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2v2 ist tot :(

d3cod3 19.06.2009 - 00:14 2758 16


Here to stay
Registered: May 2002
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Posts: 3285
als shadow sehr interessant, ausser sp/rogue gibts keine ernstzunehmende combo. find mal einen druiden oder wl+shami für 3v3 der sich heutzutage sowas noch antut ;) (wenn man doch auch stupide mit dem xten twinkdk irgendein cleaveteam machen kann und weitaus weniger koordination braucht) und im 5er kann man mit sogut wie jeder klasse ersetzt werden.


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After further consideration, and after hearing from many players, we are going to change how we approach the 2 vs. 2 arena bracket in Arena Season 7. We still think the 3 vs. 3 and 5 vs. 5 brackets will ultimately offer the best play experience, especially for very competitive gamers for whom game class balance issues are most noticeable. However, we recognize that many players just prefer to play in the 2 vs. 2 bracket and will miss the chance to earn the current season's gear. Therefore, we are going to still allow the 2 vs. 2 bracket to grant access to the current season of gear with three important exceptions: the current season's weapons will not be available for purchase, the current season’s shoulder armor will not be available for purchase, and players will not qualify for the Gladiator title/rewards unless you earn the appropriate rating in the 3 vs. 3 or 5 vs. 5 bracket. We look forward to the changes in the next major content patch and hope to have a great next Arena Season.

naja, besser als nix. immerhin hören sie ein bissl auf die spieler :p
tut zwar noch weh aber man kann immerhin meiste zeit 2v2 spielen und nur das notwendige an 3v3.
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