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[Multi] Mass Effect 3

Dreamforcer 08.04.2011 - 21:08 36447 437


darkly dreaming
Registered: Oct 2002
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Posts: 9341
Zitat von Earthshaker
@blood: keine Ahnung :p
Kann mir aber nicht vorstellen das sie zu Beginn alle Völker plus Eigenheiten erklären inkl Zusammenhänge zu den Vorgängern.

"aliens greifen die erde an" - mehr braucht es nicht an erklärung :D


darkly dreaming
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 9341
(4chan hat ihr den spitznamen hamburger helper verpasst)

Jennifer Hepler is hated by people on the Internet, as Destructoid reader Ben recently informed us. That's not unusual in itself, as there are few public figures who aren't hated by a significant cross-section of the online population. However, when you consider what Hepler did -- or didn't do -- it certainly is a puzzle as to why she's despised with such pure, unfettered venom. She wrote for Dragon Age and Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Hepler is a BioWare writer and woke up one day to discover the entire Internet hated her. A number of online communities recently started dogpiling on the lady, accusing her of "ruining" BioWare games with her writing. She's also received a lot of heat for admitting that she doesn't like to play games -- certainly a requirement if your job is to craft narrative (sarcasm).

By far her greatest "crime" was suggesting that games should let the player skip combat, stating: "Games almost always include a way to "button through" dialogue without paying attention, because they understand that some players don't enjoy listening to dialogue and they don't want to stop their fun.[...]"

Hepler decided to join Twitter, but within fourteen Tweets she has already asked support if she can delete her account. It seems that gamers caught a whiff of her Twitter presence, and everything went to shit.

Poor Hepler did not exactly help her case, publicly stating: "I just figure they're jealous that I get to have both a vagina AND a games industry job, and they can't get either."

Everything seemed to come to a head with studio GM Aaryn Flynn getting involved. After one user called Hepler "the cancer that is killing BioWare," Flynn retorted by calling him a "fu*king moron." So now BioWare is accused of treating customers disrespectfully, and the moron in question is going on a crusade and talking about his hurt feelings.

wtf geht ab? :D die spieler lassen ihren frust über die sinkende qualität von bioware-games am senior writer aus, und plötzlich flamen nicht nur die fans, sondern auch bioware-mitarbeiter selber!
der kampf um die erde hat begonnen!

Bearbeitet von blood am 20.02.2012, 16:02


Here to stay
Registered: Dec 2002
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Zitat von blood
der kampf um die erde hat begonnen!
hahaha, epic :)


See you Space Cowboy
Registered: Sep 2003
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haha das hat 4chan rage fuel qualität...


Here to stay
Registered: Dec 2002
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Sorry versteh den Witz da nicht :confused:

By far her greatest "crime" was suggesting that games should let the player skip combat, stating: "Games almost always include a way to "button through" dialogue without paying attention, because they understand that some players don't enjoy listening to dialogue and they don't want to stop their fun.[...]"

In Mass Effect wär das echt angebracht :D

Am besten das "Spiel" sein lassen und alle 3 Mass Effects bitte wie den Take Earth Back Trailer verfilmen. Danke :)


darkly dreaming
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 9341
in ME2 hätte ich den combat sogar gerne übersprungen um ehrlich zu sein :D ich erinnere mich nämlich nur an 2 spannende missionen während der ersten 10h :( :(


darkly dreaming
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was verwendet shepards begleiterin wohl für einen haarfestiger?


Huge Metal Fan
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Erde, 2183. Explosionen und Laser. Die Frisur hält. 3 Wetter Taft.


Layer 8 Problem
Registered: Nov 2001
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Irgendwie wirken die Reaper etwas klein

Im Vergleich das Wallpaper:

click to enlarge


darkly dreaming
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 9341
click to enlarge

sind im video mehrfach größer als ein wolkenkratzer.


Layer 8 Problem
Registered: Nov 2001
Location: Switzerland
Posts: 4236
Für mich schauts so aus, als ob die nur etwa so gross wie ein Wolkenkratzer sind oder eher etwas kleiner.
Vielleicht hab ich die ja auch nur viel grösser in Erinnerung.


darkly dreaming
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 9341
die sehen auf dem wallpaper maybe nur so groß aus, weil big ben so klein ist.
Bearbeitet von blood am 22.02.2012, 17:00


darkly dreaming
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 9341
Mass Effect 3 From Ashes DLC confirmed as special edition bonus

so wird geld gemacht! ein essentieller teil des games wird entfernt (es handelt sich um einen prothean als partymember, die wahrscheinlich WICHTIGSTE RASSE im gesamten masseffect-universum), und in die 20 dollar teurere collectors edition gepackt bzw als 10 dollar DLC angeboten.
mir persönlich ist es vollkommen schnurz was nach dem release an DLCs rausgeworfen wird, aber wenn offensichtlich content aus dem game entfernt wird, noch dazu _storyrelevanter_, hört der spaß auf.


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darkly dreaming
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 9341
omg danke für das vid, totalbiscuit bringts auf den punkt.
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