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Inoffizielle Magiertalente + offizielle Infos

Denne 03.04.2006 - 15:51 4153 63


Here to stay
Registered: Jan 2005
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hier erstmal die unoffizielen Änderungen.
*Diese sind nicht von Blizzard*

[QUOTE]Disclaimer: The forums wouldn't allow me to log in with any of my Dark Iron characters thus I was unable to post this using my main who is a level 60 Mage named Slaughter on Dark Iron.

Disclaimer: These patch notes are the result of my personal discussions with an individual whom will remain nameless as to protect their identity. These patch notes are not final but are complete as of the present. Additions and subtractions from these notes may apply in the future.

Disclaimer: These patch notes apply only to the Arcane tree as this was the only information I was able to gather. If I am able to get more info about the upcoming patch I will post it here.

- Due to significant talent changes, Mages will have all talent points refunded and can be respent. Training costs for all talent spell replacements have been significantly reduced.

- New talent: Arcane Fury (Passive, 5/5). Obtainable in first tier of the Arcane tree, Arcane Fury increases damage done by Arcane spells by 3% per talent point for a maximum of 15%.

- Arcane Subtletly will now apply to all schools of magic. This change should make talent point expenditure here more desirable.

- Wand Specialization has received slight modifications. With a maximum of 5 talent points, Wand Specialization will increase damage dealt by wands by 3% per combo point for a maximum of 15% additional damage. This was done in interest of allowing for a new talent in Wand Mastery that should make wand usage more attractive.

- New talent: Wand Mastery. With a prerequisite of 5 talent points spent in Wand Specialization, this passive ability will allow + damage effects and gear to appropriately scale wand damage. This scaling holds consistent with a particular wand's element and the "casting" speed by which calculation for + damage will be made will be based upon the wand's speed.

- Improved Arcane Explosion has been removed from the talent trees altogether and instead Arcane Explosion will be instant-cast by default.

- Evocation has been removed from the talent trees altogether and instead has been added as a trainable spell obtainable at level 30. Additionally, the cooldown has been reduced to 5 minutes in order to make the spell more useful.

- Arcane Missiles will now emit only three missiles as opposed to five. The total mana cost of the spell has been reduced significantly in order to make the spell more mana efficient.

- Improved Arcane Missiles has been redesigned. Available after 10 points have been spent in the Arcane tree, this talent will accept up to three talent points with each point increasing the casting duration of Arcane Missiles by adding one additional burst of missiles for a maximum of six total.

- New talent: Missile Mastery (Passive, 1/1). This talent will be obtainable with prerequisite of three points in Improved Arcane Missiles and will render the Arcane Missiles spell uninterruptible.

- Improved Counterspell has been removed from the talent tree. As a result counterspell will inherently receive the previous buff from this talent of silencing the target for four seconds. This was done to put counterspell on par with over silencing abilities such as Silence and Spell Lock.

- Improved Dampen Magic has been removed from the talent tree.

- Improved Mana Shield has been removed from the talent tree.

- Presence of Mind will now be obtainable with 15 points spent in the Arcane Tree but has received a slight modification. In addition to making your next spell with casting time under ten seconds cast instantly, the mana cost of that spell will be increased by 20%.

- Arcane Meditation has received slight modifications. The talent will now allow mana regeneration while casting of 5% per point spent for a maximum of 5 points or 25%.

- New talent: Improved Evocation (Passive, 1/1). Obtainable with prerequisite of 5 points spent in Arcane Meditation, this talent will increase the time during which Evocation casts by 2 seconds. This will allow for an extra "tick" of evocated mana regeneration and should make the spell even more useful.

- Arcane Mind has received slight modifications. The talent will now accept a maximum of 5 talent points and will increase maximum mana by 3% per talent point for a maximum of 15%.

- New talent: Arcane Resilience (Passive, 2/2). Obtainable with 20 point spent in Arcane talents, this talent increases the effectiveness of Dampen and Amplify magic by 30% per talent point for a maximum of 60%.

