to watch when I compete in foreign tournaments in the future.

Just kidding. I hope everyone comes and cheers me on. Thank you.
Bearbeitet von K4m4Hl am 22.12.2010, 23:18


Rush B
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Vienna
Posts: 1440
Na toll.. whitera raus und mal wieder ein TvT final bo7

da bin ich wohl vorher raus


© Natural Ignorance (NI)
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: 0x3FC
Posts: 10605
frage: habs grad zuende installiert und ingame kann man die sprache nicht ändern? sagts mir jetzt bitte nicht, dass ich es wieder deinstallieren und den englischen client saugen darf :D tia!

3d Prophet

Registered: Dec 2004
Location: Ziel 1 Gebiet
Posts: 409
ui - ich fürchte du triffst genau den nagel auf den kopf.... auf die gachn hab ich kurz gegooglet aber jedes tool was das könnte würde anscheinend so tiefe änderungen hervorrufen dass du gefahr läufst dass dein account gesperrt wird... blizzard ist da sehr rigide, das ist btw. in erster linie gegen cheater gerichtet - nicht mal custom key programme gibts... sry aber du wirst wohl - wie auch ich es schmerzhaft erfahren musste - den englischen client vorher saugen müssen...sofern keiner ne andre lösung parat hat.


© Natural Ignorance (NI)
Registered: Jul 2002
Location: 0x3FC
Posts: 10605
bled :D kann ma nix machen ... bin schon am saugen. ca ne stund. werd daweil tee trinken und kekse futtern ;D danke!


Rush B
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Vienna
Posts: 1440
Also ich hab auch die Deutsche von CD installed und habs dann mit Englisch so gemacht



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take castet grad go4sc2 cup finale. ist aber wenig spannend. marine/tank schas ohne spannung.


Ich schau nur
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: 4202
Posts: 3100
noch ein halbfinale (bo5) und dann das finale des kaspersky invite turniers.

(Ret vs. MC) vs. TOP

oder ESL TV mit Take


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Posts: 15285
brrrrr. das erste spiel war ja schon mal grauslich :D wieso geht der an der stelle mit so einer armee in den angriff. autsch.

3d Prophet

Registered: Dec 2004
Location: Ziel 1 Gebiet
Posts: 409
ich fands toll :D - MC derzeit einfach stark drauf. gestern wars nice wie die gsl crew (die heute halbfinale gespielt haben/spielen) unsre europäer fest in den hintern getreten haben.

edit: balls of steel auf der position mit der exe... wenn er roaches all in geht kann er die nie und nimmer halten. 5 gate push am ende nicht mehr mit lings only nicht zu halten.
Bearbeitet von 3d Prophet am 29.12.2010, 17:29


Ich schau nur
Registered: Jul 2005
Location: 4202
Posts: 3100
spiel um platz 3 und finale heute

wie gestern auf http://tv.esl.eu/de/esltv_stream/ und http://www.own3d.tv/live/1166


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ich pack den scv love song mit husky net :D:D:D:D
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