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Painkiller: Hands-On Preview

JC 04.02.2004 - 10:13 409 7


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9067
Hier geht's zum Preview (+10 (leider kleine) Screenies).
People Can Fly has decided to take an interesting “less is more” approach when it comes to weapons and enemies. Instead of bombarding the player with 10+ guns, you instead have only five, but each has an alternate and unique firing mode. The minigun, for example, doubles as a rocket launcher. The machine gun is also a grenade launcher, and so on. This means that there will be less of the constant weapon switching many shooters are famous for. Don’t let those few mundane weapons guns fool you; there are plenty of more “interesting” devices in your employ as well. There’s the steak-gun, especially handy for nailing baddies to nearby walls, (from which they then hang limp in a great display of the Havok 2.0 physics engine.) Then there’s what I can only describe as a four-bladed rotating scythe staff, which grinds up demons faster than you can say, “Yahtzee!” Its alternate fire is also quite useful. The head of the weapon shoots off and embeds itself in the first hard object it hits. A beam then shoots back to the player, and any unfortunate souls caught in the beam are quickly killed. If the head hits an enemy before it does a wall, that enemy is immediately gibbed, creating an awe-inspiring shower of limbs and blood. It’s enough to bring a smile to anyone’s face. It sure did mine.
Painkiller uses the proprietary PAIN engine, developed by People Can Fly. This is some seriously impressive technology, which seems to be able to render extremely detailed environments and characters at a blisteringly fast framerate. Even this relatively build of Painkiller looks and plays better than a great deal of games on the market today, (Deus Ex: Invisible War comes to mind.) I wouldn’t be surprised if we started to see other developers license the PAIN engine – it’s that good. Coupled with Havok 2 physics, Painkiller manages to create a very believable game world. Audio consists of subtle ambient music while exploring, and heavy adrenaline rock during shootouts. Each enemy has their own identifiable sound, as do weapons.


Registered: Mar 2002
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Posts: 559
imho doch nur a weiterer Serious Sam Clon oder? Die 2 Engines können dafür sicher einiges :)


Big d00d
Registered: Nov 2003
Location: Doskira
Posts: 330
naja, a bissal anspruchsvoller is painkiller imho schon, bei serious sam genügts schon, wenn man einfach nur mit dauerfeuer durch die massen von gegnern rennt...


Ex Nihilo Nihil Fit
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 1175
naja painkiller ist sicher kein serious sam clon!

wennst serious sam gezockt hast und die painkiller dann wirst den unterschied zwischen den beiden games merken!



So spät wie gestern.
Registered: Oct 2003
Location: Bonner Exil #2
Posts: 5303
ack @ alucard und croatia!

In Painkiller ghets zwar ziemlich derbe ab, aber es als Serious Sam Clon zu schimpfen ist echt übertrieben!


Registered: Nov 2003
Location: Salzburg
Posts: 2059
ich würds bestimmt nicht als Klon bezeichnen
ich hab ss zwar nicht viel gespielt, aber ich finde, dass painkiller ( nicht nur allein wegen der grafik ) mehr stil hat !


Banned by Moderators
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: vienna
Posts: 297
wobei ich painkiller als einfacher empfinde.

Bei SS mußt genau wissen welche Gegner du wie angreifst und in welcher Reihenfolge, sonst wirst einfach überrannt.

Painkiller ist einfach ein "Fragfest" :D


Registered: Oct 2002
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Posts: 3214
einfach genial für zwischendruch :D
mir gefällt vor allem die physik engine
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