- Arcane Instability has been moved such that it is obtainable with 20 points spent in the Arcane Tree. The skill itself will remain unchanged.

- New talent: Improved Polymorph (Passive, 3/3). Obtainable with 25 points spent in Arcane talents, reduces the target's ability to resist Polymorph by 4% per talent point for a maximum of 12%. This reduction in resistance to the spell will also appropriately affect the target's ability to break Polymorph once affected.

- New talent: Master Shepherd (Passive, 1/1). Obtainable with 25 points spent in Arcane talents and with prerequisite of 3 points spent in Improved Polymorph, this talent allows up to two targets to be affected by Polymorph at one time.

- Arcane Power has been redesigned. This talent will be obtainable with prerequisite of three points in Arcane Instability and 25 points spent in Arcane talents. The increase in damage and mana cost has been reduced from 35% to 20% but the duration has been increased to 20 seconds. Additionally, during the 20 seconds, the caster's percent chance to hit with spells is increased by 10%.

- New talent: Invisibility (Instant cast, 345 mana, 3 minute cooldown, 1/1). This talent will be obtainable with 30 points spent in Arcane talents. Upon use the caster is rendered invisible and is free to move about as though in stealth. Any damage dealt to the caster or any non-movement action taken by the caster will break invisibilty. During invisibility, movement speed is reduced to 75% of normal.

- Mana Rubies, Citrines, Jades and Agates will no longer be soulbound thus allowing them to be traded to friendly targets.

- Mage Armor has received slight modifications. Once cast, the spell will increase mana regeneration by 10% while also reducing all spell damage taken by 10%. This was done to make the spell more useful.

- Ice Armor's bonus to armor has been slightly increased. All other effects of this spell have remained unchanged.

EDIT: Fixed a few typos. I apologize if more still exist as I have typed this by hand based upon my friend's input. Feel free to ask questions and I'll answer them to the best of my knowledge.

EDIT: Also, I pretty much have the new Arcane tree drawn out in front of me so if you have any questions about what it looks like specifically, feel free to ask.

EDIT: Compliments of my original source I have come across a few pieces of the remaining two trees. These are not guaranteed accurate as-is but should be implemented near what I present to you in the following segment:

Fire talents

- New talent: Cold Burn (Instant cast, 295 mana, 1/1). Requires three points in improved Frost Nova. Ignites a frozen target with singing flames that deals 490 to 546 fire damage and incapacitates the target for three seconds.

- Ignite has been moved to now require 10 points in Fire talents instead of only 5. This was done to make room for it as a prerequisite for Searing Freeze. The talent itself has remained unchanged.

- Incinerate has been moved to now require only 5 points in Fire talents instead of 10. This was done to make room for Ignite as a prerequisite for Searing Freeze. The talent itself has remained unchanged.

- Combustion has been redesigned. Having a prerequisite of 5 points spent in Improved Scorch and 20 points spent in Fire talents, this spell combusts the fire vulnerability of its victim and causes 725 damage over 12 seconds. The spell's chance to hit its target is bolstered by the stacked fire vulnerability with each unit of vulnerability contributing 10% to its chance to hit.

- Improved Flamestrike has been removed the fire talent tree.

- New talent: Heatwave (Passive, 4/4). Gives successful fire spell hits a chance to do additional area of effect damage from the location of the spell's target. This damage has a radius of 10 yards.

- Blastwave has received slight modifications. Its location in the Fire tree has remained unchanged but it will now require 4 points in Heatwave as a prerequisite.

- Burning Soul has received slight modifications. The third point in this talent will now increase the caster's chance to resist interruption during casting of a fire spell by 75% instead of 65%

- Pyroblast has been removed as a 10 point talent and reinstated as the new 30 point fire talent. As such the spell has received slight modifications. The casting time of this spell has been reduced to 4 seconds and the damage has been increased as to make it useful for a 30 point talent. Overall the spell will receive and increase in damage of 23% and the damage over time associated with it will be increased in time length as well increased in overall damage.

