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[PC] SiN Episodes: Emergence

JC 03.04.2006 - 09:27 1198 10


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Hands-on @ GameSpot
Bad timing isn't one of the seven deadly sins, but when it came to the original SiN, it was deadly enough. SiN came out in the shadow of the original Half-Life, and it's taken the franchise roughly eight years to recover from that. Now, developer and publisher Ritual is preparing the return of SiN in the form of SiN Episodes: Emergence. Ironically, Emergence is built upon Valve's Source engine and Ritual will distribute the game online using Valve's Steam service. And by relying on much of the same technology used by Valve for Half-Life 2, this SiN looks to be making a much stronger impression than its predecessor.

[...]What's really intriguing about the game is the dynamic difficulty system, which we got to experience first hand. Like most shooters, Emergence will keep track of all your statistics as you play the game, including your hit percentage with various weapons, your number of kills, and so on. However, this data isn't for you to gloss over at the end of the game. Instead, Emergence will dynamically adjust the difficulty level depending on your performance. As Ritual's Tom Mustaine explained to us, if you start getting good at nailing head shots, then the game will subtly adapt to that. Enemies may start appearing with helmets, or they may dodge faster to incoming rounds. The idea is that you'll constantly be faced with a difficult challenge, no matter what your skill level. What's impressive is that Mustaine said they've discovered that with dynamic difficulty turned on, both newcomers and first-person shooter veterans take about the same amount of time to get through the game.

Generell wohl kaum ein wahres Highlight, aber in Gedenken an das erste SiN-Game doch recht nett :)


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also SiN 1 fand ich damals ganz nett. multiplayer war top, vorallem die level wo es keinen klaren boden usw gab und leute auf einmal an der wand angelaufen kamen :D

da das neue über steam läuft werd ichs aber 100% net kaufen weil ich diese art von vertrieb einfach nicht unterstützen will. es wirkt ausserdem so als ob sie grad mal ein paar level fertig hätten und die mal rausgeben und später über steam nachladen...


Registered: Feb 2001
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Yep, da hast leider recht :(
The company is distributing it online via Steam, but it is contemplating some kind of retail package, as well, though nothing is nailed down at this point.
Von SiN Episodes:
Buy as little or as much of the game as you want, with each installment offering 3 - 6 hours of action-packed gameplay. But tread lightly, as the choices you make may influence future episodes in unforeseen ways.
Selbst wenn sie ein Retail-Package rausbringen sollten, schaut ohne Steam wohl wirklich nicht so gut aus oder wie stellen die sich das vor? Jede Episode auf CD kaufen?

Nettes Gimmick:
Joining Blade on his mission are JC, a HardCorps hacker with a secret to keep, and Jessica Cannon, a fiery rookie who can find her way into any secure facility.
Die scheinen auf JC abzufahren :D

Ist das eine Hommage auf irgendetwas oder habe ich da etwas wichtiges vom ersten Teil vergessen?


Registered: Feb 2001
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Dallas, TX. - April 5, 2005 - Ritual Entertainment® and Valve® today announced that SiN Episode 1: Emergence will be available in retail outlets on May 9, 2006. Distributed throughout Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand by Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: ERTS), Emergence is the first in a new series of episodic adventures from Ritual that are powered by the award-winning Source™ game engine technology developed by Valve.

SiN Episode 1: Emergence, available for the PC, will offer explosive first person shooter experiences that reintroduce and re-imagine the world of SiN for the new millennium. Emergence, the first in this series of episodic adventures, expands on the role of Colonel John R. Blade and features never before seen weapons, characters, and environments. SiN Episode 1: Emergence will be available for $19.95.

SiN Episode 1: Emergence is now available for pre-load and pre-purchase via Steam. The pre-load is free to anyone with a valid Steam account. Those who pre-purchase prior to the game being made available on May 9 will save 10% off the $19.95 price and receive instant access to the original SiN game (single and multiplayer).

