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Prince of Persia 3 unveiled

JC 26.04.2005 - 11:25 4005 35 Thread rating


Registered: Feb 2001
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Außerdem soll einigen Magazinen zufolge PoP3/6 unter dem Titel Kindred Blades bereits Ende dieses Jahres erscheinen. Obwohl der Titel auch zur Handlung passen würde, wird das hoffentlich auf der E³ noch klargestellt werden. :)


Registered: Oct 2002
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die pics sehn schon mal gut aus, mal sehn wie sies umsetzen
bin gespannt


Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Ireland
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Zitat von DaddyCool
die pics sehn schon mal gut aus, mal sehn wie sies umsetzen
bin gespannt

Da mache ich mir keine Sorgen. Das Team dürfte in den ertsen zwei Teilen schon genug Erfahrungen gesammtelt haben, um auch diesen Teil wieder top zu machen.


Registered: Oct 2002
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war auch nicht als kritik gemeint :)
von pop halt ich sowieso sehr viel, mich würd dann auch die sys req interessieren die man dann benötigt, aber so lastig waren die anderen teile auch wieder nicht und sahen gut aus


Registered: Nov 2003
Location: Salzburg
Posts: 2060
jup, die bilder gefallen mir sehr gut...
bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass das Team ihre Arbeit gut macht!

nur was hats denn mit dem "hund" vom ersten pic auf sich ?


Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Ireland
Posts: 829
Zitat von ill
nur was hats denn mit dem "hund" vom ersten pic auf sich ?

Böser Feind? Bewacher des Bösen???? Irgendwoetwas. Gut ist der auf keinen Fall.


Registered: Feb 2001
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[...]The prince we all know handles almost exactly as he previously has, although his balance has been changed up. In Prince of Persia 3, you'll rely on him more for his acrobatics than for his combat skills, although he can still hold his own in a fight. The dark prince, on the other hand, is your go-to guy for murdering, especially when performing the stealthy kind. The shadowy avatar comes packing a wicked hook blade, called a "daggertail," that offers some stealth options that are key to getting around Babylon.

However, don't think Ubi has stapled Splinter Cell gameplay onto the standard Prince of Persia formula. The dark prince still has an action feel to him. You'll still have to slow down a bit when lining up a kill, such as when you're balanced on a chain directly above your prey and are about to drop on him. However, combat still has a good feel to it that improves on the direction Warrior Within started heading in.
As far as structure goes, Prince of Persia 3 will feature more of a free-roaming mechanic than the previous games in the series. You'll be able to explore the streets of Babylon or run across rooftops, depending on the situation and who you're playing as. From the sounds of it, the normal prince is tailor-made for roof hopping, while the dark prince is the guy you want on the streets. To switch between the two, you'll have to walk in fire to get your dark side on, and you'll have to take a dip in some life-restoring water to lighten up.
So soll das also funktionieren. Na gut, in einem brennenden Babylon sollte man dann also quasi nach Belieben in die jeweilige Inkarnation des Prinzen schlüpfen können.

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Einige Trailer und kurze Clips zu PoP3 gibt's hier, bei GameSpot; ebenso wie das Preview.

Hight Quality Version des offiziellen Trailers.
Bearbeitet von JC am 19.05.2005, 15:52 (Preview-URL fixed)


Registered: Feb 2001
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Posts: 9066
Even with two characters and a new level of nonlinearity, Kindred Blades' biggest gimmick this time around is the inclusions of pseudo-stealth.

This is not Splinter Cell. Even though Yannis and his acclaimed POP Team are using the same AI routines that powered Sam's Chaos Theory, players are not required to approach any situation cautiously. In terms of pacing, Kindred Blades should feel very much like its predecessor, Warrior Within, which combined action elements into the paltforming and puzzle components of the greater game. The only difference is that the action can now be bypassed in a rather cool way.

