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Cs 1.4

robobimbo 21.01.2002 - 14:01 1553 40


aka robobimbo
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Hier ein paar Infos über den neuen Release:

[QUOTE] Counter-Strike 1.4 preview summary
Source: MPZ Counter-Strike
Author: Duke / Date Posted: 21/Jan/02 9:31:49 AM
Just days after being accepted to be a beta tester for Valve, I checked out the usual Counter-Strike news sites and noticed that there has been a sudden outburst of CS 1.4 previews. There seem to be some cool new features and bug fixes which have been reported by various sites, but they only listed some basic information - I'm going to put it all together into one and see what's what.

No information here is confirmed, but I've only included information which has been said by more than one tester, so hopefully it is all true. When Valve send me CS1.4 beta, I shall be able to confirm the information here.

Bodies stay

When you kill someone, their body will now stay on the ground for the rest of the round. The good side to this is realism - it's more realistic to run around a map with a couple of dead bodies on the ground and it will allow people to work out where someone has been shot from a bit easier. The disadvantage would be a possible frame rate impact. Imagine a 14, 16 or even 32 man server where dead bodies stay on the ground. Half-Life isn't the best engine to use powerful graphic card features how it is, so the burden on the processor will increase due to so many bodies being on the floor. It may also be distracting, however most people should be able to adjust to this.

Bunny hoping

Bunny hoping is finally sorted out for good - although it was more or less dealt with from recent releases, Valve have made a significant change to the speed of the client when jumping. When the client jumps several times in a row (i.e. to try and bunny hop or gain speed etc), their speed will decrease a lot. This finally sorts out bunny hopers which a lot of people hate, however time will tell if people can get around it somehow or if it affects the general gameplay - jumping up several crates or jumping out the way of incoming enemy, but from what I've read this is not affected.

Hit boxes tweaked

Several sites have reported that the hit boxes have been tweaked further and are near-perfect now. I don't have an issue with the current ones, but any improvement is always welcomed.

Camera views

When you are dead you can now watch from above the map or first person view in the style of HLTV. This should make admining and spotting a cheater easier and you can see where they are aiming a lot easier.

Watch your own death

A couple of beta testers have confirmed you now see your own death (scarey huh?) - the camera changes to an external view as you die so you can see it and will auto change to follow the person who just killed you. Quite an interesting addition, not one anyone had expected I think, but is a nice touch. People often wonder where the heck they were shot from, now we can find out.

Bomb related changes

When a terrorist is planting the bomb, they can no longer move. This will help prevent people planting the bomb in awkward parts of the map which is a good thing in my opinion. If the bomb is dropped by a player, a dot flashes on the radar - I can see this being a very handy feature and will improve team play. Lastly, when the bomb is picked up by a player, it tells everyone on screen (just like it does when it had been dropped). Again these are minor changes but will help people work in teams and locate the bomb with their team mates.

Recoil changes

One important area which people don't often like having changed is the recoil of weapons. Many testers have mentioned that the recoil is now a fair bit higher when moving, and is a lot more accurate when standing still or crounching on the ground.

Some players will find this annoying - it will make fast attacks (attacking rounds on CO rules for example) more difficult as the attacking team will have to keep stopping and starting if they want to get some solid hits into the defending team. This will make publics better though as it will help stop DM'ing (frag hunting).
As with some of the other major changes, time will tell whether this will improve play generally or just put people off - personally I think it will improve play (slow things down a bit), but it will take people time to get used to it.

Hostage changes

The hostages are a part of CS which has been completely abandoned for many releases - when was the last major changes make to the hostages? A few things which need to be sorted out are: AI - how the hostages move is currently very poor. They run on the spot, get stuck on walls, hover in mid air and jerk all over the screen. This is why so little clan matches now take part on hostage rescue maps - they get stuck too often. The AI of some of the current bots out there are far beyond the AI of the hostages themselves at the moment. Skins - the hostage skins are out dated, hence a lot of people now customise their skins to make them look better.
I have only come across one change made to the hostages so far mentioned by the beta testers, which is the improvement of the movement - they should now jerk around on the screen less. But does this mean they will still get stuck on walls and such?


Client movement

The two main ways of walking (and making no sound) is to either use the walk key or tap the forward key. Personally I like to tap the forward key as it gives you more control over the movement and speed, however in CS1.4 they have made it so you have to use the walk bind key if you don't want to make any sound. A bit annoying, but people can adapt.

Also, when a player falls from a height their screen will now shake sideways a little.

Valve's anti-cheat measures

There has been no new information about Valves anti-cheat measures.

Misc changes

There have been a few misc changes which won't affect the gameplay as such:

- The bomb and VIP text is now a different colour.

- The weapon names have been changed from real ones to made up ones.