Vielleicht gibt's ja doch wen, den's interessiert :)


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Zitat von JC
Yep, da hast leider recht :(

Von SiN Episodes:

Selbst wenn sie ein Retail-Package rausbringen sollten, schaut ohne Steam wohl wirklich nicht so gut aus oder wie stellen die sich das vor? Jede Episode auf CD kaufen?

Nettes Gimmick:

Die scheinen auf JC abzufahren :D

Ist das eine Hommage auf irgendetwas oder habe ich da etwas wichtiges vom ersten Teil vergessen?

so wie ich das verstanden habe bringens jetzt über steam die episoden raus, und wenn man in steam alle episoden heraussen sind kannst dirs komplett auf cd kaufen ...

und im einser hat de rauch schon JC geheissen ;)


Here to stay
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Während der E3 wurde das Spiel ja freigegeben. Hat sichs schon wer gekauft?
Interessiert mich sehr stark nachdem ich den Trailer mit Ingamse Szenen gesehen hab. Scheint echt kurzweilig zu sein :)

EDIT: Selbst ist der Mann, ich teste es jetzt. 20€ is nich viel verhauen ;)
Bearbeitet von Earthshaker am 14.05.2006, 15:30


Registered: Feb 2001
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Review @ Techgage
SiN Episodes came.. but did it deliver? This has been one of my personal most wanted games ever since it was announced. The original had a lot of style and proved to be tons of fun, and the sequel does indeed deliver the game play SiN fans have come to love. Episodes has style, tons of action, and top notch graphics. What more do you need?

The game has it's share of bugs at this point in time though. Many people are reporting lockups and stuttering, which I have also experienced. I had the game lock up completely at one point, for around 30 seconds and then it snapped out of it. I only had that happen the once though, but some are reporting more frequent problems. Ritual is currently investigating these reports and plans to release a patch as soon as the bugs are squashed.

[...]This first episode took me between 5 and 6 hours to beat, and that includes all the times I died. I think that most players will have a solid 5 hours of game play to enjoy. Now the pricing scheme comes into question. This episode costs $19.95US, which seems a tad pricey for only 5 hours of play. However, I recently played Tomb Raider: Legends which only had 9 hours of game play, and costs much more than this. In general, the game is worth the asking price compared to a few other games on the market, but it's ultimately up to you whether or not you think the cash is worth that amount of play.


Here to stay
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Soderle, habs gestern durchgespielt.

Alles in allem ein netter Shooter für zwischendurch. 20€ sind annehmbar (man kriegt ja Sin 1 auch mit), was mich stört is das es mittendrin praktisch aufhört und nicht wenigstens in sich abgeschlossen ist. Dürfte also nicht von Beginn an das Konzept gewesen sein das Spiel in Episodenform zu bringen.

Ich fands jedenfalls ziemlich spassig :)


© Natural Ignorance (NI)
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Zitat von Earthshaker
was mich stört is das es mittendrin praktisch aufhört und nicht wenigstens in sich abgeschlossen ist
irgendwie müssens sie dich ja "zwingen", dass du auch die restlichen episoden kaufen wirst ;)

mein senf zum game: Earthshaker hats eh gut formuliert.
Zitat von Earthshaker
Alles in allem ein netter Shooter
trotzdem find ich das 20€ zuviel sind. ich glaub kaum, dass ich mir die restlichn episoden besorgen werde...


Here to stay
Registered: Dec 2002
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rgendwie müssens sie dich ja "zwingen", dass du auch die restlichen episoden kaufen wirst

Ja schon, nur war mir das zu aprupt :D

Denke auch nicht das ich mir die anderen Episoden besorgen werde. Dafür war die Story und das Gameplay zu seicht.
Preis geht ok finde ich, 20€ für 5-6 Stunden Spielzeit. Gibt Vollpreis Titel die mich weit weniger unterhalten haben :D


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9066
SiN Episodes: Emergence is now available on Steam for the new low price of $14.95! Included in this offer are the original SiN, SiN 1 multiplayer, SiN Episodes Arena Mode, and SiN Episodes multiplayer (coming soon).
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