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Doom3 leaked?

COLOSSUS 31.10.2002 - 22:44 15155 243 Thread rating


Registered: Sep 2002
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@ Tomban: wär nett wenn du denjenigen, die keine Probs mit dir haben (zb. ich) sagst wies bei dir so rennt (bin mir sicher du saugst es).
Bearbeitet von BooTes am 01.11.2002, 09:57


begehrt die rostschaufel
Registered: Oct 2002
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schreibts bitte ob das a fake ist, sonst saug i a


im Stress
Registered: Apr 2002
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bin schon dran, und wenn ich vor der lan ned fertig werde, wird dort weitergesaugt... hoffentlich sinds multiplayer maps :)


Registered: Mar 2001
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es ist wahrscheinlich die Doom 3 E3 Version


im Stress
Registered: Apr 2002
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Zitat von Zaphod
es ist wahrscheinlich die Doom 3 E3 Version

Zitat von Sharereactor
Doom III - E3 Demo

ist wohl anzunehmen ;)


fool martyr
Registered: Dec 2000
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hats schon jemand?


fool martyr
Registered: Dec 2000
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gibts schon irgendwo gscheite links?


im Stress
Registered: Apr 2002
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ich hab zurzeit nur 2 sources :eek:

hmm, mal schaun ob man woanders fündig wird


Registered: Dec 2000
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Oidaaa ich HASSE den Esel.

Wer mir eine andere Quelle zugänglich macht, kriegt meine Schwester zur Frau o_O


im Stress
Registered: Apr 2002
Location: Linz
Posts: 2820
also im irc schauts zurzeit auch noch düster aus. gibt nur einen bot, der doom3 hat, und der ist natürlich gnadenlos ausgelastet :(


fool martyr
Registered: Dec 2000
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Posts: 21376
Zitat von COLOSSUS
Oidaaa ich HASSE den Esel.

Wer mir eine andere Quelle zugänglich macht, kriegt meine Schwester zur Frau o_O

post mal pic ;)


verträumter realist
Registered: Jul 2001
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Zitat von COLOSSUS
Oidaaa ich HASSE den Esel.

Wer mir eine andere Quelle zugänglich macht, kriegt meine Schwester zur Frau o_O

wer ihn hasst, verteht in nicht *lol*



im Stress
Registered: Apr 2002
Location: Linz
Posts: 2820
auszüge aud der nfo und einige impressionen aus dem isonews forum
Doom III - Alpha 0.02 - E3 Demo 


load the doom.exe 
use the ~ key to get to the console (if you choose single player, game will crash) 

you can load e3 demo maps 1-3 using one of the following commands: 

map e3/e3_1 
map e3/e3_2 
map e3/e3_3

Level e3/e3_3 in some parts are SLOW AS BALLS. There's so much going on such as lighting and realtime physics, it will blow you away. I'm amazed it's running this fast.

Graphics blow everything away that I've ever seen on a computer screen. Does that tell you anything?

The fat zombie's fat.. err giggles realistically. That should tell you a lot too. Shoot it, and it giggles like it would in real life. Attention to detail man! Even in the ALPHA! Sweet.

3 weapons so far, gun, shotgun, and small machine gun.

Graphics are the BOMB! Slow in some areas as mentioned above. This game WILL scare the shhhiiiittt out of you. Sound is A+ as well. I'm buying this sucker when it comes out. John Carmack deserves my money.

It "works" for me, but not very well. It has crashed every time I've loaded it, usually within 15 minutes. It may be that I don't have enough virtual memory though. This thing is crazy. Its used up to a gig of vmem so far.

But down to the good stuff. The graphics are simply amazing! I have to keep pinching myself, telling myself, "this is not pre-rendered, this is not pre-rendered...." The movie does not do it justice, you really have to see it.

The gameplay is pretty nonexistant in this build. Its exactly what you saw in the E3 demo, so each area isn't even a whole map. There are plenty of places were the path just keeps going on to darkness.

Also, there is no ammo or health lying around, so you are by default in god mode. But the game runs surprisingly well, all things considered. You actually run at a quick pace, and the engine doesn't feel slow at all, despite the amazing level of detail.

As seen in the demo, you can shoot boxes and stuff, and the fly off shelves. Its really cool. The zombies do regenerate, so you can immobilize them by standing on their chest/back. There appears to be location-specific animation for your shots. So if you shoot them in the leg, you just see some red where you shot at. But if you shoot them in the head, you get some nice spray/gibs off the top, and the zombies stagger backwards.

I'll write more, but I'm way to tired right now. I'm only going to get 4 hours of sleep as it is. But I'll finish off by saying this game is scary as hell. Even though I know what's going to happen, the lighting and stuff is so creepy. It reminds of Silent Hill, except better. And the larger monsters look fantastic!

It looks like Carmack has done it again.


Registered: Dec 2000
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Zitat von jAcKz
post mal pic ;)

http://eurocorp.strikenet.at/schwester.jpg :D:D


Future has arrived!
Registered: Nov 2001
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hab jetzt overnet is besser oder?? (als EDK)
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