Dark Messiah of Might and Magic Interview
JC 22.09.2006 - 09:54 1043 4
Interview @ FiringSquad | Demo-DiskussionsthreadFiringSquad: What sort of playable characters will be available in Dark Messiah?
Waubert de Genlis: There is only one playable character in Dark Messiah as it is an action game. You play as Sareth, a young apprentice sent by his master to deliver an artifact to a friend in Stonehelm, a free city of the East.
During the game you will have the opportunity to evolve Sareth. Each time you complete a mission, you will earn skill points which you can spend to acquire new abilities, skills and spells. Thanks to these skills you can adopt different play styles ranging from mage to warrior and assassin. There are not fixed classes though, as you can arrange you skills the way you want, choosing to grow, for instance, your warrior and mage skills. FiringSquad: What other unique gameplay elements do you consider to be important?
Waubert de Genlis: Dark Messiah of Might and Magic provides a unique experience thanks to its innovative context-based first person melee combat system. It really allows you to feel sword combat like never before in a game.
Then of course the fact that you can use the environment as a weapon is a key aspect of the game, because it fits into our goal of letting the player experiment with several ways of completing a mission.
Preview @ bit-tech.netI must make the initial comment that the computers on which we played Dark Messiah weren't the greatest in the world. I felt a little bit sorry for the poor Geforce 6800GT tasked with supplying me with the visuals. It really huffed and puffed and struggled to keep up with the improved Source engine, particularly in the more intense points in the game. My experience was also a bit marred by the fact that the game wasn't complete and loading times were hideously long These are problems that I was assured will be fixed in the final version of the game, but nevertheless are rather worrying considering the game is only one month away from release.
Overall though, one can't help but be excited about this game. The game will be available through Steam, but for those of you who don't fancy the hefty download then there will be a traditional store-purchase option. I haven't discussed the multiplayer aspect here either, for a few reasons. The multiplayer I have played is still in beta stage and is far from completion. When I quizzed the Ubisoft guys about the status of the multiplayer portion of the game (which is being developed by a seperate studio called Kuji) I was told there are a few problems with it at the moment that are being ironed out. Chances are the multiplayer will be released with a lot of bugs, but because of Steam updating and patching shouldn't be too big a problem.
für alle dies spielen wollen wer bei play.com vorbestellt bekommt einen beta-account ^^
Big d00d
über Steam kann man sich schon die Singleplayerdemo saugen.... macht echt spaß!!!