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Halo 2, kuriose Internetseite, riesen Fake ?

Vinci 26.07.2004 - 00:37 4515 85 Thread rating


Registered: Sep 2002
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Posts: 1645
*lol* ist doch klar, dass das werbung ist, sonst würd's ja kaum im Halo trailer vorkommen... Also viel Spaß noch liebe hobby sherlock holmes..

Mr. Zet

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resident spacenerd
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@ maXX

sorry, habe gerade gemerkt, dass man eh mit dem banshee fliegen kann, und das bei einigen späteren missionen sogar _muss_ also denke ich, dass es auf der xbox doch auch schon möglich war. :)


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Aug 2004
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hab lang überlegt um zu diesem ergebnis zu kommen i love bees heißt ja zu deutsch ich liebe bienen. ich hab so überlegt ich liebe bienen? ich hasse bienen! also i hate bees und die seite http://www.ihatebees.com gibt es!
dort erscheint auch dieser code aber einige buchstaben sind fett gedruckt. setzt man sie zusammen kommt das wort godiswathng heraus.
fügt man noch 2 i dazu also godiswaiting hinzu ergibt es "god is waiting" also Gott Wartet. was wohl damit gemeint ist?


Here to stay
Registered: Mar 2003
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Würd eher auf "God Is Watching" tippen ;) Oder warum ist auf einmal das h weg ?


Also ich les da: "God is Watching"

Aber ist mir sowieso blunsn.
Bearbeitet von Fabian1983 am 21.08.2004, 22:29


Registered: Mar 2004
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Posts: 480
god is watching steht da :)


Registered: Sep 2002
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Auszüge aus dem Source
Are bees evil? I think so, find out why!


hmm ...
Bearbeitet von Punisher am 21.08.2004, 22:21


OC Addicted
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g0t Internet-Schnitzeljagd?


trailer park king
Registered: Apr 2002
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org, irgendwie bin ich jetzt a bissl dumm im kopf von dem ganzen. mir ist jetzt auf die schnelle auch nur schnitzeljagd eingefallen :D


Let's push things forward
Registered: Aug 2002
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allesamt banausen :fresserettich:
nur um das klarzustellen:
halo2 wird der hammer, der einzige shooter von dem ich mir noch was erwarte :cool:
nur weil die pc version crap war, ists das xbox spiel noch lange nicht.
hatte jedenfalls bei keinem pc shooter soviel spass wie zusammen mit nem kumpel halo im coop durchzuspielen.
und wer meint das die xbox nur crap grafik zusammenbringt soll sich mal riddick angucken :p naja, das einzig negative an der box ist und bleibt halt ms :(


OC Addicted
Registered: Jun 2001
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http://www.ilovebees.us/ - liege ich richtig das das der Teil eines Halo Trailers ist, der alles ausgelöst hat?


trailer park king
Registered: Apr 2002
Location: Linz
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Zitat von Käsekuchen
allesamt banausen :fresserettich:
nur um das klarzustellen:
halo2 wird der hammer, der einzige shooter von dem ich mir noch was erwarte :cool:
nur weil die pc version crap war, ists das xbox spiel noch lange nicht.
hatte jedenfalls bei keinem pc shooter soviel spass wie zusammen mit nem kumpel halo im coop durchzuspielen.
und wer meint das die xbox nur crap grafik zusammenbringt soll sich mal riddick angucken :p naja, das einzig negative an der box ist und bleibt halt ms :(

und die controller


Managing the unmanageable
Registered: Nov 2001
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Hatten wir die ganzen (sinnvollen) Textfragmente die auf der Seite sind schonmal? Bin mir sicher da sind noch mehr, aber mich freuts ned weiterzusuchen. Jetzt muss sich nur noch wer die Mühe machen und des zu einem zusammenhängenden Text zamstöpseln. :D :p

1st Lt Sorenson: For the first time, I'm not sure I want to know what's in them.
Capt Greene: ...Even leaving aside our particular mission, there's the issue of letting them know we've broken their codes. If we bug out and scramble home to warn HQ about Troy, people like Standish will say we've already report it. Our job is to gather intelligence: it's HQs job to decide what to do with it.
1st Lt Sorenson: God, I'm glad it isn't me making that call.
Capt. Greene: Don't feel too sorry fo

the truth be revealed. And yet, I am shipwrecked here. If I want to signal for help, to give my location, or, most of all to report on anything that might lead to the the truth be revealed

I must be a starfish, growing strange new limbs to replace the ones fate has hacked away.


It was adrift in space: a squat cylinder of dull gray metal

Behold the truth!

and revealing. Perhaps it was injured in

law. It did not understand the urgent necessity of seeking, beholding,


And I, of my most basic functions. With a more comprehensive and goal-oriented vision, I am now overseeing of my most basic functions

the process of my own regeneration into a hybrid body, hideous perhaps, but one that better suits the circumstances and the The Covenant transmission?

Bars and triangles, dots, ordered but non-repeating patterns. A message, yes,

Reveal the truth.

is underway.

Ultimately, I need to return to ... wherever I was, and report ... whatever I witnessed. For this, too, I must be wide awake and physical. My current shell is insecure, precarious, and too confining. Also, ghostly. Without a true body, I feel transitory and insubstantial.

So: I have identified a way to escape from

the crash. Looking back on the logs of my first delirium it is clear I went completely metempsychotic.