This is looking to be a top release by Valve and the Counter-Strike team. There are some significant features, tweaks and updates which will directly affect gameplay, and some which are just nice touches. I think Valve and the CS team are finally seeing CS as a professional played game and also are tackling the ever growing community of cheaters, but is it too late?

Time will tell..



Harry :eek:


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da werf ich doch ein paar infos über die 2.0 version des drittbeliebtesten half-life mods nach.

mehr infos über Day of Defeat gibts auf http://www.dayofdefeatmod.com

What has changed in Beta 2.0

What has changed since version 1.3b? Well, simply put - everything. Every model, texture, sound, and chunk of code has been reworked, redone, or restructured. Gameplay has changed massively, but the 'feel' of DoD - the immersion, the tension, is still there.

Following is the short list of what has changed, or what has been added:

Recoil - Firing your weapon will now give a natural 'kick' - pushing your muzzle up and to the side slightly. Each weapon has a unique amount of recoil - crouching and going prone will reduce this recoil.

New "Aiming" System - A unique system has been introduced in which the crosshair has been divided into two parts. The center 'leaf' will roam around the screen depending upon how the player is moving, and represents the front of the weapon's muzzle. The main crosshair part will remain in the center of the screen, and represents the rear weapon site. The movement of the crosshair will give the player a rough indication of what his accuracy will be, without firing.

Accuracy and Damages changed - Many changes in this area, including a major reduction in accuracy while moving for all weapons. Weapons are generally very lethal across the board - this has not changed. However, numbers have been tweaked slightly since 1.3b.

New "Machine Gunner" classes added - Machine Guns use a
new, unique system that makes them a very interesting class to play. All MG's have bipods - in order to deploy your bipod, you must go prone and hit the 'secondary fire' key. Also, certain maps have "MG Nest" areas that allow you to deploy a bipod while not prone - simulating the effect of balancing your bipod on sandbags, bunker walls, window sills, etc. Accuracy and recoil while undeployed will be horrible - making the MG's a very useful static defensive position.

New Levels - 10 New Maps added - ranging from beach invasions to bridge captures. Lots of work has been done in this area, and we're truly proud with what the level designers have come up with for Beta 2. See the map section of the manual for more details.

Prone System - Once down, your view will sway back and forth while moving, once stopped your view slowly resets to center screen. You can not fire while moving in prone.

Movement System - New movement system. 2 new movement types - jog and sprint. Hold down the sprint key to get a quick burst of running speed. Sprinting drains stamina quickly, so should only be used when absolutely necessary.

Weapon 'bob' and 'drop' - Weapons in the first person view will now sway realistically when walking. Also, during times when the player is unable to use his weapon, it will drop off screen. (Swimming, walking up ladders, going prone, etc.)

Added weapon "Scoped Karbiner 98k" - replaces the G43 Sniper rifle for the German sniper class.

Added weapon "Spade" - replaces the knife for certain german classes.

Added weapon "MG42" - Machine Gun for German MG class.

Added weapon "MG34" - Machine Gun for German MG class.

Added weapon "M1 Carbine" - Semi-auto rifle for Allied 'Sargeant' class. (Formerly known as Staff Sargeant.)

Added weapon ".30 Caliber Machine Gun" - Machine Gun for Allied MG class.

New Weapon Models - The conversion of the weapon models to use the "new" hands, started in 1.2, now complete. Most weapon models have been redone or 'touched up.'

New Sound System - Sounds that in 1.3b are only heard by the individual player can now be heard by those around him - 'equipment jiggle', footsteps, pain sounds, etc.

New Effects System - Not complete, but started. New explosion sprites, along with smoking shrapnel effects. New sprites for weapon hits, water hits, body hits, etc.

New Sniper System - Zooming in will cause a 'fade-in' effect with the scope - simulating the time it takes to bring a weapon to your face. Snipers can now be seen raising the scope to their eye in third person. While zoomed in, a player will get a 'sway' effect - the weapon will no longer remain perfectly still. Crouching and proning will lessen this effect. Snipers also can no longer move while zoomed in.

New Animation System - Nearly every third person 'player animation' has been completely redone. New death animations, new jog\walk\crouch animations, new getup\get down prone animations, new machinegun bipod out\in animations, new hand signal animations (ties into the voice commands, and also can be done by themselves when stealth is required.) As mentioned above, when zooming in with sniper rifles, your player actually does a zoom-in animation.

New HUD (Heads Up Display) - Opaque, colored hud. Better functionality with map objectives, respawn timers, and weapon selection. Not yet fully complete.

New Sounds - Nearly every weapon sound redone, as well as new sounds for walking in different environements. (Stone, dirt, water, mud, etc.) Ambience for all maps redone or 'cleaned up.' New voice commands.

