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über lan booten?

maxwell 12.10.2001 - 08:27 412 11


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ich hÀBE EINE HEIM NETZWERK UND HABE EINMAL VERSUCHT ÜBER LAN ZU BOOT aber das hat nicht gefunzt was muss ich noch im bios einstellen ausser das der 1st boot über das lan läuft???


iam a l4hm3 nubi © DAO
Registered: Oct 2000
Location: Wien
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sorry vorweg für die frage:
hast du eine Wake on LAN karte ?
--> wake on lan kabel angeschlossen ?


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ja hab ich ist sogar angeschlossen


iam a l4hm3 nubi © DAO
Registered: Oct 2000
Location: Wien
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so bin zufaul selber zuschreiben :D ...


You must have an ATX 2.01 (or above)-compliant power supply, and an ATX motherboard with a WOL connector.
You must have a WOL-compliant network card with a WOL connector. An example is the 3Com Fast Etherlink XL PCI 3C905B-TX, but not the 3Com Fast Etherlink XL PCI 3C905B-TX-NM (non-managed).
Compare the WOL pin descriptions for your network card and for your motherboard. The must be identical; otherwise, your motherboard or power supply may be damaged.
Your BIOS must support WOL, and the WOL option in your BIOS setup must be enabled. If you don't see a WOL option, check the manufacturer of your motherboard for an updated BIOS.
Your network card drivers must also support WOL; check with your network card manufacturer for the latest drivers.

Configuring your Network Card:
In order for WOL to work, your network card must go into "standby mode" when you power down your computer. If any of your network card's lights are still lit after you shut down, then it's configured properly, and you can skip the rest of this section. Othewise, if none of the lights remain lit after powering down, you'll need to do the following.

Double-click the Network icon in Control Panel, or right-click on your Network Neighborhood icon and select Properties.
Select your WOL-compliant network adapter from the list, click Properties, and choose the Advanced tab.
Highlight NDIS Driver Version, and change it's value to NDIS 4 (the default setting is Auto Select). If either the Advanced tab or the NDIS Driver Version setting are missing, then you'll need to obtain more up-to-date drivers from the manufacturer of your network card.
Also in the Advanced tab, change the settings for Wake on Link and Wake on Magic Packet accordingly, if they're there.
When you're done, click Ok, and then Ok again. Confirm that you want to restart Windows when asked.
After restarting, shut down and check the light again. If it still doesn't work, contact from the manufacturer of your network card for support.

Waking a Computer Remotely with WOL:
In order to wake a shut-down computer with WOL properly configured, you need a program that can send the proper packets over your network. The following programs do this:

LANDesk Client Manager, revision 3.10 or later, by Intel. This software comes with most WOL-compliant motherboards.
Magic Packet by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). This software is a free download from AMD.
Bearbeitet von H.E.N.K am 12.10.2001, 08:37


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danke für die nfo


Hoffnungsloser Optimist
Registered: Mar 2000
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Ähm, was hat WOL mit LAN-Boot zu tun?


Registered: Apr 2001
Location: Drehstuhl :)
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er meint glaub i ned, dass er den pc von wo anders aufwecken will, sondern dass er übers netzwerk booten will...

auf deiner netzwerkkarte sollte ein sockel frei sein, da musst du irgendan chip dafür besorgen und sowas... kA genau ;)

EDIT: in diesem chip is der boot-rom, der den server kontaktiert...
Bearbeitet von wobbo am 12.10.2001, 23:47


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genau über lan booten nich aufwecken


Here to stay
Registered: Sep 2001
Posts: 1917
hast a nic mit bootrom?


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doch aber ich will es nur einmal versuchen
einfach nur zum fun


pädagogisch wertvoll
Registered: Sep 2000
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tja dann brauchst du ein OS das du über LAN booten kannst (den server auch dazu) den richtigen boot rom und geduld, a bissal glück und a bissal geschick....


Deleted User
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danke ich ahb mir das einfacher vorgestellt aber danke
für nur fun ist das für mich zu ein großer zeitaufwand
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