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BF1942 Patch 1.4

Cobase 11.06.2003 - 21:02 1240 20


Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Linz
Posts: 17908


New Features

Support for Q-Tracker.
Added ability to reserve slots with a password.
Added spawn points for some airfields.
Bug Fixes
Support to use the same remote console port on two different BF1942 servers.
Remote console now works on Windows98/Me.
The free camera is now predicted on the client to give better control.
Underscores now work for remote commands executed from the in-game console.


New Features

The console command Soldier.CameraShakeFactor 1.0> toggles the camera shake in 1st person on/off.
Two new weapons replacing earlier weapons used in the game
Type 99- Japanese Assault rifle
DP 1928- Russian Assault rifle
Improvement of game feeling
Slight delays when turning, jumping and pulling out new weapons for a smoother and tighter experience.
Recoil animations changed.
Improved Death Cam: can now be configured to disable `Reveal Killer' mode.
Gameplay Fixes
AA Guns do not cause splash damage when hitting sandbags.
Mines now detonate when vehicles go in reverse over them.
Infantry can now aim a full 180 degrees up and down in the 1st person view.
Camera shakes when firing weapons mounted on vehicles.
A pixel added to the center of the cross hair (server option).
Disabled ability to repair land-based vehicles in hangars.
Rear gunner for Stuka/SBD/Ai-chi-val now have cross hair.
Added friendly mine indicators to HUD.
Increased bayonette damage to cause instant kill.
Deviation time goes back to normal after running faster.
Less damage to planes from stationary machineguns.
Road to Rome bombers re-balanced.
Physics improvments
The collision bug where you could push another player into an object or building as been looked over and fixes have been added.
Graphical Improvements
New and improved parachute landing animation in 1st person view.
Lightmaps on ships implemented. Radeon cards might not render these correctly.
Increased visual effect for AA-gun airplane hits.
Improved hit particle effect when shooting at infantry.
Road to Rome British soldiers get the Sten Gun.
Faulty Defgun death effect fixed.
Fixed a bug with B17 flaps that caused them not to appear on clients.
Bazooka/Panzerschrek smoke trails changed.
Improved pre-caching when loading maps, reducing stalls when new objects are loaded in during game.
Sound improvements and optimizations
New and improved Sounds in 1st person view
Increased volume of impacts
Louder explosions for grenades
New Sound for the Axis Assualt rifle STG44
Scoreboard now shows current server's name, IP address and Map name.
Scoreboard now lists player ID for all players.
Buddylist is now saved to profile and retained between maps.
Text messages and kill messages from buddies are color coded green.
Bug causing the display of text messages and playing of radio messages when map start in a MP game fixed.
Screenshots can now also be taken of the score board.
Paste (Ctrl-V) in 'Add Server' box added.
Voting system feedback improvements
You can see what vote is currently active (which map or player is being voted for).
You can see how many votes that have been cast and how many that are necessary for the votes to be successful.
When a vote has failed you get to know which one and why (how many voted for it and how many were necessary).
AI improvements
AI bots more responsive to radio commands.


Content check currently only works with official Battlefield 1942 and RTR files/maps. If you try to run a server with a user created map/mod installed and turn content check on, clients might not be able to join.

If you try to connect to a Road to Rome server that is running a Road to Rome map and you don't have Road to Rome installed, you will see a "data differs from server" message.[/QUOTE]


Here to stay
Registered: May 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 1098
file gibts bald auf bf1942.at zum saugen


Deleted User
Registered: n/a
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Ich hab DEN moment den server fertiginstalled, eine stats seite auf die 1.3er Version angepasst und jetzt kommt die 1.4er raus.



Registered: Jun 2001
Location: Linz
Posts: 17908
BTW: Es gibt auch ein inkrementelles Update.


OC Addicted
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: salzburg
Posts: 1888
1.3 wäre eh auch alt
1.31 gab es auch schon


Here to stay
Registered: May 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 1098
5min angetestet.

fette sounds.
nette waffenmodels.

mehr kann i noch net sagen :)


aka AngelOfDeath
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: St. Pölten
Posts: 1482
Battlefield 1942 1.4 Incremental Patch (29.5 MB)
Battlefield 1942 1.4 Patch Download Links (70 MB)

hab den patch jetzt getestet und recht überzeugt hat er mich nicht, nach 5 minuten spielen sind schon wieder die ersten bugs aufgetaucht, darunter diese hässlichen roten striche (sieht man erst in der vergrößerten ansicht):
click to enlarge
also ich werd sicher beim alten 1.31 bleiben
Bearbeitet von AoD am 11.06.2003, 23:14


Here to stay
Registered: May 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 1098
aha? d.h. du spielst weder online noch lan?


ich find 1.4 nett. besonders als flieger hast du nicht mehr das problem, dass dich jeder nuub mit nem mg42/browning runterholen kann. ;)


Little Overclocker
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: Steiermark
Posts: 85
jezt gibts ja auch einen leveleditor zum runterladen


OC Addicted
Registered: Mar 2001
Location: .us|FL
Posts: 1005
lol angel, schaut ja xtreme oag aus ... hab ich noch nie gesehn
kann aber auch an graka liegen oder so ...


aka AngelOfDeath
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: St. Pölten
Posts: 1482
aber wieso seh ich sowas zum ersten mal? ich spiel schon seit dezember battlefield mit allen patches und in den ersten 5 minuten nach dem 1.4er patch installieren, sind auf einmal die stricherl da. hab BF neu installiert + Patch 1.31 drübergespielt: Funktioniert wieder alles.
hatte bis jetzt noch nie probleme mit meiner graka, außer dass sie alt, langsam und nochmal langsam ist (siehe fps auf dem screenshot :p)


OC Addicted
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: salzburg
Posts: 1888
echt super der 1.4er patch

die neue japanische assault riffle ist fett :D


Here to stay
Registered: May 2003
Location: Wien
Posts: 1098
wieso seh ich eigentlich nie jemanden von oc.at auf servern spielen?
ok, der Angelofdeath manchmal.... aber den rest hier hab ich noch nie gesehen. wie spielts ihr immer?


Schweine an die Macht
Registered: Dec 2001
Location: Deutschland
Posts: 2849
auf welchen servern spielt ihr?
auf den public sind ziemlich viele idioten unterwegs imho.
das nervt ein wenig.


aka AngelOfDeath
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: St. Pölten
Posts: 1482
das beste ist man installiert "The All Seeing Eye" und wählt dann als Land "Austria" aus :D und schon hat man dann keine server mit idioten ;)
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