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Battlecraft 1.1 (BF1942 Editor)

AngelOfDeath 29.07.2003 - 15:12 482 1


aka AngelOfDeath
Registered: Nov 2002
Location: St. Pölten
Posts: 1482
Es ist endlich so weit! Battlecraft ist in der Version 1.1 released worden und die Verbesserungen sind enorm.

Download the OPEN BETA Battlecraft 1942 v1.1 Map Editor (12.9 MB)
New tools, changes, and notes for version 1.1

Surface Map Painter
A new map-style tool, lets you paint textures and colors directly on to your map. To enter Surface Map Painter mode, press the palette shortcut on the toolbar, next to the object mapper button. Once activated, you will see a "brushes" drop down list on the right, a darken tool, a lighten tool, a material painter tool (which, it is important to note, does not actually paint the materials -- example: the sound of a soldier stepping on an area of "wet grass" material that has had "rock surface" painted on it will still make the "wet grass" sound) a texture blender for smoothing out rough edges, and a color selector. At far right is a drop down menu with textures -- only used, of course, if you are using the material painter.

Undo has been implemented. It is functional in all mapper modes. Undo will function on every change you have made to an object, but cannot function if you have since selected a new object. There is no redo. Keyboard shortcut is CTRL-Z Undo does not function in Surface Map Painter mode.

Con File Editor
Now you can edit your level's con files without unpacking and repacking. The Battelcraft 1942 con file editor allows you to open and make changes to your level's con files. VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you save your level after editing con files, your con files will be overwritten. So, save your level first, then edit your con files (saving each individually through the con file editor), then exit without saving the level in general. Also, we suggest heartily that if you've made many changes to your con files you'd be sad to lose, copy and paste them into a word document -- that way they'll be perfectly safe.

In order to prevent the pain and suffering of accidentally moving an object you just spent a half hour moving into just the right position, you now have the option to lock objects in place. In fact, objects come into being locked into place -- you'll have to use the unlock button (one of a group of three new new buttons to the right of the toolbar). After you're done jockeying your object into place, lock it up. You can also lock all objects at once by hitting "lock all objects".

CTRL-Click Functionality
Now when you're selecting an object inside another object (such as an ammo box inside a house) a dialogue box will ask you which of the two (or both) you want to select, making transportation of your nicely-set-up houses a snap.

Nudge Tool
To ease perfect placement of objects, the nudge tool allows you to inplement very small changes to the X and Y positioning of the object. Just select the object, select the new nudge tool from the object manipulation toolbar (it's red, right next to the "rotate objects on the Z axis" button. Then just click and drag, and your object will move with you... hold down CTRL to slow the speed of movement -- and remember to lock it when you've nudged it into just the right place.

Editor Options
You can increase or decrease your viewing distance through editor options, found under "edit".

Copy To
This pseudo "save as" creates a complete copy of your level .rfa, named whatever you like. Note that after using this, the editor stays on the original level. NOTE: Because of the way Battlefield 1942 handles appended filenames DON'T RENAME FILES USING NUMBERS. In other words, don't make "My_Cool_Level2.rfa". Battlefield 1942 will treat it as an appendix to "My_Cool_Level" and problems will arise.

Generate Material Map
Found under tools, this allows you to specify whether materials will be auto-generated using either height or angle as a reference.

A handy bunchy of tips now display at startup. These cannot be deselected until you have read (or at least scrolled through) all of them. We advise reading them.


* The "red orb of terrain editing" has been removed.
* Terrain editing tools for carve and raise have been reworked to be smoother.
* Custom mouse icons have been added for all tools.
* Level tree can now be resized.
* Changed the name of the default theater to “Europe”.
* Added uninstaller to start menu.


* Fixed crash bug with running Test Level on MOD other than bf1942
* Fixed crash bug on creating new MOD of same name then deleting duplicate one in the list
* Fixed bug with selecting "NO" in new MOD dialog upon install of BC42
* Fixed creating new MOD with no characters in name
* Fixed texture rendering problem on Radeon 9x Pro video cards
* Addressed memory issues when generating by clearing surface maps before-hand
* Fixed Mini Map to update properly
* Fixed Offsets on Surface Map Assignments dialog
* Fixed mini-map cursor movement in normal windowstate
* Fixed maxnumberofobjects

Using the Surface Map Painter for Fun and Profit
Battlecraft 1942 Version Beta 1.1
OPEN BETA Battlecraft 1942 Map Editor Readme File[/quote]
Bearbeitet von AoD am 29.07.2003, 15:15


Registered: Mar 2001
Location: VIENNE
Posts: 3335
nett und hat es schon jemand ausprobiert ? macht sicher spass wenn man sich auskennt
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