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Diablo 3 - Thread

Hansmaulwurf 16.08.2007 - 13:35 1252189 14436 Thread rating


u wot m8?
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: VBG
Posts: 5639
Zitat von d3cod3
in einem geschäft arbeiten uuuuuh :p
geschäfte wissen meist noch weniger liefertermine als lieferanten und die wissen schon meist nix :p grad bei blizzard ist es dann fix wenns auf blizzard.com steht.
Jup, haben zwar "hausintern" was. Aber das ist meist nur, um Vorbestellungen aufzunehmen.


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 5
was ich cool finde von blizzard ist, wenn sie sagen es kommt am .... dann kommt es :D


no Custom User Text
Registered: Oct 2001
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Zitat von slash023
was ich cool finde von blizzard ist, wenn sie sagen es kommt am .... dann kommt es :D

wurde nicht gerade d2 damals 10 mal verschoben? ich hab da glaub ich noch sowas im hinterkopf


Bloody Newbie
Registered: Mar 2009
Posts: 5
lol :D wie oft wurde wow verschoben? :D

EDIT: Ich glaub du meinst stalker :D aber das is ned von blizzard


u wot m8?
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: VBG
Posts: 5639
WoW wurde glaube ich nach Release nicht verschoben, dass war doch schon nach dem SC:G-Debakel, wo sie beschlossen haben, keine Releases mehr rauszugeben, bevor das nicht in Stein gemeisselt werden kann, oder ?

News (geht um Bill Roper):
He said: “One of the things I always enjoyed about that separation between Blizzard and Blizzard North was that the Diablo games had a very distinct art style. They had different art directors, they had different people working on it, they had a different sensibility about them. Diablo was I think grittier and darker and a little more leaning towards the photo realistic. Whereas the Craft games that were being built down in Irvine were bigger and broader in scope, brighter colours, just different pallets and different presentation. Both of those were very strong from that visual standpoint, for example.

“But it makes complete sense to me where they went because they basically took the Diablo universe and then approached it from the Blizzard Ivine stance for the visuals. That’s the way they approach things. It wasn’t that I looked at it and went, oh my God that looks terrible. I was like, that looks like Blizzard. The guys in Irvine. That’s what it looks like to me. Their interpretation of it.”

When asked if he was disappointed or pleased with Diablo’s new art style, Roper, who is now design director and executive producer of Atari-owned Cryptic Studios, and in charge of Champions Online, a superhero MMO due out on PC this spring, said: “You know, I liked the darker grittier. I liked the differences in art style, to be honest. So, I think I would personally from a player standpoint prefer that.

“I think that one of the things that we always tried to get across was that Diablo was Gothic fantasy and I think there was just a need that was put in there from the visuals that I didn’t necessarily get. I got it from the architecture and to a degree from the character design but not the feeling of the world. I can’t say that I dislike it. I didn’t look at it and go, oh my God that’s horrible. But I looked at it and went, it’s not really… to me as a player it just didn’t really ring with Diablo.”
Bill Roper hat das Potential die Art-Discussion wieder anzutreiben :p


Registered: Nov 2000
Location: Lieboch
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Zitat von Hansmaulwurf
WoW wurde glaube ich nach Release nicht verschoben
Stell ich mir auch eher schwer vor ein spiel nach Release zu verschieben..



darkly dreaming
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 9294
was genau hat bill roper eigentlich noch zu melden? :D aber er hat recht ;)
Bearbeitet von blood am 17.03.2009, 15:25


u wot m8?
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: VBG
Posts: 5639
Ein paar News sind wieder da:

Zum Thema "Intelligent Interface Design"
Bashiok: In Diablo III you’ll have seven places which skills can be placed. Four on the hot bar, one for the left mouse button, and two for the right mouse button. The two for the right mouse button can be swapped back and forth using Tab or the scroll wheel.

