Your Elite Dangerous: Horizons questions answeredHey everyone,
To try and answer as many of your Elite Dangerous: Horizons questions as possible please read the following which should help.
If you have any questions after this that are not account specific please ask away. If they do concern your account then please create a ticket and we will get to you as soon as we can.
As a new player buying Elite Dangerous: Horizons, can I play Elite Dangerous today?
If you pre-order Elite Dangerous: Horizons, you will unlock access to Elite
Link: [QUOTE]Hey everyone,
To try and answer as many of your Elite Dangerous: Horizons questions as possible please read the following which should help.
If you have any questions after this that are not account specific please ask away. If they do concern your account then please create a ticket and we will get to you as soon as we can.
As a new player buying Elite Dangerous: Horizons, can I play Elite Dangerous today?
If you pre-order Elite Dangerous: Horizons, you will unlock access to Elite Dangerous & Elite Dangerous: Horizons when Elite Dangerous: Horizons is release.
You will not be able to play Elite Dangerous before the release date of Elite Dangerous: Horizons.
To play Elite Dangerous today, you will need to purchase it separately in our store.
Can I play the Elite Dangerous: Horizons Beta now?
No. We have not currently announced a defined date for the full, or beta release of Elite Dangerous: Horizons outside of 'Holiday 2015'.
Keep an eye on our website for any further information on Elite Dangerous: Horizons.
I already own Elite: Dangerous, what am I entitled to?
I'm an Alpha backer! What do I get?
Alpha backers are invited to participate in the Elite Dangerous: Horizons beta and will automatically get access to the full series of expansions the moment they are released! This includes those who bought Alpha access via the store before we launched the game.
I'm a Premium Beta backer, do I get access Elite Dangerous: Horizons?
Yes! Premium Beta owners also have the Lifetime Expansion Pass by default and can access the Elite Dangerous: Horizons beta as well as the full release when it becomes available.
I have the Standard Beta version of Elite: Dangerous, what do I get?
Elite Dangerous: Horizons is a brand new set of expansions for Elite: Dangerous but is not included in the standard beta package. You can purchase beta access to Elite Dangerous: Horizons on the Frontier Store if you'd like to help us test it!
I'm a Lifetime Expansion Pass holder, do I get access to Elite Dangerous: Horizons?
Absolutely. You're entitled to every expansion we release for Elite: Dangerous!
Do I also get to try the beta of Elite Dangerous: Horizons?
Yes. The Lifetime Expansion Pass also grants access to the beta of the Elite Dangerous: Horizons expansion season when it's available.
I didn't pick up the lifetime expansion pass during the Kickstarter, is it available again?
Yes! The Lifetime Expansion Pass is available again with the announcement of Elite Dangerous: Horizons. It not only grants access to Elite: Dangerous immediately but also Elite Dangerous: Horizons, the beta and all future expansions. You can find more info on the Frontier Store.
Can I purchase beta access into the Elite Dangerous: Horizons expansion?
You certainly can, you can purchase beta access for it via our store which will also get you access to Elite Dangerous: Horizons upon release.
Will Elite Dangerous: Horizons be coming to Steam?
Yes, before the end of the year. For now it will only be available through the Frontier Store.
Much like before, If you buy Elite Dangerous: Horizons from the Frontier store you will have the option to generate a Steam code when it arrives on that platform.
Can you tell me what level I backed for and what access I have to Elite Dangerous: Horizons?
Please create a ticket and let us know what info you need and we will be glad to let you know any account specific info.
Update: Some further answers:
How long does the 'limited time offer' last for?
Until shortly after launch, and we'll let the community know before it's withdrawn.
Does the Cobra Mk IV promotion only apply during the 'limited time offer' window?
No. It's for anyone who joins us during Season One. The Cobra Mk. 4 offer is not time limited.
Is the Cobra Mark IV a Frontier Store exclusive, or can I buy Horizons on Steam when it's released and get it?
Everyone who owns Season One and Horizons will get access to the Cobra Mk. 4 no matter where you bought your copy.
When will the expansion pass be taken off the store?
No date for this right now but we will let you know before we withdraw it from sale.
Are there any other 'exclusives' coming?
Nothing planned at this time, but we will let you know if we do have plans to add any more.[/QUOTE]