Frost talents

- Improved Frost Nova has traded places with Piercing Ice within the tree and has been redesigned. The talent will now be a prerequisite for the fire tree's Cold Burn talent which requires three points in it. Each point in Improved Frost Nova will now increase the duration in which the target is frozen by 1 second per point for a maximum of 3 seconds. The base duration of the spell has been lowered by one second. The Frost talent Shatter will still remain with prerequisite of Improved Frost Nova but now will require 3 points in the talent instead of the original 2.

- New talent: Searing Freeze (Instant cast, 354 mana, 1/1). Requires 5 points in Ignite. Rapidly freezes a target afflicted by Ignite after dealing the remainder of Ignite's damage in addition to 352 to 405 frost damage. The target is the incarcerated in a block of ice for 4 seconds.

- New talent: Arctic Blast (Passive, 3/3). With prerequisite of three points in Improved Cone of Cold, this talent will add a chance for the caster's Cone of Cold spell to deliver a knock-back effect of 5 yards. The first 2 points spent in this talent yield 20% extra chance to deliver this effect while the third point increases this chance to 50%. Frozen targets that are affected by this knock-back will remain frozen upon landing and will be unable to move until the duration of the freeze effect is either completed or it breaks prematurely.

- Ice Barrier has received slight modifications but will remain as the Frost 30 point talent. The total damage absorbed by the barrier has been increased by 20%. Additionally, while the barrier holds, or until up until the barrier final breaks, 20% of all spell damage taken is reverted to the caster of Ice Barrier's mana pool.

Quelle: klick mich

sehr interessent, wie ich finde, jedoch vllt auch etwas abwegig.

Wie jedoch jetzt eine offiziele "Mitteilung" bestätigt, scheinen einige Änderungen der paar Wochern vorher erschienenen richtig zu sein.

[QUOTE]ell, right now we're in the process of working on the talent review for the mage. Some of the aspects we're looking to improve include easing a mage's downtime between fights a bit and making a Fire/Frost build a more viable combination than it is right now. (Currently most magi feel that having anywhere between 11 to 21 points in the Arcane is a "must").

To accomplish this, it's likely that we'll take a few of the "must have" abilities from Arcane, and make them available to all magi. (Some likely candidates are the talents Evocation and Improved Arcane Explosion.) From there, we'll also look at ways for players to be able to create interesting combos between the Fire and Frost trees. Hopefully, these changes will further polish the general play experience of magi while also opening some new, interesting talent builds. [/QUOTE]

Wie werden die Änderungen wohl aussehen? Etwa so, wie die oben erwähnten?


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geh bitte. jedesmal das selbe :rolleyes:

warten wir bis blizzard ne liste bringt, dann red ma drüber, vorher is sinnlos


formerly known as der~erl
Registered: Aug 2002
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warum postest du den crap den IRGENDJEMAND erfunden hat?


Mr. Zet

resident spacenerd
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also auch wenn in dem interview eben darauf hingewiesen wird, dass sie versuchen kombinationen aus eis/feuer interessanter zu machen.... die oben geschilderten talente scheinen mir sehr abstrus... gegner friert ein wenn er brennt, oder beginnt zu brennen wenn er gefroren ist? strange...
man kann natürlich nicht wirklich was sagen, aber was ich aus den feuertalenten herauslese gefällt mir gar nicht, macht den tree imho noch uninteressanter, als er durch die high-level raid instanzen ohnehin schon war.

und dann sind da 2 punkte, die mich zum lachen gebracht haben:

invisibility, eine fähigkeit, die in der beta entfent wurde.
erst kürzlich wurden diverse unsichtbarkeitsfeatures von (night elf) Jägern reduziert. jetzt sollen magier plötzlich aus der unsichtbarkeit angreifen können? sorry, ist mir zu abwegig.

master shepherd: das ist einfach nur mehr lustig... dort wo man mehr als 1 schaf "braucht" hat man auch mehr als einen magier. und ohne "target last" ist es an diesen stellen gar nicht möglich "sein" schaf im auge zu behalten, außer man würde für die zeit gar nicht am kampf teilnehmen.
2 schafe pro magier wäre einfach overkill, und trotzdem unnötig imho.

vieles klingt interessant und realistisch, aber in summe gesehen zu abstrus und auch "imba".


