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Neverwinter Nights 2

JC 02.01.2007 - 11:33 1019 2


Registered: Feb 2001
Location: Katratzi
Posts: 9067
Review @ bit-tech.net
So why wait two months to review a game that's such a genre-leader?

Easy - Bioware has a history of releasing games right around what should be a beta stage. However, unlike other game makers, I can't knock them as much for it. The updater supplied with NWN2 (accessible from the first menu) will go online for you and pull down all the patches and install them properly. Updating your game is really no big issue, and as such I wanted to wait to review it until many of the release bugs were fixed. A person buying the game doesn't have to fear whether Bioware will pull an EA - the original NWN is still getting new updates and feature enhancements, over four years later.

[...]s NWN2 a bad game? Absolutely not. Is it a good game? Not really, at least in its current form. Is it worth your hard-earned dosh? That depends. Cryptic enough? I wish I could elucidate better, but I'll try to sum it up.

The game's premise is good, its framework is excellent, and its execution is mediocre. If you're looking for the splendid storytelling of Baldur's Gate 2 with better graphics, this misses - but not because of the story. The basic ingredients are all there - a well-done battle system, a party system that feels comfortable, even well-written dialogue between party members. Voice acting can be very good in places, and the actual play (bugs notwithstanding) is genuinely fun. The game also includes a tremendously successful community and wonderful developer support. That's something I can't even say about a lot of games that were nearly perfect right out of the box.


And the science gets done
Registered: Sep 2001
Location: Baden
Posts: 3548
Gutes Review, obwohl ich nicht damit konform gehen kann. Zwar stimmen die vorgebrachten Kritikpunkte, aber ich finde nicht, dass die so große Probleme machen wie dargestellt wird.
Für mich ist NWN2 seit der BG-Reihe wieder ein RPG, das mich richtig fesseln kann. NWN war zwar auch gut, und Oblivion noch viel besser, aber beiden fehlt die "klassische" Abenteurer-Gruppe. Durch die kleinen Querelen und sehr schön ausgearbeiteten Charaktere (ein kampfsüchtiger Dwarf, wie genial ist das denn bitte? ;)) entsteht eine viel dichtere Atmosphäre. Für mich das RPG-Highlight des Jahres, sogar noch vor Oblivion und weit vor Gothic 3 (wobei ich dazusagen muss, dass ich ein großer Fan des D&D Regelwerks bin).


Registered: Aug 2002
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Posts: 15288
ich komm von NWN 1 und 2 nicht los. leider brauch ich aber fürs 2er mal nen neuen pc :D
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