Mr. Zet
Vereinsmitgliedresident spacenerd
Hmm, ich hab diese Email irgendwie auch nicht bekommen (oder nicht bemerkt). Hab mir jetzt schon sorgen gemacht, aber den höchsten Speicherverbrauch hat bei mir Kerbal Space Program mit gerade mal 17 MB
Dark mode
Hat von euch jemand den Link zu Razer Cortex von der GOG Wishlist geschafft? Privacy settings sind so, wie beschrieben
GOG Preservation Program | GOG.COMGOG Preservation Program ensures classic PC games remain playable on modern systems. We make games live forever since 2008, DRM free. Link: With the celebrations of GOG’s 16th Anniversary, we are thrilled to announce our new initiative.
We’re launching the GOG Preservation Program – an official stamp on classic games that GOG has improved, with a commitment of our own resources to ensure their compatibility with modern systems and make them as enjoyable to play as possible.
This initiative was created to make games live forever and once again bring the utmost attention to what the center of our work has been for the last 16 years: video game preservation.
We begin with the re-release of 100 classic games from our catalog with updated, improved, or quality-tested builds, including masterpieces like Heroes of Might and Magic® 3, Resident Evil, and Diablo+Hellfire.
One of our core missions from the very beginning was to preserve video games. For over a decade and a half, this mission has been our driving force. However, 2024 has made it clearer than ever just how vital this initiative is—and how crucial our role is in its continuation, as shown by the restoration of Alpha Protocol and the original Resident Evil trilogy.
Moreover, The Video Game History Foundation has recently shared that 87% of games created before 2010 are inaccessible today. This is something that we cannot accept, and with the help of the gaming community, we are set on getting that number down to zero.
The GOG Preservation Program is how we’ll achieve that. The GOG store identifies games that are part of the Preservation Program with a dedicated stamp. This stamp ensures that those games will run on your PC hassle-free, and you can enjoy them just as much as you did the first time you played them.
These are not empty words – you can understand GOG's work on each game by looking at its Preservation Log.
Expect more and more games to join the GOG Preservation Program, both from our existing catalog and new classic additions.
We’ve made great efforts to make it happen, and we truly believe that with the Program, we can fight the dire situation of video games becoming inaccessible and keep them alive forever.
Your opinion and feedback are invaluable to us. So please share your thoughts.
And lastly – thank you; your support and love for games make everything possible.
Vereinsmitgliedlike totally ambivalent
Es ist schon irre, was die kleine Raubmordkopierbude aus Polen auf die Beine gestellt hat. Hier gibts übrigens die Geschichte zum nachsehen.
Warcraft 1+2 will be delisted from GOG—what does this mean in regard to the GOG Preservation Program?Warcraft 1+2 will be delisted from GOG—what does this mean in regard to the GOG Preservation Program? Link: fyi!
jo wär nett, aber blizzard würd davon bestimmt was abbekommen und denen geb ich bestimmt kein geld mehr  , also eher trotzdem nicht kaufen, lieber gebraucht.
i never asked for this
also die komplette installations-iso ziehen.
Nobody f*ks with DeJesus!
also die komplette installations-iso ziehen. zur sicherheit würd ich das auch so sehen. vielleicht gibts für bestehende besitzer weiterhin den download, aber "better safe than sorry".
Layer 8 Problem
Sollte in der Bibliothek bleiben, zumindest nach der Aussage im link oben
knows about the birb
Es ist schon irre, was die kleine Raubmordkopierbude aus Polen auf die Beine gestellt hat.
Hier gibts übrigens die Geschichte zum nachsehen.
Thx, kannte ich noch nicht, wirklich interessant.