Instead of being sneaky and avoiding enemies or rushing right at them swinging a sword and bellowing out a war cry, Kindred Blades encourages gamers to abruptly end the lives of evildoers everywhere. To allow for this, the title will employ ruthless quick kills designed to eliminate the opposition before they can call for reinforcements and / or engage the Prince in a classic POP combat sequence.
Speed Kill wäre wohl eine bessere Beschreibung gewesen.
Now, we haven't had a chance to see much of either Prince's new acrobatic techniques, but we know they include a wall shimmy and that diagonal jump we already mentioned. We also know the game will feature several Dahaka-like chase sequences that played out rather well in Warrior Within (assuming you could get past all the Godsmack). What sounds really cool, however, are the proposed chariot racing sequences. In all honestly, we do not know how often the Prince will be able to race on these chariots or even how much control he'll have over the action, but we do believe that they are standalone segments that do not seamlessly transition into or out of the normal gameplay (not like vehicles you can get in and out of in other games, anyway).
Das hört sich ja sehr interessant an. Die "Verfolgungsjagden" bei Warrior Within waren sehr ansprechend :)

Außerdem scheint es so, als ob Kindred Blades wirklich der offizielle Titel sein würde; immerhin spricht sogar der Designer PoP3 so an.

Report @ IGN


Registered: Feb 2001
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Posts: 9066
Release Date: 10/01/2005 (Source)

[...]Whereas the past two games' environments have been strictly bound to a castle, the third Persian iteration allows for much more freedom in the environments of Babylon. The player can fully navigate through the whole city, from rooftops to alleyways to underground passages. Even the Tower of Babylon is fully traversable at one point. However, by adding this new sense of freedom, issues about the flow of the storyline arise.

"You have as much freedom as the story allows, but it's not a GTA game," says Mallat. "You don't have a map going beep-beep-beep -- this is where you have to go next. The game is also embedded with storytelling techniques akin to those in Sands of Time, like where the Prince was telling himself -- telling the player in fact -- what's happening. We're going to have that same kind of storytelling technique which will guide the player."

GameSpot hat ein Live Stage Demo online gestellt. Darin wird Yannis Mallat, einer der PoP-Producer, zum dritten Teil interviewt und gibt einige Informationen preis. So geht es in erster Linie darum, eine Situation schnell zu interpretieren und dementsprechend schnell zu agieren; das Spiel sollte also relativ schnell ablaufen. Von dem ca. 46 Minuten langen Video betreffen die ersten knapp elf Minuten PoP3, natürlich mit Ingame-Demonstrationen.
The prince is infected by the Sand of Time. He's thrown away the amulett and the protection that comes with that. And as the Sand infects him and spreads through his body the Dark Prince becomes more and more powerful.
Beide Inkarnationen besitzen eine eigene "Signaturwaffe" (Dagger, Daggertail), die die jeweils andere nicht benutzen kann. Der Daggertail wird nicht nur zum Kämpfen, sondern auch zur Fortbewegung (ansonsten unzugängliche Bereiche) verwendet.


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ich hab jetzt gelesen das der prinz heimkommt und alle leute glauben er wär ein böser prinz, weil er sich mim sand der zeit gespielt hat und so seine eigene vergangenheit verändert hat ...


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
Yeah, bring it on :)

Hier ein paar neue Infos aus dem offiziellen Forum:

  • General
  • The official subtitle is The Two Thrones.
  • The Two Thrones will bring the Sands of Time trilogy to an end.
  • The Two Thrones will be about the same length as Warrior Within
  • Release date: currently December 2005
  • The release date for PoP 3 will be the same for Europe and North America.
  • U.S. residents will be offered the PoP soundtrack album (containing music from PoP:SoT, PoP:WW, and PoP:TTT) when pre-ordering
  • The preorder soundtrack will be available in certain European territories as well. Take it with a grain of salt until more details are released: Concurrently, that's all that's known and it's known from hearsay.
  • ESRB rating: most likely M (what's this?)
  • It will be a current-generation game since development started before next-gen dev kits were ready. Right now, there are no plans for a next-gen PoP game.
  • There is no time travel and no backtracking in POP3.
  • 2 playable characters (Prince / Dark Prince) with different styles and weapon sets.
  • The Prince's character will evolve more throughout the game
  • Some famous characters from the series will be back.
  • There'll be 4 major characters in the game if you count the Prince and his darker half as one character.
  • Farah's back. She's changed slightly and her aim with the bow will be a lot better. She's wiser too.
  • According to Ubi_Prince over at IGN boards it's quite certain that Farah's voiced by someone other than the younger Farah we all know from TSOT.
  • The Prince has the same look but his attitude has changed (his motivation is more about saving his homeland this time - see here)
  • The background music on the website and in the trailer is indicative of the music direction. All the music will be written especially for the game.
  • There are no map editors or mod kits planned.
  • There'll be unlockables.
  • The Prince's dagger is the Dagger of Time and it's an essential part of the story. It's the same for the Daggertail.
  • Yuri Lowenthal will portray the Prince and Rick Miller was casted for the Dark Prince.
  • It's pretty certain that one will be able to turn the blood on/off.
  • Different people will get infected by the Sands to a different extent.

