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Monster Madness - Battle For Suburbia

.dcp 01.06.2007 - 14:46 909 3


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: new
Posts: 8881
Monster Madness: Battle for Suburbia is a top-down multiplayer cooperative shooter in the vein of such hits as Smash TV. Based in a setting of typical modern-day suburban America, Monster Madness: Battle for Suburbia presents an offbeat riff on pop-culture horror with a vast collection of humorous looking mythical and paranormal creatures.

click to enlarge

  • Play modes: Choose from one to four-player co-op and four-player death match scenarios, or even a sixteen-player online competitive mode.
  • Monsters and weapons: Look for over 40 unique monsters and lots of weaponry. Upgrade your home-made weapons using scavenged parts to give yourself an edge over your enemies.
  • Level design: The intense top-down 3-D shooting combat is quite unique, with five unique environments and six gigantic levels. There are multiple ways to get through a level.
  • Game environments: Use the environment. The completely destructible environment and architecture with devious physical traps can be manipulated to your advantage.
  • Play style: The comic book-style full-motion video sequences tell the playful story of Monster madness: Battle for Suburbia, a parody of horror and science fiction clichés.
  • Transformation: Collect power-ups to unleash the beast within! Transform your character into a werewolf, zombie, mummy, or vampire to temporarily gain special powers.


sieht sehr lustig aus, vorallem der coop-mode :)
habs schon zuhause liegen (fürn PC) und werds nach feierabend mal antesten.


Registered: Aug 2000
Location: Wien
Posts: 2958
und wie isses? sieht nett aus :)


Registered: Jul 2002
Location: new
Posts: 8881
nujo, also ich sag mal, das spiel is ganz spaßig, aber die steuerung is sowas fürn *****...habs 2 level gezockt und musste danach ersmal aufhören, weils echt frustrierend war.


OC Addicted
Registered: May 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 944
Ich habs auf meiner 360er ausprobiert. Fands eher chaotisch als sonst was, und die Steuerung ist echt mieserabel.
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