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Bf 1942 1.6 ist da!

Flexter88 01.02.2004 - 14:59 1176 26


formerly Flexter88
Registered: Sep 2002
Location: Graz 8045
Posts: 1042
Der Langersehnte Patch für Battlefield ist nun Released worden!


Viel Spass damit!


Big d00d
Registered: May 2002
Location: Bezirk Amstetten
Posts: 149
Was ich bis jetzt so gelesen hab, hats EA scho wieder geschafft einen defekten Incremental Patch freizugeben. Is ja nicht das erste mal das das bei BF der Fall is. :mad:
Noch dazu kommt am 7 Feb. DC 0.7 raus und ich hätte somit in diesem Monat schon > 1GB download wegen DC und BF :bash:
Aber was macht ma nicht alles um die Sucht zu befriedigen. :D


formerly Flexter88
Registered: Sep 2002
Location: Graz 8045
Posts: 1042
Ich bin neugierig ob durch den patch neue fahrzeuge bei dc verfügbar sein werden!


† 18.03.2006
Registered: Jan 2003
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Posts: 1480
Zitat von weasel6667
Noch dazu kommt am 7 Feb. DC 0.7 raus und ich hätte somit in diesem Monat schon > 1GB download wegen DC und BF :bash:
Aber was macht ma nicht alles um die Sucht zu befriedigen. :D
ich hatte das glück, das ich das gestern schon wusste und konnte es noch saugen ohne ein downloadvolumen zu verschwenden ;)

habs aber noch nicht ausprobiert


Registered: Nov 2002
Location: VIE
Posts: 546
268Mb für den FullPatch sind doch ein bissl viel, oder?


Here to stay
Registered: May 2002
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bei bf? neiiiiin


...loves the ride
Registered: Jul 2001
Location: Salzburg
Posts: 2340
hat den patch schon wer probiert? gibts wieder nur feintuning oder vllt auch mal richtige neuerungen (außer anti-cheat-prot) ?


Slow "mod-tion"
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: germany
Posts: 2238
Zitat von Flexter88
Ich bin neugierig ob durch den patch neue fahrzeuge bei dc verfügbar sein werden!

ich hab gehört dass es keine neuen fahrzeuge geben wird, sondern nur fehler behoben werden usw. kanns aber nicht 100%ig versichern:rolleyes:

wie läuft des dann wenn man 1.5 und DC 0.6 im moment hat?

1. 1.6er patch und dann 0.7 drüber?


Wie von den DC entwicklern heute angekündigt wurde, wird DC 0.7 nächsten Freitag, dem 6.2. 2004 erscheinen!

es ist eine optimierungsversion in der nur bugs und probleme mit lag behoben werden!
Bearbeitet von ReDeR am 02.02.2004, 11:52


† 18.03.2006
Registered: Jan 2003
Location: lnz/(hgb)
Posts: 1480
Für alle die scheinbar das suchen (nachschauen nicht freut)
hier mal die changelist:
The 1.6 patch radically changes the format for the maplist.con file. The 1.6 README has all the necessary details, but note that your current maplists will not work when you update to the 1.6 patch.

New Map - Liberation of Caen:
Liberation of Caen is a new map for BF1942 owners. It includes a whole new army, the Canadians. The army includes the Sexton SPA and the Lynx scout car, as well as new skins, flags, voice overs, and a new Assault rifle and the Johnson M1941 LMG. The Germans in this map are also equipped with a new scout vehicle, the Kettenkrad.

New Map - Raid on Agheila:
Raid on Agheila is a new map playable for owners of the Secret Weapons of WWII expansion pack. This exciting map adds a bevy of new vehicles, including mobile spawn points, stationary rocket launchers, a new tank, new self-propelled artillery, and the Flettner, an experimental helicopter.

Modifications to Existing Maps:
# The Russian dive bomber, Ilyushin IL-2, has replaced one of the Yak 9 fighters in Kursk and Kharkov
# Battle of Britain can now be played using Objective Mode. Secret Weapons of WWII expansion pack is NOT required to play Battle of Britain in this mode
# Invasion of the Philippines has been slightly revised. The Japanese Destroyer has been rotated to face North, giving the Japanese a better chance at the start. The out of bounds area has been pushed back, and ticket bleeds have been slightly reduced

Client Specific Changes/Bug Fixes

Added support for Punkbuster anti-cheat software:
# Visit http://www.evenbalance.com/ for more information.

In-game HUD Player and Map Voting Interface Via Scoreboard:
# To access the new scoreboard features either enter the spawn interface and click the Scoreboard button, or press TAB. (NB- clicking the right mouse button while holding down TAB will give you a cursor- clicking on the 'lock' button will lock the scoreboard onscreen.)
# Features of the new scoreboard:
* Add buddies.
* Vote to kick players.
* Vote to kick a player on your team (only your team can vote).
* Vote for maps.
* All players can be seen through scrolling the score list.
* Integrated vote dialog to respond to vote requests.
* Added two new key bindings map to Yes and No for the vote response dialog
(default: Yes: 7 and No: 8).
* Added a new key binding for quick access to the map vote dialog (default: INSERT).
* Please note that if you already have these keys bound in your custom profile you will need to assign these functions to other keys or use for them to work.