    The Dark Prince ...
  • The Prince changes into his darker half through a sudden crisis and changes back again by drinking water.
  • The transformation into the Dark Prince is not controllable.
  • Quite in the beginning the Prince will be infected by the sands of time, ultimately enabling the aforementioned tranformation mechanic. Only the Prince's arm is infected when the Sands of Time are released. That's why the Prince doesn't completely turn into a sand creature.
  • ... can reach places not accessible to the Prince because of the Daggertail.
  • ... depends on sand. Slowly but constantly he's running short of health and so he has to kill enemies and absorb the Sands to regain his health.
  • ... will use the Speed Kill System in a different way. Also, the FFFS consists of a whole new set of moves different from the Prince's.
  • ... can only use Dagger and Daggertail.
  • ... has certain advantages in platforming because of the Daggertail.
  • ..., though skeptical and sarcastic about the Prince, will often provide the Prince with advice and direction.
  • The skills of both princes are complementary.

    The story ...
  • ... is a direct continuation of Warrior Within.
  • ... takes place in Babylon where the player will experience the city by day and night.
  • ... will evolve through a combination of cinematics and in-game dialogues/development.
  • Storytelling will consist of voice-over narration, memorable cinematic moments and overheard conversations. The Prince will engage in conversations with possible companions, supplemented with the Dark Prince's comments (depending on the Prince's feelings towards the companion).
  • The Prince will talk more.
  • Kaileena is killed right in the beginning. That's how the Sands of Time will be released again.

  • Some of the enemies shown so far have bows - and they're using them.
  • The Prince won't be able to use a bow.
  • The Prince will get his hands on some kind of an "uber sword".
  • Although free roaming is possible, there are specific missions to drive the story forward.
  • The little monologues are back.
  • Corrupted dogs can steal the Sands of Time by sucking them away.
  • The player will be under constant pressure (fast-paced action). Think fast (identify the situation, see a window of opportunity and take advantage of it), act fast and kill fast (speed kills).
  • There'll be improved platforming and puzzles.
  • A revamped enemy AI as well as improved and more varied bosses ensure that there's more fun to the game.
  • More contrasting environments, both indoors and outdoors (rooftops, dark alleys, underground passages, ...)
  • The Tower of Babel is divided into two parts: a defensive layer and the Royal Palace.
  • There will be more NPCs that aren't enemies.
  • There will be sort of a ship level but it'll be completely different from the one in PoP:WW.


OC Addicted
Registered: Apr 2004
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Sodalä... jetzt is das Spiel im Handel! Hab's zwar heut schon in den Händen gehalten aba momentan muss ich leider sparen... Hat's schon wer kauft/gezockt/ge0wnd? :D

//edit: hier hat anscheinend noch keiner den link zu offiziellen hp gepostet: Büdde sehr
Bearbeitet von Armax am 09.12.2005, 20:37


Registered: Dec 2002
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gezockt, -> saugeil :eek:


OC Addicted
Registered: Aug 2000
Location: Vienna
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wahhhh ich brauch dringend einen neuen PC .....


like totally ambivalent
Registered: Apr 2003
Location: Linz
Posts: 11083
gezockt. steuerung für beschissen empfunden.
gamepad gekauft. habs genossen. wahnsinnsspiel :D
das gameplay is wie in den vorigen teilen wieder genial.
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