New File System - Better, cleaner, more efficent file structure. Many old, unused files cleaned out.

New Objective System - Tons of new goodes added to our mapper's "FGD." New maps include a variety of different objectives, including our "Area Capture" and "Team Capture" objectives.

New Fog System - 2 versions, the Valve version of OpenGL, and then the plain OpenGL version. cl_fog (1 = opengl, 2 = valve). You can set the color of it with (cl_fog_red, cl_fog_green, cl_fog_blue) give those a RGB value, default is 192 for each (grey). cl_fog_start is used to show where the fog starts in relation to your view point, cl_fog_end is the ending point for it in relation to your view as well. Fog is completely optional - no player will be forced to use it, as it limits your view. Simply an 'eye candy' feature for now.


pädagogisch wertvoll
Registered: Sep 2000
Location: Graz
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klingt tatsächlich so als hätten sie dieses mal sogar etwas verbessert und nicht nur verschlechtert....


Registered: Dec 2001
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A couple of beta testers have confirmed you now see your own death (scarey huh?) - the camera changes to an external view as you die so you can see it and will auto change to follow the person who just killed you. Quite an interesting addition, not one anyone had expected I think, but is a nice touch. People often wonder where the heck they were shot from, now we can find out.

find ich pers. *******... das zerstört alle guten CW-Positionen...
es geht ja oft so, *BAM* und weg, und du sagst über's bc:
"Andere Seite der Brücke is wer ..."

jetzt kamma allerdings sagen:
"Andere Seite der Brücke, hinter der einen Kiste versteckt, is wer..."

das wird interessant


Here to stay
Registered: Jul 2000
Location: Eisenstadt
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Na ganz super.


Registered: Sep 2000
Location: graz
Posts: 4753
die können ändern was wolln.. ich rule euch alle :p

spass beiseite.. i finds halb so schlimm die änderungen.. wie von 1.0 auf 1.1 auf 1.3 wirds anfangs wieder jammereien gebn, die sich dann aber bald legn werdn..

alle jahre wieder ;)


stainless steel
Registered: Feb 2001
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nix gejammere, es is einfach seit, 6.5 glaubich wars, konsequent schlechter geworden (mitm neuen netcode damals) ... 5.2 war immer noch die beste wie ich immer sag ;)

aber was solls, nachdem ichs mit 1.3 entgültig aufgegeben hab werd ich cs mit 1.4 vielleicht nochmal ne chance geben, das mit den more-recoil-while-running find ich gut, es is sowieso viel zu viel deathmatch style gespielt worden - des mit den positionen verraten is allerdings wirklich a bissl unpraktisch für clanwars - obwohl da sowieso fadetoblack des gscheitste is... naja, mal sehen wies mit der cheat protection ausschaut...


pädagogisch wertvoll
Registered: Sep 2000
Location: Graz
Posts: 6441
naja ohne cheater und mit mehr back 2 basic realistic CS style wär das game noch immer am w00testen....


Registered: Dec 2001
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ok, gebe zu, nicht alles gelesen zu haben:

Wann kommt CS4?

[OJS] rulez :D


OC Addicted
Registered: Apr 2001
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Posts: 938
wau, :) bin gespannt auf 1.4 :)

aber es und as werden noch immer ned wieder wiederbelebt:(


in between
Registered: Apr 2001
Location: stammersdorf cit..
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naja bin gspannt...das was da murph angsprochen hat is beim war echt störend...angenommen man findet eine geniale position...killt einen...denn sieht der die pos und kanns den andern sagen...

es hat bis jez immer ein gejammer geben wenn was neues kommen is...ich kann mich noch an die ******** neuen models mim stockerlorsch erinnern...


OC Addicted
Registered: Jun 2001
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hmm, das man nicht mehr so oft springen kann find ich aber nicht so gut :(


OC Addicted
Registered: Apr 2001
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Zitat von thachriz
...ich kann mich noch an die ******** neuen models mim stockerlorsch erinnern...

HAHAHAHAHAHA, ... das war aber schon ein bissl heftig :) aber die animationen sind jetzt eh schon fast wieder in ordnung... aber bei nem HS sinds früher ur org "weggeflogen" im gegesatz zu jetzt :)


in between
Registered: Apr 2001
Location: stammersdorf cit..
Posts: 1851
die animationen sin eh ganz ok...aba das spiel macht einfach nimmer den spass von früher


pädagogisch wertvoll
Registered: Sep 2000
Location: Graz
Posts: 6441
stimmt i glaub das wars wirklich. es is von mal zu mal weniger lustig geworden.... deswegen hab ich es jetzt schon ein par monate fast garnimmer gespielt...

mal schaun wie die zukunft wird.
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