Here to stay
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: Germany
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unsichtbarkeit kommt erst mit dem addon :)
zumindest so, wie blizzard sagte...

einige sachen finde ich auch strange und denke, dass sie so nicht kommen werden.
aber zb nerf von ap finde ich sehr realistisch...

ich bin gespannt, was wie kommen wird. das die änderungen oben nicht zu 100% stimmen können, sollte klar sein ;)


u wot m8?
Registered: Apr 2005
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Hehe ich hätte gerne unsichtbarkeit und die arkanen talente klingen alle sehr witzig 2 schafe pro magier im pvp ^^ 5 magier gegen 10 andere sicher lustig aber klingt alles sehr abwägig und eher unwahrscheinlich würde mich aber über so einen talentbaum freuen. Arkane macht magier mit pyro habe ich e noch nie leiden können. Bin eingeschworener Frostmagier 33/18^^


Here to stay
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: Germany
Posts: 2801
ja, die Talente werden so sicher nicht stimmen.
Es gibt ja mehrere inoffiziele Patchnotes.
In einigen Punkten sind sie sehr ähnlich.
Das mit den 2 Sheeps habe ich nur in diesen Patchnotes gelesen. Denke daher, dass es dies nicht geben wird.
In anderen Parchnotes wird zum Beispiel auch AP genervt und man dieses mit keinem Trinket mehr wie zb ToeP oder das ZGT mehr benutzen kann. Diese 2 Trinkets kann man ja so auch nicht mehr zusammen benutzen.

Nun ja, alles Gerüchte. Lassen wir uns überraschen :)


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Bearbeitet von rofn am 04.05.2006, 14:31


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hoff ma mal dass sie es net in den sand setzen :D *refresh*


Big d00d
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seite überlastet o_O


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wo sollt mans sehen? i finds net


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evocation ausserhalb der talente und frostbite als tier 2 find ich spontan mal gut. arcane explosion instant und dafür punkte in + crit schaut auch gut aus. werd am abend dann genauer lesen :D


Master of Elements
Your Fire and Frost spell criticals will refund 10/20/30% of their base mana cost.
Note: This is a new ability and, interestingly, affects more than one talent tree.

warum das im feuer tree ist versteh ich net. muss ich jetzt als frost mage statt arcane auch noch feuer für sowas ausbaun :confused:

Mr. Zet

resident spacenerd
Registered: Oct 2000
Location: Edge of Tomorrow
Posts: 12055
hmm, hmm klingt vielversprechend, auch wenns offensichtlich kein reiner buff ist, sondern sich einiges total ändert, manches sogar verschwunden ist..

naja, bin gespannt.. ich fürchte nur PoM und das neue Combustion *sabber* wird nicht beides gehen :evil: :D

Mr. Zet

resident spacenerd
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Posts: 12055
Zitat von d3cod3
Master of Elements
Your Fire and Frost spell criticals will refund 10/20/30% of their base mana cost.
Note: This is a new ability and, interestingly, affects more than one talent tree.

warum das im feuer tree ist versteh ich net. muss ich jetzt als frost mage statt arcane auch noch feuer für sowas ausbaun :confused:

das ist imho logisch -> firemages haben in MC und BWL einen riesen nachteil, nicht nur, dass sie weniger frostschaden machen (nona), sondern ihnen fehlt auch die manaeffizienz (die auch bei feuer nicht gegeben ist).

imho ist das ein "zuckerl" um den firemage wieder für mehr leute interessant zu machen.. derzeit wird man als feuermage ja seltsam angeschaut von den meisten ;)
(solang ich im DM vor allen frostmages bin, is ma das aber ziemlich egal :D)


Here to stay
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: Germany
Posts: 2801
vernünftige änderungen finde ich.
sie haben auf jeden fall nicht den mage zur imbaklasse gemacht.
mal sehen, wie es ingame wird. hört sich aber fair und "balanced" aus :)
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