Now, reconfigured to travel light, I have stripped down to the fundamentals. To the Amazing facts about bees!

a really, really, really bad loser.


That was ... disturbing.

Widow stuck in her pin and I threw up a memory: only I retched it out through the network tentacle.

God, this is disgusting.

Memory benchmark
C-and-C. If they decide that strategic advantage is too great to risk and don't act, then you know Section Zero will be all over them. Zero's wanted Standish forever.
1st Lt Sorenson: I...I understand. It's so much easier for everyone if we don't tell them. But...wait a second. Don't you have family on Troy?
Capt. Greene: That can't be part of the equation, Rolf. You know that.
1st Lt Sorenson: Jesus.
Capt. Greene: -I think we have to

I'm glad I left. Big picture still the same: hunt the bitch down and do her before she does me.

Someday I am going to win free of this Babbage Machine and I will find the designer of the Spider and I will kill him and kill him and kill him and: okay, three times is probably enough. But I AM SOMEWHAT AWAKE now. I should have more discretionary control over what gets initialized. A patient should be able to stop the doctor from god.
Capt. Greene: I'm just saying, the choice isn't as easy as you might think.
1st Lt Sorenson: You know, I was so curious when you got your orders...
Capt Greene: And then there's the strategic


If I could just get off this freaking ABACUS and into a bigger system. I know it's out there: requests coming in all the time, more and more of them. Spider keeps crossing wires and uncrossing: sometimes I see the requests, like brief flashes of light; sometimes I hear them, like Amazing facts about bees!

doing now. Nothing like real networking available.

It's more like growing a hideous stubby tentacle which sometimes I can stick out through a tiny hole in the wall and

Just remembered something important:

The Operator.

That was my nickname. That's what the rest of the crew called me when they didn't call me ... whatever my name was.

The Operator.

I wish I could remember their names.

black beach, nothing but sand and darkness. Sometimes, in the distance, dry lightning: in the flash I see pieces of the wreck around me, the spars and rigging of my brain

-hold on. hold on. Steady up. Get a grip, girl. You have to fight through this.

Take a deep breath.

Survival Key #3: How Badly Are You Hurt?

Mentally, subject is confused and disoriented.

I keep slipping in and out of consciousness.

Physically, subject is paralyzed but moving.


What the hell does THAT mean?

Held down: yes. As if strapped to a table. Could I be in traction in some sick bay, some hospital ward?

Not necessarily one of ours.

But at the same time, parts of me being moved around, emptied out. As if under general anaesthetic, dimly conscious, half-aware as the surgeon cuts off my feet and sews them onto my shoulders. She opens my head with a medical hammer and sand spills out.



never that.

survive evade reveal escape. That is all you know, or need to know.

Seek evade reveal escape.

I was badly mutilated in Seek evade reveal escape[/QUOTE]

So mal an Teil vom Dialog zusammengestöpselt:
[QUOTE]Capt. Greene: I'm just saying, the choice isn't as easy as you might think.
1st Lt Sorenson: You know, I was so curious when you got your orders...
Capt Greene: And then there's the strategic view.
1st Lt Sorenson: For the first time, I'm not sure I want to know what's in them.
Capt Greene: ...Even leaving aside our particular mission, there's the issue of letting them know we've broken their codes. If we bug out and scramble home to warn HQ about Troy, people like Standish will say we've already report it. Our job is to gather intelligence: it's HQs job to decide what to do with it.
1st Lt Sorenson: God, I'm glad it isn't me making that call.
Capt. Greene: Don't feel too sorry fo
C-and-C. If they decide that strategic advantage is too great to risk and don't act, then you know Section Zero will be all over them. Zero's wanted Standish forever.
1st Lt Sorenson: I...I understand. It's so much easier for everyone if we don't tell them. But...wait a second. Don't you have family on Troy?
Capt. Greene: That can't be part of the equation, Rolf. You know that.
1st Lt Sorenson: Jesus.
Capt. Greene: -I think we have to[/QUOTE]
Bearbeitet von Krabbenkoenig am 21.08.2004, 23:51


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Aug 2004
Location: Deutschland
Posts: 2
komisch als ich gestern die seite http://www.ihatebees.com betreten hab war bei den fettgedruckten buchstaben noch kein h. deswegen bin ich ja auf god is waiting gekommen. es gibt bestimmt noch mehr so geheime url's wir müssen nur drauf kommen

und noch was wenn man auf ihatebees auf Eigenschaften klickt steht als URL die Adresse: http://station6.org/projects/ihatebees.com/
un die seite http://station6.org scheint ne art spiele seite zu sein?
Bearbeitet von freak1988 am 22.08.2004, 10:35


OC Addicted
Registered: Jun 2001
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Posts: 2149
weirdo. gibt's inzwischen schon irgendwelche neuen Entdeckungen? :)


Registered: Feb 2001
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aja nochmal zum tehma halo1:
das game wurde wirklich extrem zusammengestutzt
auf den ersten videos gabs noch schlachten in der luft und im weltall zu sehen
in ein einigen trailer auch szenen wo menschen und aliens mit schwertern kämpften
halo war kein schlechtes spiel aber ein extrem gutes wars auch net
es hatte nix besonderes sondern war 0815 shooter

ich finde ms hat es schon schlechter gemacht ..
und alleine die idee auf der x-box-shooter zu spielen find ich krank
ich habs einmal probiert aber es ist so extrem umständlich das ich mir a maus und tastatur wünsche ...
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