Carmack Keynote
HP 17.08.2002 - 14:18 419 3
Legend Moneymaker
| Stressed the importance of 64/128-bit Color. - Reiterated that Doom III was/is designed around GeForce1-level hardware. He did state that there would be some things added to take advantage of next-generation hardware - The next iteration engine would be designed around a high-level shading language. He stated that, by and large, the various implementations (OpenGL/3DLabs, nVidia's CG) are identical. - Stated that he has written backend for NV30. - Similar to the high-level shading, Carmack is calling for a standardized Graphics API to prevent having to spend time in optimizing/specifying how to do certain things; rather, let the hardware driver figure out how to make the specific API call happen. He didn't mention specifics regarding CG, so I expect him to eventually throw his $.02 in the near future. - He stated that the ball is now in the artist/level-designer's corner, as the core technology is virtually complete, minus optimizations, etc.
Legend Moneymaker
is immer w00t was von eam zu lesn
in diesen fall kann man es sogar in einen 1:07:55 langen .mp3 file hoeren ich hab mir ein bisschen was anghoert davon - aber des is so fad gibts vielleicht irgendwo ein video vom interview? ich hab leider noch keins gfunden.