Currently any of your skills can be placed into any of these seven skill spots. The game tries to help you out with their placement though. When you train a new skill it will attempt to intelligently place it for you. So if it’s - for instance - a buff or non-targeted aoe ability (witch doctor Horrify, barbarian Ground Stomp, etc.) it’s going to put it into your hot bar as it’s not something you use through a mouse-targeted enemy attack. For abilities that are used by clicking on an enemy (wizard Magic Missile, etc.), the game will attempt to intelligently place them on your mouse buttons for you. So after learning a new skill it’s already on your bar ready to be used, and it’s placed somewhere that makes sense to how it’s used.

But just because it attempts to help you out by placing skills where they make the most sense, you can put them anywhere you like. If you want to have Magic Missile cast by pressing the first hot bar key (the 1 key on your keyboard), you can, and it will cast toward wherever your cursor is. You can do this with any of the abilities.

The system automatically places skills where they make the most sense, but allows you to customize however you please. It’s a nice wide open, play how you want to play approach, while still offering a helpful guide in the beginning. Also I think it will help, or possibly just not impede, class build diversification.

Und zu dem neuen IP gibt's auch wieder was :)

The job openings mentioned in this newspost is indeed a brand-new game that has not been mentioned before.

1. This brand-new game is not a World of Warcraft expansion, and it is not related to the Next-Gen MMO.

2. In the present, the brand-new game is using the World of Warcraft engine merely for testing purposes.

3. The Client Software Engineer job opening is to hire the person that will have the responsibility to develop an engine from scratch for this game. This new engine will be built depending on the skill and interest of the person hired for this position.

Whether this game is based on the three major franchises (Warcraft, Starcraft or Diablo) or a new IP, that remains unknown.


darkly dreaming
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 9294
wtf, blizz hat neben dem nextgen-mmo ein weiteres geheimprojekt am start? :o


still oc.at-addicted
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: Austria, Waldvie..
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Zitat von blood
wtf, blizz hat neben dem nextgen-mmo ein weiteres geheimprojekt am start? :o

Das wär zu schön um wahr zu sein; wber wenns jetzt am Start steht, bekommen wir eh erst in 2 jahren was zu sehen :D


u wot m8?
Registered: Apr 2005
Location: VBG
Posts: 5639
Zitat von clauskadrnoschka
Das wär zu schön um wahr zu sein; wber wenns jetzt am Start steht, bekommen wir eh erst in 2 jahren was zu sehen :D
Bei Blizzards Strategie sind es 4 Jahre :D
Lies mal Punk 3. Auch das sie noch immer kein klares Konzept haben, spricht Bände (ist ja schon seit nem 3/4 Jahr ne Entwicklung von möglichen Ideen am Laufen)


darkly dreaming
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 9294
blizzard spricht mit microsoft über den xbox360-nachfolger

wer will nicht am erfolgskuchen von blizzard mitnaschen? bei blizz muss man wenigstens keine angst haben, dass sie ihre seelen an MS verkaufen und eines ihrer franchises von vorne bis hinten missbrauchen lassen, wie zB bungie es getan hat.


© Natural Ignorance (NI)
Registered: Jul 2002
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find ich gut! die XBL basis ist für ein MMOG ja ideal. wird sicha lustig :)


darkly dreaming
Registered: Oct 2002
Location: Wien
Posts: 9294
das einzige was gegen derartige games auf konsolen spricht ist wohl der controller. und ingame-voice hin oder her, ohne der möglichkeit zu schreiben käme ich mir in einem MMO ziemlich verloren vor :D


Super Moderator
like totally ambivalent
Registered: Apr 2003
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du hast keine ahnung was "outside the box" is, oder? :p

ich bin mir sicher blizzard kann ein konsolen-mmo (da es ja angesprochen wurde) erschaffen, in dem keine notwendigkeit für schriftchat oder 40 hotbars besteht. soweit hat nur noch keiner gedacht bzw wars dafür einfach noch nicht die richtige zeit.
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