Improved Server Browser:
# Support for favorite servers as a separate list accessible from the filters pane. NOTE: The favorite servers list must be refreshed manually to reflect the latest information from these servers.
# Added button to place server in favorites list.
# Much better filters and updated performance.

Added new filter buttons:
* Populated only
* Favorites
* Pure Servers (Content Check)
* PunkBuster only
# Server Information pane will now detail which mods are present in the server rotation - Fixed the "Add server" button in the in-game server browser- now works for servers that use the standard GameSpy BF1942 ports.
# Added button which takes you to the server rental service website.
# Added LEGEND button (looks like question mark). This details what the main icons represent in the Server Browser Interface.

Other Fixes / Changes:
# The game.listPlayers command shows the cd key hash of the local player
# Slightly improved loading speed of maps
# Fixed sinking destroyer bug
# Changed APC exit point to minimize certain exploits
# Fixed an exploit involving damage to Aircraft Carriers
# Fixed crash bug when a dead bot was thrown through a window or door

Dedicated Server Specific Changes / Bug Fixes:

Win32 Dedicated Server Implemented Through Back-port of the Linux Dedicated Server:
# Runs in console mode displaying a status monitor with an interactive console.
# The server uses a different binary than the game (bf1942_w32ded.exe).
# Status monitor changes (compared to Linux server 1.5)
* Added chat feedback.
* Added number of tickets and current round number.
* Added game state (playing, paused, etc.).

Added Support for Mixing Mods, Maps and Game Modes in the Maplist:
# (NOTE: This is only supported from the dedicated server GUI)

Please note that all old maplists are incompatible with this new feature and will have to be created again. Running the server with an old map list will not work.
# As a result of this the game.serverGamePlayMode command in the ServerSettings.con file and the +game command line argument are now obsolete for dedicated servers and should not be used.
# The Maplist.con was changed to allow three arguments:
* game.addLevel < mapname > < game mode > < mod >, e.g.
* game.addLevel Gazala GPM_CQ bf1942
** NOTE : the following commands now also use this functionality:
* admin.changeMap
* admin.setNextLevel
# Updated the DedicatedServer.exe launcher program to allow for creation of maplists with the new functionality.

Updated Chat System
# Fixed "chat lag" by streaming messages over a high-priority channel.
# Added basic flood protection which prevents players from taking to much chat bandwidth by "spamming".
# Added chat text as messages to the status monitor console.

GameSpy/ASE Host Reporting Changes:
* Added (kills/deaths) to ASE score format.
* Added roundTimeLeft to GameSpy keys.
* Added reporting of cd key hashes to GameSpy keys.
* Added active_mods key showing all mods in map cycle.
* Added content_check key showing content checking mode.
* Converted GameSpy reporting keys to lowercase and replaced spaces with underscores to facilitate filtering in external browsers.

Upgraded XML Logging Format to 1.1
* Added support for CD key hashes for players.
* Fixed a few spelling errors for keys.
* Fixed a bug where compressed XML logs where sometimes being corrupted.
* Escapes non-printable characters as bf:nonprint tags.
* Added chat text messages to the XML stream.

Updated Banning System:
# Bans can be set on CD key hashes as well as IP addresses.
# Timeouts can be specified in these ways:
* admin.banPlayerKey [timeout]
# Where timeout can take one of these formats:
# * Omitted or 'perm' meaning that the ban is permanent
* An integral number meaning the number of seconds the ban will be active (i.e. 3600 means one hour)
* 'round', meaning the ban is active until the next map
* An integral number prepended by a colon (i.e. :1234567), meaning the epoch exporation time of the ban (number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970). This option is most usable by external tools.
# IP address bans continue to work as earlier but include the new timeout options as well.
# Bans are stored as absolute times in banlist.con. Existing bans in banlist.con will be interpreted as permanent bans


Registered: Nov 2002
Location: 4C4
Posts: 19800
Zitat von p.schuesser
wie läuft des dann wenn man 1.5 und DC 0.6 im moment hat?

1. 1.6er patch und dann 0.7 drüber?

Ist eigentlich egal, es sei denn die 0.7er benötigt BF1.6 (was ich ehrlich gesagt nicht glaube)


Slow "mod-tion"
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: germany
Posts: 2238
und sind dann die 2 neuen bf maps auch in DC verfügbar?


Here to stay
Registered: May 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 1099
hach ich steh auf BF, wuascht welcher patch :D

click to enlarge


My Little Pwny
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Scotland
Posts: 13504
ah, jeder Patch bringt Freude :)


.:: unnahbar ::.
Registered: Jul 2000
Location: hagenberg
Posts: 2680
tja wird zeit dass du wieder nach hagenberg kommst Spikx und auf den server joinst :)



My Little Pwny
Registered: Jan 2002
Location: Scotland
Posts: 13504
Zitat von samrider
tja wird zeit dass du wieder nach hagenberg kommst Spikx und auf den server joinst :)

jo :)


Najo es muas afoch mehr und regelmäßig BF gspüt werden im Heim ;)
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