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PSP aufgeschraubt!

HeuJi 17.12.2004 - 00:10 2389 7


OC Addicted
Registered: Jul 2001
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Naja aber die Bilder sind sehenswert, nur schad um die eine PSP von den 200000, die bis jetzt hergestellt worden sind ...


Back from Banland
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gefällt :D


Registered: Feb 2001
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wer sagt das man die nimmer zamsetzen kann?
also ich könnts aus den einzelteilen wieder zamstecken .. :D


takeover & ether
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: VIE
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kannst dir sicher sein, dass nicht nur 1 psp geöffnet wurde...

die ganze modder szene ist hinter den teilen her ...


I do my own stunts
Registered: Feb 2002
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Zitat von XXL
wer sagt das man die nimmer zamsetzen kann?
also ich könnts aus den einzelteilen wieder zamstecken .. :D

und sicher das nie ein paar schrauben übriggeblieben sind? :D


16 bit herz
Registered: Dec 2002
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Posts: 10609
Um die euphorie etwas zu bremsen...

"Reports are coming in that the initial shipment of PSP units is seeing some defective units getting to the public.

These defects include:
- Dead pixels, as many as 3 per screen with the problem.
- Broken UMD drives.
- Analog nubs not working.

Sony has yet to make any official announcement about any of these issues, and about how users with any of these problems can recitfy them.
Be sure to check back for Sony's response to these issues.

UPDATE: More problems ahoy!

- Analog nubs not just not working, but actually falling off.
- PSP is turned on, but does not start up.
- Screen has air bubbles.
- Screen has dust on the inside.

Also, as for the UMD drive problems, some have reported the drive not closing completely, and the UMD, when the PSP is twisted, actually flies out!

Most retailers are stressing the fact that these problems don't occur in the majority of PSPs, but take caution in importing until Sony gives an official announcement.


Video of UMD popping out when unit is turned/twisted (Quicktime, 40KB):


Larger size movies of the same UMD problem!

Video 2 of UMD popping out when unit is turned/twisted (Quicktime, 1.2MB):
Video 3 of UMD popping out when unit is turned/twisted (Quicktime, 1.2MB):

Movie of PSP turned on, nothing happens (Quicktime, 335KB):

Image of why Square button does not work right, it is off center from the contact it has to touch within the PSP (click for larger pic). Thanks to user "Soniota" for pointing this pic out to us, and thanks to Asahi-net.or.jp for the pic and videos in this update:

Soniota is correct. After talking to a friend of mine who lives in Tokyo for confirmation, the pic below does indeed show the left side as translated to me, in her exact words: "that first one is...genbutsu...means the actual article the second means:..ahmm...holon...ahh the way you have to have it from the origin...or u have to keep it like that way it was or u had it" In other words, the right is what the circuit board for the buttons is supposed to look like, but the left is the actual look of the board of the production unit taken apart.

Hier die Quelle=>http://www.gamesarefun.com/news.php?newsid=4010


Registered: Jun 2004
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Posts: 558


been there, done that
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Vienna
Posts: 1436
hier @ work haben schon 3 leute ne PSP .. total genial das kleine ding und die geile grafik !

und es wird sicher hunderte gadget geben für das ding :D
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