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BF:Vietnam patch 1.01 & 1.1 preview

JoeDesperado 22.05.2004 - 15:37 753 1


...loves the ride
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Salzburg
Posts: 2340


-General optimizations to reduce server lag.
-CDkey hash added to game.listplayers output.
-game.listPlayers uses the new format:
#Id:<id> - <name> is remote ip: <ip>:<port> hash:<cdkeyhash>
-Gamespy port setting fixed.
game.gameSpyPort - now working
game.gameSpyLANPort - now working
game.ASEPort - removed (not supported by ASE)
-All Seeing Eye updated.
-Battlefield Vientam games no longer appear in Battlefield 1942
ASE list.
-Player details should appear correctly in ASE server list.

-Sort by Ping fixed in Server Browser.
-Scrollbar fixed in Server Browser.
-Player number now displays properly if more than 10000 players.
-Soldier prediction fixed to remove jerky movements when walking/jumping.
-M60 removed from the LAW kit and replaced with M14.
-M60 and RPD min/max bullet deviation increased when standing/moving.
-M60 and RPD max bullet deviation decreased slightly when prone.
-Rate of fire and velocity of M60/RPD adjusted.
-Player movement speeds on Heavy Assault kits reduced slightly.
-Network overhead of vehicle engines and airlifting significantly reduced.
-Added minimap warning icon when enemies are within capture radius of an
opposing team flag.
-The Dedicated Server option in the Multiplayer -> Create Game menu has been
removed to fix potential issues with Punkbuster. Non dedicated Internet servers
started from this menu will no longer use Punkbuster. As a result of these
changes, Punkbuster can only be enabled when using the Standalone Dedicated Server.
The required exe's have been included in the client 1.01 patch.

für v1.1 geplant:

DICE has been hard at work creating more content and adding features for future updates of Battlefield Vietnam. Coming up next in the Vietnam 1.1 update will be many new features for Battlefield Vietnam, including a voting GUI, enhancements to the 3D Map and more server options such as the Orbit cam and more.

To tease you a bit, today we are featuring two new air vehicles that will appear for the first time in "The Defense of Con Thien", DICE's first official free map for Battlefield Vietnam, also due in the 1.1 update.

screenshots der 2 neuen helis unter obigem link.

direktlink zum patch: ftp://largedownloads.ea.com/pub/pat...patch_v1.01.exe


Registered: Jan 2003
Location: .
Posts: 3794
wie schauts aus, wielang dauerts den noch bis 1.1?

weil dan saug i ma an 1.01 garned :)
Bearbeitet von T3XT4 am 22.05.2004, 15:44
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